Search results for ""author zenón franco""
Everyman Chess Planning: Move by Move
"First the idea and then the move!" Miguel Najdorf used to say in his habitually enthusiastic fashion; that statement is the perfect summary of planning in chess. Planning is of crucial importance in chess and yet this is an area that has not been well discussed or explained to ambitious players who wish to improve. A very well known saying in chess is "Better a bad plan than no plan at all". Playing without a plan - effectively staggering from one move to the next - is a recipe for disaster. It is essential to have some kind of idea of what you are trying to achieve and how to go about it. However, planning is not a straightforward matter. A good plan might be very short, lasting just two or three moves. Another plan might require almost an entire game to implement. A plan can be highly ambitious and complex or somewhat modest and simple. In chess, as in life, circumstances can change quickly and when they do, new plans are needed. How is a player expected to juggle all these different concepts while dealing with the immediate problems posed by the opponent's most recent move? In this book, grandmaster and experienced author Zenon Franco explains planning in detail. He organises material in terms of: typical structures, advantage in space, manoeuvring play, simplification and, finally attack and defence. Using games played by elite players he explains how plans are formed and carried out in these different scenarios. If you want to take your game to the next level, then Planning Move by Move will enable you to do this.
Gambit Publications Ltd Grandmaster Secrets: Counter-attack!
Everyman Chess Anand: Move by Move
Viswanathan Anand is undoubtedly one of the World's greatest ever chess players. He first shot to fame in his youth, when he enthralled the chess public with his results and his amazing speed of play. He became India's first ever grandmaster, at the age of eighteen. He has won five World Championships, and was the undisputed World Champion from 2007 to 2013. He's been the World number one ranked player and one of the very few to break the 2800 rating barrier. His renowned versatility has help him to become successful in all forms of the game: tournament play, match play, knockout and rapidplay. In this book, Grandmaster Zenon Franco examines in detail Anand's chess career to date. He selects and studies his favourite Anand games, and demonstrates clearly how we can all improve our chess by learning from Anand's play. Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge. *Learn from the games of a chess legend *Important ideas absorbed by continued practice *Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study
Thinkers Publishing The Chess Scalpel - 32 Master Games Dissected: Predict the Moves and Maximize Your Chess Understanding
The idea behind this book is for you to ‘play’ as in a real game, and it is my job to ensure you have a pleasant time while training. I suggest you take at least an hour and a half for each game and as your coach I will indicate when to guess the moves. Sometimes there will be suggestions — including tricky ones — to measure your concentration level. The ideas behind the moves are always explained. Points are awarded for the ‘right answers’ as well as for some other moves, and at the end there is a general assessment plus a review of some of the things to be learned from the game. During my coaching period I was able to witness how motivating it is for kids to receive points for the right answers, their ‘lives are at stake’ when they try to find the answers, and it is a challenge much appreciated by them. Later I also noticed a similar effect with adults although, unlike the kids, the older students try to hide it. The final score is not that important; it is not scientifically based. But of course the more points you get the better you ‘would have played’. The effort you put into trying to find the best move every time is what matters most. I firmly believe it really helps to learn a little more about playing chess with every game. The methodology recommended for solving the exercises is the ‘old-school’ one of using a piece of paper to cover the text and scrolling down the page as you advance.
Gambit Publications Ltd The Art of Attacking Chess
Everyman Chess Spassky
Grandmaster Zenon Franco examines chess legend Boris Spassky's chess style, selects and studies his favorite Spassky games, and demonstrates how we can all improve our chess by learning from Spassky's play.
Everyman Chess Test Your Chess
Grandmaster and renowned chess coach Zenon Franco provides a training course designed to help all aspiring players to improve their chess. During each lesson, you are invited to play a 'game' in which you try to find the best moves at all the important moments. Points are awarded for selecting the best moves - and are deducted for selecting blunders! At the end of each lesson there is a points scale to indicate how well you have 'played'. This means you are able to accurately measure your progress as you work through the book. Readers are tested in all aspects of chess: attack, defence, counterattack, tactics, structures, strategy, endgames and so on. Following this interactive course of lessons is an ideal way to improve your game. *A structured course of chess training *Includes 40 deeply annotated exercise games *Ideal for both chess students and trainers
Ediciones Tutor, S.A. Morphy jugada a jugada
Examen en detalle del estilo de ajedrez MorphyPaul Morphy es una leyenda del ajedrez y, sin duda, uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia de este juego. Su comprensión del juego estaba adelantada a su época. Su carrera como ajedrecista fue breve, pero brillante, e influyó en todos los grandes campeones que vinieron después de él. Su legado incluye el tesoro oculto de un maravilloso juego estratégico y de ataque, muy instructivo para todos los aspirantes a jugadores de ajedrez.En este libro, el gran maestro Zenón Franco examina en detalle el estilo de ajedrez de Morphy, selecciona y estudia sus partidas favoritas de Morphy, y demuestra cómo todos podemos mejorar nuestro ajedrez aprendiendo de las obras maestras de Morphy.
Thinkers Publishing Miguel Najdorf - 'El Viejo' - Life, Games and Stories
I was lucky enough to play against six world champions and several top players in my modest chess career, but the greatest player I feel privileged to have known, to have spent time with him, was Miguel Najdorf, “El Viejo”. This is a chess book, with 275 commented games, it covers all his chess career, but it has also many stories. Najdorf was the most important Argentinean chess player, and he was an exceptional person. Oscar Panno said that Najdorf reminded him of Don Quixote, in the part of the book where he tells Sancho Panza, “Wherever I am, that is where the head of the table is going to be”. He successfully overcame the most terrible setbacks, as few are capable of doing. Writing about Miguel Najdorf is one of my greatest pleasures as a chess journalist and writer! Zenon Franco Ocampos, April 2021.
Everyman Chess Lasker: Move by Move
Emanuel Lasker was world champion for a remarkable 27 years (1894-1921) and is generally regarded as having been way ahead of his time in his understanding of chess. He primarily regarded chess as a fight and considered that the strongest move in a position was the one that created greatest problems for the opponent and not necessarily the one that was objectively "best". His strengths included: ----- * His skill at accumulating small advantages with quiet manoeuvring. --- * His astonishing ability to find tactical resources in defence. --- * His uncanny knack of provoking errors in balanced positions. ----- Lasker was, essentially, a complete chessplayer and his games feel thoroughly modern. Indeed many contemporary elite players (the most obvious one being the current world champion Magnus Carlsen) exhibit a very similar style. ----- The Move by Move series provides an ideal format for the keen chessplayer to improve their game. While reading you are continually challenged to answer probing questions - a method that greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of chess knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study chess while providing the best possible chance to retain what has been learnt.
Everyman Chess Keres: Move by Move
Estonian grandmaster Paul Keres is one of the greatest players in chess history. Along with Viktor Korchnoi he is one of the best never to have gained the ultimate title of world champion. He was numbered among the very top players in the world for more than three decades. He was an unusually well-rounded chessplayer, writing numerous books and, additionally, also composing problems and endgame studies. Paraguay grandmaster, Zenon Franco has long been a fan of Paul Keres and has now collected together 38 of his finest games, along with numerous extracts from other encounters. ----- The Move by Move series provides an ideal format for the keen chessplayer to improve their game. While reading you are continually challenged to answer probing questions - a method that greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of chess knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study chess while providing the best possible chance to retain what has been learnt.
Ediciones Tutor, S.A. Anand jugada a jugada
Viswanathan Anand es uno de los grandes ajedrecistas de la historia: ha sido el número uno del mundo en repetidas ocasiones, logró el título mundial en cinco oportunidades y fue campeón con el título mundial reunificado desde 2007 hasta 2013. Su estilo versátil le ha permitido dominar todas las modalidades del juego: por eliminatorias, en torneos, en matches y en los distintos ritmos de juego rápido. En este libro, el gran maestro Zenón Franco examina en detalle la carrera ajedrecística de Anand hasta el momento. Ha seleccionado y comenta las partidas de Anand que considera más relevantes y más instructivas.El libro proporciona una plataforma ideal para estudiar ajedrez, ya que el autor sugiere al lector continuos ejercicios que este debe resolver ?tomando el lugar? del maestro que está jugando la partida y también se pone en la piel del lector y formula las preguntas que cree convenientes para comprender mejor la posición a través de las respuesta que ofrece. De esta manera, el lec