Search results for ""baywood publishing company inc""
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Envisioning the Dream Through Art and Science
This monograph is the product of an interdisciplinary experiment--an artistic experiment and a psychological experiment--focused on dreams. Inspired by the prevalence of dream imagery and "dream logic" in surrealist art, the authors asked 100 art students to create digital images representing critical scenes from one of their dreams, then to create a surrealist collage from the digital images. The resulting collages tend to capture the surreality envisioned in actual works of surrealist art, as two collages included in the book illustrate. Inspired also by the psychological problem of studying other minds, the authors asked the 100 art students to describe their dream in writing, to interpret their dream, and to complete two personality measures: the Short Form of the Boundary Questionnaire and the Brief Symptom Inventory. The art students' scores on particular personality scales were found to be statistically associated with particular dream aspects, many of which are visually observable in the digitized dream images created by art students with particular personalities but are not verbally discernible in the dream descriptions written by those same students. The appendix contains, for each art student, the digitally imaged dream, the written description and written interpretation of the dream, and scores on the Boundary Questionnaire and on the depression, anxiety, hostility, and somatization scales of the Brief Symptom Inventory. The book concludes with a bibliography and an index to some of the visual elements in the 100 digitized dream images.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Friendgrief: An Absence Called Presence
This book not only examines friendgrief from a theoretical and clinical framework, but also Smith offers fascinating vignettes from the lives of well-known friendgrievers such as Elton John, Diane Sawyer, Ralph Abernathy, C. S. Lewis, Harry Truman, Tommy Lasorda, Jimmy Carter, Fritz Mondale, Bill Clinton, Calvin Trillin, and Alan King. The author includes moving narratives of numerous individuals who have never gained notoriety but have become seasoned friendgrievers.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Letters from a Friend: A Sibling's Guide to Coping and Grief
This unique workbook is a comprehensive compilation of therapeutic activities developed to address the needs and issues of children and adolescents following the death of a brother or sister. The workbook is organized into distinct topic-specific sections relating to sibling hospitalisation, illness, injury, and death. Games, creative writing, and drawing exercises offer opportunities to share feelings and relay experiences in a non-threatening format.. Letters from a Friend may be used by children or teens independently to create a personal journal of their bereavement and coping processes as well as a chronicle of their lives as surviving siblings.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Dependent Convergence: The Struggle to Control Petrochemical Hazards in Brazil and the United States
Comparative analyses of social actors and policy outcomes in Bahia and Texas show the similarities and differences in the actors and the policies adopted in each case. As a result of historical and structural developments in Bahia and Texas, Cetrel operates under pollution-control standards and technologies for protecting the environment and workers that are similar to those of the GCA. This convergent trend is characterized as dependent convergence between developing and developed countries. The author makes recommendations for stronger international solidarity among progressive forces in developed and developing countries to promote preventive alternatives to pollution control.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Awareness of Mortality
All of us who work in the field of death and dying are, beyond our projects and our practices, working on our awareness of our own mortality. This richly stimulating collection of original articles challenges the reader to develop a disciplined and focused awareness of his/her own mortality, and to grapple with the implications. "Awareness of Mortality" contributes to the basic and passionate intellectual quest for meaning in thanatology. It provokes the reader with a wide range of ideas and thinking styles to deepen the questioning process within his/her own self. "Awareness of Mortality" explores issues in philosophy, ethics, developmental psychology, psychoanalytic psychology, idealistic humanism, sociology, spiritual traditions, and other humanities that thanatology overlaps. "Awareness of Mortality" is an introduction to a broad-based philosophical thanatology.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Grandparenting in the United States
The contributors to Grandparenting in the United States, edited by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Ynesse Abdul-Malak of Syracuse University, use a variety of quantitative and qualitative data sets to assess how grandparenting, and its impacts, vary by living arrangements, economic status, education, gender, race, ethnicity, and other stratifying variables. Some papers assess how the provision of financial assistance, particularly during economic downturns, may be easily absorbed or financially detrimental. Others demonstrate how immigrant grandparents navigate multiple sets of cultural expectations to provide childcare to their grandchildren. Some show how Hispanic grandparents acculturation level is linked to childcare and financial transfer across generations. Others emphasize the extent to which schoolchildren with disabilities are more likely to receive grandparent care, particularly if the mother is single. Some reveal how custodial grandmothers are significantly more likely to be poor, face social isolation, and report poorer health. Others enumerate the positive, and negative, impacts of frequent interaction for both generations. In total, the volume underscores the impact of evolving diversification of grandparenting across multiple generations.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Political And Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well-Being:: Controversies and Developments
The field of social inequalities in health continues its vigorous growth in the early years of the 21st century. This volume, following in the footsteps of Vicente Navarro's edited collection The Political Economy of Social Inequalities, is a compilation of recent contributions to the areas of social epidemiology, health disparities, health economics, and health services research. The overarching theme is to describe and explain the evergrowing health inequalities across social class, race, and gender, as well as neighborhood, city, region, country, and continent. The approach of this book is distinctly multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary: the fields of public health, population health, epidemiology, economics, sociology, political science, philosophy, medicine, and history are all represented here.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Beyond Gender Differences: Adaptation to Aging in Life Course Perspective
Putting gender in a lifespan context, Hatch (sociology, U. of Kentucky) atypically accents the gains as well as losses of aging and sex differences in adaptation overall, to the death of a spouse, and to retirement. From the multifactored theoretical perspectives of symbolic interactionism and polit
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Political Economy of AIDS
Features a collection of seven research-based articles on AIDS. This work seeks to cut through popular misunderstanding and conventional ideas about the spread and impact of AIDS by employing a political economic perspective in the analysis of the epidemic in diverse settings.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Psychophysiology of Mental Imagery: Theory, Research, and Application
Serving to bridge the gap between differing approaches to psychology, this new text provides some of the most compelling evidence yet for the subjective presence and objective efficacy of the mental image. In this day and age of "dissociation" between physiological psychologists and other psychologists, between cognitive scientist and mentalist, between researchers and practitioners, mental imagery and its psychophysiology pose some intellectually "sticky" problems - and some promising resolutions - that should bind together differing disciplines within psychology.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Caring Relationships: The Dying and the Bereaved
Just as everyone must die, almost everyone will deal with death among close friends or loved ones. This collection explores the often difficult issues of human relationships with the dying, as well as the many stresses and burdens faced by the survivors.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Robbery and Redemption: Cancer as Identity Theft
First Published in 2017. This volume is a totally candid account about the facts and feelings surrounding the diagnosis of and battle against lung cancer—a battle the author waged with every ounce of his being. It has an enlightening quality because he shares how he transformed his previous knowledge of family dynamics, coping strategies, and empowerment into wisdom. He shares his journey of taking the knowledge from the Before Cancer phase of his life, “and like an alchemist, converting one raw material—his life and his diagnosis and battle—into an element quite unlike the original. Robbery and Redemption: Cancer as Identity Theft is chock-full of wisdom that has been learned the old fashioned, visceral way—from lived experience and keen reflection. This personal, upfront, “rubber-hit-the-road” treatise is a gift from the author to each reader. It is his wise interpretation of his own experiences of integrating values, problem solving, and coping strategies.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Connecting People with Technology: *Recycled ISBN* Under Bus Angels Invest Dec
This book explores five important areas where technology affects society, and suggests ways in which human communication can facilitate the use of that technology.Usability has become a foundational discipline in technical and professional communication that grows out of our rhetorical roots, which emphasize purpose and audience. As our appreciation of audience has grown beyond engineers and scientists to lay users of technology, our appreciation of the diversity of those audiences in terms of age, geography, and other factors has similarly expanded.We are also coming to grips with what Thomas Friedman calls the 'flat world,' a paradigm that influences how we communicate with members of other cultures and speakers of other languages. And because most of the flatteners are either technologies themselves or technology-driven, technical and professional communicators need to leverage these technologies to serve global audiences.Similarly, we are inundated with information about world crises involving health and safety issues. These crises are driven by the effects of terrorism, the aging population, HIV/AIDS, and both human-made and natural disasters. These issues are becoming more visible because they are literally matters of life and death. Furthermore, they are of special concern to audiences that technical and professional communicators have little experience targeting - the shapers of public policy, seniors, adolescents, and those affected by disaster.Biotechnology is another area that has provided new roles for technical and professional communicators. We are only beginning to understand how to communicate the science accurately without either deceiving or panicking our audience. We need to develop a more sophisticated understanding of how communication can shape reactions to biotechnology developments. Confronting this complex network of issues, we're challenged to fashion both our message and the audience's perceptions ethically.Finally, today's corporate environment is being shaped by technology and the global nature of business. Technical and professional communicators can play a role in capturing and managing knowledge, in using technology effectively in the virtual workplace, and in understanding how language shapes organizational culture.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc A Cop Doc's Guide to Public Safety Complex Trauma Syndrome: Using Five Police Personality Styles
"Cop Doc's Guide to Public Safety Complex Trauma Syndrome" is written in response to the need for an advanced, specialized guide for clinicians to operationally define, understand, and responsibly treat complex post-traumatic stress and grief syndromes in the context of the unique varieties of police personality styles. The book continues where Rudofossi's first book, "Working with Traumatized Police Officer Patients", left off. Theory is wed to practice and practice to effective interventions with police officer-patients. The 'how' and 'why' of a clinician's approach is made highly effective by understanding the distinct personality styles of officer-patients. Rudofossi's theoretical approach segues into difficult examples that highlight each officer-patient's eco-ethological field experience of loss in trauma, with a focus on enhancing resilience and motivation to - otherwise left disenfranchised. Thus, this original work expands the ecological-ethological existential analysis of complex PTSD into the context of personality styles, with an emphasis on resilience - without ignoring the pathological aspects of loss that often envelop officer-patient trauma syndromes.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Soul Pain: The Meaning of Suffering in Later Life
This book explores the multifaceted experience of suffering in old age. Older adults suffer from a variety of causes such as illness, loss, and life disappointment, to name a few. Suffering also occurs due to experiences related to one's gender, ethnic background, and religion. Although gerontological literature has equated suffering with depression, grief, pain and sadness, elders themselves distinguished suffering from these concepts and at the same time showed how they are linked. Narratives of suffering from community-dwelling elders are interpreted in this book, along with the personal meaning of suffering that lies within each narrative.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Fifty Years and Beyond
Containing contributions by specialists from the intergovernmental and non-governmental worlds and voices of victim/survivors, the book critically reviews the international and regional human rights systems established over the past 50 years in terms of their effectiveness for the victims of human rights violations, and provides future directions for the promotion and protection of human rights.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Breaking the Silence
Intended to psychologists, clergy, and therapists and school guidance counselors specializing in treating dysfunctional families, grief counseling for the family, unresolved grief issues, etc. This book is also especially appropriate for students of psychology and death and bereavement courses.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Quality Classroom Manager
Drawing upon thirty-two years of extensive school work (including classroom teaching, school administrator, principal, District Curricula Director responsible for change, school psychologist, and Director of Special Education and presently teaching at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse), the principals of control theory/reality therapy and Dr. William Deming's philosophy on quality management, Bob Norton created this "how-to" text to effectively achieve quality classroom management.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Corporate Transformation of Health Care: Part 1: Issues and Directions
The author explores how the corporate transformation of hospitals, HMOs, and the insurance and pharmaceutical industries has resulted in reduction in services, dangerous cost cutting, poor regulation, and corrupt research. He sheds light on the political lobbying and media manipulation that keeps the present system in place. Exposing the shortcomings of reform proposals that do little to alter the status quo, he makes a case for a workable single-payer system. This is an essential read for today's practitioners, policy makers, healthcare analysts and providers, and all those concerned with the precarious state of America's under- and uninsured.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms
Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms brings together, for the first time, a group of scholars and teachers who have been developing, on their own initiative, web-based solutions to technical and professional writing instructional problems. In industry the perennial question is whether to buy or build, but in academia, for various reasons, buy is rarely an option. Individual faculty members do not have the money to pay for software solutions, and often their interests are too local or small-scale to warrant institutional-level involvement. In addition, the design of commercial applications from vendors typically does not take into account the unique needs and considerations of teachers of writing and often reflects a design ideology quite different from theirs. This is why so many writing teachers have turned to open source solutions and, in the process of learning how to tweak them to make them more responsive to their specific needs, why so many of these teachers have developed programming and design skills. Beyond exigency, the motivation for becoming proficient at interface and database design comes from the observation that the nature of writing is changing dramatically. Text is no longer an object. It has become a place of interaction; consumers are becoming producers. And the work of technical and professional communication, indeed the work of writing teachers more generally, is becoming increasingly involved in the design and implementation of places of interaction. Words have become data; texts are becoming communities.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Envisioning Collaboration: Group Verbal-visual Composing in a System of Creativity
The dissemination of desktop publishing and web authoring software has allowed nearly everyone in industrialized countries to combine verbal and visual symbols into text. Serious multimodal projects often demand extensive teamwork, especially in the workplace. But how can collaboration engaging such different traditions of expression be conducted effectively? To address this question, Envisioning Collaboration traces the composing processes of expert graphic artists and writers preparing advertising campaigns to retain a vital national account. It examines the influences on individual and dyadic composing processes of what Csikszentmihalyi terms "the domain," in this case the disciplinary knowledge of advertising, and "the field," in this case the surrounding economic conditions and client, vendor, customer, and agency executive gatekeepers. Based on a 460-hour participant-observation and intensive computerized data analysis, Envisioning Collaboration is the first book to meticulously examine collaborative creative processes at an award-winning advertising agency, including audience analysis, branding, collaborative "moves," power and conflict management, uses of humor, degree of mindfulness, and effectiveness. The findings indicate the role of concepts in generating common texts by artists and writers, the role of the visual in individuals' composing, verbal-visual rhetorical elements in processes and products, and which verbal-visual techniques were most generative. Findings are related to pertinent research in technical and business writing, rhetoric and composition, and some key research in visual design, communication, advertising, neurolinguistics, management, and psychology. The book concludes with a pedagogical/training unit incorporating "gateway activities" for effective verbal-visual composition and collaboration.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Tortured Science: Health Studies, Ethics and Nuclear Weapons in the United States
The U.S.A. s nuclear weapons program has exposed workers and the public to health hazards since World War II. In the 1980s and 1990s, federal health agencies responded to new revelations about these hazards by pouring millions of dollars into research on the health impacts of radiation. In Tortured Science: Health Studies, Ethics and Nuclear Weapons in the United States , community health activists and researchers reflect on the research program for addressing the health effects of nuclear weapons production at Hanford, WA, Rocky Flats, CO, Livermore Labs, CA, and Fernald, OH. The authors describe conflicts of interest, data suppression, technical inadequacies, and other examples of how researchers failed in their social responsibility to the affected human populations. The research program s health studies did not lead to any meaningful follow-up on the major health concerns of community members, nor have they helped communities seek reparations for high radiation exposures that may have contributed to thyroid, bone, lung and other diseases. In Tortured Science , several ethicists review these health research problems. Research ethics as a discipline seeks to protect individuals and groups, obtain approval from affected communities, mitigate potential research harms, and guard against vigilance, scientific contrivance, denial, and suppression of findings. Such protections were not adequately provided in the research program on the health effects of nuclear weapons production, as critiqued in the ethical reviews. This book compels us to develop a new ethical framework for scientific research on military-industrial and other sources of contamination. Intended Audience: Public health professionals; graduates/undergraduates in public health, community health, environmental studies, epidemiology, medical anthropology, public sociology, ethics/religious studies, and science policy; government health researchers at federal health agencies, centres for ethics and bioethics (private/academic), and community health organisations; community-based researchers and environmental organisations; nuclear weapons and peace organisations.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Neoliberalism, Globalization, and Inequalities: Consequences for Health and Quality of Life
Since U.S. President Reagan and U.K. Prime Minister Thatcher, a major ideology (under the name of economic science) has been expanded worldwide that claims that the best policies to stimulate human development are those that reduce the role of the state in economic and social lives: privatizing public services and public enterprises, deregulating the mobility of capital and labor, eliminating protectionism, and reducing public social protection. This ideology, called 'neoliberalism,' has guided the globalization of economic activity and become the conventional wisdom in international agencies and institutions (such as the IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization, and the technical agencies of the United Nations, including the WHO). Reproduced in the 'Washington consensus' in the United States and the 'Brussels consensus' in the European Union, this ideology has guided policies widely accepted as the only ones possible and advisable.This book assembles a series of articles that challenge that ideology. Written by well-known scholars, these articles question each of the tenets of neoliberal doctrine, showing how the policies guided by this ideology have adversely affected human development in the countries where they have been implemented.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Labor-environmental Coalitions: Lessons from a Louisiana Petrochemical Region
In 1984, the oil, chemical and atomic workers began a 5-year campaign to win back the jobs of its members locked out by the BASF Corp. in Geismar, Louisiana. The multiscale campaign involved coalitions with local environmentalists as well as international solidarity from environmental and religious organizations. The local coalition which helped break the lockout was maintained and expanded in the 1990s. This alliance is one of numerous labor-community coalitions to emerge increasingly over the past 20 years.""Labor-Environmental Coalitions: Lessons from a Louisiana Petrochemical Region"" traces the development of the Louisiana Labor-Neighbor Project from 1985 to the present, within the context of a long history of divisions between labor and community in the U.S. The Project continued after the lockout, thriving during 1990s, expanding from one community to four counties to include 20 local member organizations, and broadening its agenda from the original jobs crisis and pollution problems to address a wide range of worker, environmental health, and economic justice issues."" Labor-Environmental Coalitions"" explores the dynamics of the Louisiana coalition to offer lessons for other coalition efforts. The book seeks to understand coalitions as a necessary strategy to counteract the dominant forces of capitalist development. The author contends that the Labor-Neighbor Project, like labor-community coalitions generally, created a unique blend of politics shaped by the geographic nature industry's politics; by the relative openness of government; and by the class experience of labor and community members.The Louisiana Project demonstrates that for labor-community coalitions to thrive they must broaden their agenda, strengthen their leadership and coalition-building skills, and develop access to multiscale resources. The author argues that for labor-community coalitions to have longer term political impact, they should adopt an explicitly progressive approach by building a broader class and cultural leadership, and by demanding state and corporate accountability on economic, public health, and environmental justice issues.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Corporate Social Responsibility Failures in the Oil Industry
Corporate Social Responsibility Failures in the Oil Industry directly challenges the oil industry's claims of corporate good citizenship, now widely advanced as part of a global public relations initiative. The volume spans the industry's reach, from the troubled waters of the UK offshore Continental Shelf, with its horrendous legacy of the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster, to the inhospitable shores of Newfoundland with its own tragic legacy of lost lives; to the new frontier of oil corporate colonialism in the former Soviet Union and the icy plains of Alaska. The central theme of violations of basic labour rights and of health and environmental protection standards will make uncomfortable reading in the boardroom. It is equally essential reading for those who seek to improve the position of workers and industries within the oil industry's global reach.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Reflections on Death, Dying and Bereavement: A Manual for Clergy, Counsellors and Speakers
The methodology of "Reflections on Death, Dying and Bereavement" is mainly philosophical. It is intended to complement scriptural and theological studies. The volume has five main sections that are further divided by chapter. The first section contains foundational considerations. Since the belief in a continuation of life after death or reunion with deceased loved ones offers consolation to many people, the book examines the possibility of human immortality. Various rational arguments are also presented.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Life's End: Technocratic Dying in an Age of Spiritual Yearning
The explicit purpose of this book is to analyze dying and death in the cosmopolitan, modern setting. There is, however, an additional theme that is implicit in the analysis and observations. The portrait of dying, which is provided in the pages of the book, also tells us a great deal about life. It demonstrates that the foundation for the medicalization of death that piercingly shapes the life experience of dying persons and loved ones is a product of the ways of life in the broader culture.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Publications Management: Essays for Professional Communicators
"Publications Management: Essays for Professional Communicators" is a collection of essays designed for use in academic programs in technical and professional communication and for communication professionals in the workplace. The contributors include publications managers in the workplace and academics who teach in technical and professional communication programs. Their multiple perspectives offer a broad introduction to some of the important issues publications.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Loss and Grief Recovery: Help Caring for Children with Disabilities, Chronic, or Terminal Illness
The grief reaction is often similar for many diverse circumstances and situations. This book focuses heavily on caring for children with disabilities, chronic or terminal illness, dealing with the loss, and the recovery process.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Struggle for Workers' Health
To better understand how strong worker protection systems differ from weak ones, this volume reports and interprets a study carried out in six nations-Sweden, Finland, The German Democratic Republic, The Federal Republic of Germany, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. The work involved interviews with reputational leaders of different interest groups as well as observations, extensive document study and correspondence with key informants.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Readings in the Political Economy of Aging
Includes 16 essays which address many issues from a different perspective suggested by the experience of aging in America. This study explores the political, social, and economic realities which have an impact on Americans as they grow older.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Envisioning the Dream Through Art and Science
This monograph is the product of an interdisciplinary experiment--an artistic experiment and a psychological experiment--focused on dreams. Inspired by the prevalence of dream imagery and "dream logic" in surrealist art, the authors asked 100 art students to create digital images representing critical scenes from one of their dreams, then to create a surrealist collage from the digital images. The resulting collages tend to capture the surreality envisioned in actual works of surrealist art, as two collages included in the book illustrate. Inspired also by the psychological problem of studying other minds, the authors asked the 100 art students to describe their dream in writing, to interpret their dream, and to complete two personality measures: the Short Form of the Boundary Questionnaire and the Brief Symptom Inventory. The art students' scores on particular personality scales were found to be statistically associated with particular dream aspects, many of which are visually observable in the digitized dream images created by art students with particular personalities but are not verbally discernible in the dream descriptions written by those same students. The appendix contains, for each art student, the digitally imaged dream, the written description and written interpretation of the dream, and scores on the Boundary Questionnaire and on the depression, anxiety, hostility, and somatization scales of the Brief Symptom Inventory. The book concludes with a bibliography and an index to some of the visual elements in the 100 digitized dream images.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Deadly Documents: Technical Communication, Organizational Discourse, and the Holocaust: Lessons from the Rhetorical Work of Everyday Texts
Scholars, teachers, and practitioners of organizational, professional, and technical communication and rhetoric are target audiences for a new book that reaches across those disciplines to explore the dynamics of the Holocaust. More than a history, the book uses the extreme case of the Final Solution to illumine the communicative constitution of organizations and to break new ground on destructive organizational communication and ethics. Deadly Documents: Technical Communication, Organizational Discourse, and the Holocaust—Lessons from the Rhetorical Work of Everyday Texts starts with a microcosmic look at a single Nazi bureau. Through close rhetorical, visual, and discursive analyses of organizational and technical documents produced by the SS Security Police Technical Matters Group—the bureau that managed the Nazi mobile gas van program—author Mark Ward shows how everyday texts functioned as “boundary objects” on which competing organizational interests could project their own interpretations and temporarily negotiate consensus for their parts in the Final Solution. The initial chapters of Deadly Documents provide a historical ethnography of the SS technical bureau by closely describing the institutional and organizational cultures in which it operated and relating organizational stories told in postwar testimony by the desk-murderers themselves. Then, through examination of the primary material of their documents, Ward demonstrates how this Social Darwinist world of competing Nazi bureaucrats deployed rhetorical and linguistic resources to construct a social reality that normalized genocide. Ward goes beyond the usual Weberian bureaucratic paradigm and applies to the problem of the Holocaust both the interpretive view that sees organizations as socially constructed through communication and the postmodern view that denies the notion of a preexisting social object called an “organization” and instead situates it within larger discourses. The concluding chapters trace how contemporary scholars of professional communication have wrestled with the Nazi case and developed a consensus explanation that the desk-murderers were amoral technocrats. Though the explanation is dismissed by most historians, it nevertheless offers, Ward argues, a comforting distance between “us” and “them.” Yet, as Ward writes, “First, we will learn more about the dynamic role of everyday texts in organizational processes. Second, as we see these processes—perhaps inherent to all organized communities, including our own—at work even in the extreme case of the SS Technical Matters Group, the comforting distance that we now maintain between ‘them’ and ‘us’ is necessarily diminished. And third, our newfound discomfort may open productive spaces to revisit conventional wisdoms about the ethics of technical and organizational communication.”
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms
Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms brings together, for the first time, a group of scholars and teachers who have been developing, on their own initiative, web-based solutions to technical and professional writing instructional problems. In industry the perennial question is whether to buy or build, but in academia, for various reasons, buy is rarely an option. Individual faculty members do not have the money to pay for software solutions, and often their interests are too local or small-scale to warrant institutional-level involvement. In addition, the design of commercial applications from vendors typically does not take into account the unique needs and considerations of teachers of writing and often reflects a design ideology quite different from theirs. This is why so many writing teachers have turned to open source solutions and, in the process of learning how to tweak them to make them more responsive to their specific needs, why so many of these teachers have developed programming and design skills. Beyond exigency, the motivation for becoming proficient at interface and database design comes from the observation that the nature of writing is changing dramatically. Text is no longer an object. It has become a place of interaction; consumers are becoming producers. And the work of technical and professional communication, indeed the work of writing teachers more generally, is becoming increasingly involved in the design and implementation of places of interaction. Words have become data; texts are becoming communities.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Stalinist Genetics: The Constitutional Rhetoric of T. D. Lysenko
Stalinist Genetics focuses on the rhetoric of T. D. Lysenko, the founder of an agrobiological doctrine (Lysenkoism) in the Stalinist Soviet Union. Using not only scientific but also political and ideological arguments, Lysenko achieved an official ban on Soviet Mendelian genetics. Though the ban was brief and Lysenkoism, as a leading biological doctrine, was eventually deposed in favor of Mendelism, Lysenkoism remains a paradigmatic example of pernicious political interference in science. In this study, the critical orientation for reading Lysenko's major speeches is constitutional rhetoric. It combines Kenneth Burke's dialectic of constitutions and rhetoric of the subject. Painting a nuanced picture of intellectual, economic, ideological, and political life in the Soviet Union of the 1930s and 1940s, the book demonstrates how the rhetorics of Lysenkoism and Mendelism interacted with Stalinist culture in the fight for dominating Soviet science. The reader will learn how Lysenko's constitutional rhetoric created a space where scientific terms transformed into political and ideological ones, and vice versa. The book also shows how, in a dialectical flip, the Lysenkoist rhetoric eventually turned from tool to master. Contrary to Lysenko's intentions, his language gave his opponents, Soviet Mendelians, grounds on which to defend their science and criticize Lysenkoism. Stanchevici forcefully reasserts the blurriness of the boundaries between science and politics, and argues that scientific language reveals more plasticity and adaptability to the political situation than has hitherto been assumed. Intended Audience: Scholars in rhetoric, history, and philosophy of science; graduate or upper-division undergraduate course in the rhetoric of science or technical communication.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Prospects for Immortality: A Sensible Search for Life after Death
"Prospects for Immortality: A Sensible Search for Life After Death" theorizes how matters concerning the birth of the universe, its ultimate fate, and the creation, evolution, and final destiny of life on earth co-exist with regenerated consciousness. Readers of this volume will be prompted to think about the basic concepts of life, death, and consciousness in a unique way. Written in a style that entertains and informs, author J. Robert Adams speculates on how the transfer of memory and consciousness into the hereafter occurs in conjunction with the physical, chemical, and historical facts already established by science.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Complicated Grieving and Bereavement: Understanding and Treating People Experiencing Loss
Losses may provide a turning point where an individual faces personal and social choices. Still, one may derive significance through the experience of loss, while another may encounter bereavement with less consequence. "Complicated Grieving and Bereavement: Understanding and Treating People Experiencing Loss" examines complicated grief in special populations, including the mentally ill, POW-MIA survivors, the differentially-abled, suicide survivors, bereaved children, those experiencing death at birth, death in schools, and palliative-care death.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics
In "Eighteenth Century British Aesthetics", editor Dabney Townsend has brought together the work of such well-known writers as John Dryden, Joshua Reynolds, David Hume, and Samuel Johnson with the more obscure works of aestheticians such as Uvedale Price, Daniel Webb, John Baillie, and James Harris, whose work is difficult to find, but is nonetheless important, informative, and interesting. These twenty-two selections, accompanied by Dabney Townsend's historical essay on the development of eighteenth century aesthetics, make the history of aesthetics accessible to both students and specialists alike.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc How to Choose?: A Comparison of the U.S. and Canadian Health Care Systems
Part I of this book explores the economists debate over the relative costs of the two health care systems. Part II explores the debate about access and quality of outcomes in the U.S. and Canadian systems. Part III of this book incorporates surveys and debate on the U.S. and Canadian health care systems in terms of satisfaction, interest, and willingness to accept either the U.S. market-driven system or the Canadian single-payer system.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc International Responses to Traumatic Stress: Humanitarian, Human Rights, Justice, Peace, and Development Contributions, Collaborative Actions, and Future Initiatives
"International Responses to Traumatic Stress" asks pertinent questions as the United Nations observes its 50th Anniversary. It focuses on the effects of traumatic stress which accompany personal and collective disasters. In an overcrowded world, recent catastrophes, natural as well as man-made, have left a wake of tormented people, ranging from political prisoners to humiliated UN peace-keepers.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc The Psychosocial Work Environment: Work Organization, Democratization, and Health : Essays in Memory of Bertil Gardell
Dedicated to the late Bertil Gardell, a Swedish Social Scientist, this text comprises of 18 essays that shares a common vision - the impact of work on the interconnected processes of stress and disease.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Perspectives on Software Documentation: Inquiries and Innovations
This book is designed to address the randomness of the literature on software documentation. As anyone interested in software documentation is aware, the field is highly synthetic; information about software documentation may be found in engineering, computer science training, technical communication, management, education and so on. "Perspectives on Software Documentation" contains a variety of perspectives, all tied together by the shared need to make software products more usable.