Search results for ""author wolfgang schneider""
Schneider, Wolfgang. Armour Research Panzer Regiment 1: 1935-45
Schmidt , Dr. Otto ZVG
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Elefant • Jagdtiger • Sturmtiger: Variations of the Tiger Family
This book covers in detail the Tiger variants Elefant, Jagdtiger, and Sturmtiger.
Theater der Zeit GmbH Poesie Heimat und Politik
Motorbuch Verlag Kampfpanzer Leopard 2
Helion & Company Tigers In Combat: Volume 3: Operation, Training, Tactics
Psychologie Verlagsunion Entwicklungspsychologie
Motorbuch Verlag Main Battle Tank Leopard 2
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Horen, Lauschen, Lernen - Anleitung Und Arbeitsmaterial: Sprachspiele Fur Kinder Im Vorschulalter - Wurzburger Trainingsprogramm Zur Vorbereitung Auf Den Erwerb Der Schriftsprache - Anleitung Und Arbeitsmaterial
Taylor & Francis Inc Human Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood: Findings from a 20 Year Longitudinal Study
Data generated from longitudinal studies allow researchers to better understand how context and experience interact with stable characteristics of the developing person over time. This book summarizes a landmark longitudinal study of 200 children, from the ages of 3 to 23. The Munich Longitudinal Study on the Ontogenesis of Individual Competencies (LOGIC) examined the development of individual differences over time and whether it is possible to predict later competencies from earlier ones. Offering a snapshot of theory and data on personality, social, motor, moral, and cognitive development, the contributors help us understand which individual differences can and cannot be altered through schooling and other experiences and how differences seen in the earliest stages are later reflected in adulthood. The results provide valuable insight into the strengths and limitations of early prediction of individual differences. This is the second volume to review the wealth of data generated by the study. The first volume (Weinert and Schneider, 1999) traced development from ages 3 to 12. This volume continues the story, integrating these early findings with the results from adolescence and young adulthood. Each of the chapters provides an overview of current research and addresses how the data help us understand the presence and developmental effects of individual differences. Among the findings are results on: The relative stability of cognitive competencies The long term effects of shyness and aggression The relation between moral understanding and action, and The role of education in the development or maintenance of performance differences. Intended for researchers and advanced students in developmental, educational, personality, social, and cognitive psychology, this book will also appeal to educators, especially the chapters that focus on literacy development, educational context, scientific reasoning and mathematical reasoning.
Transcript Verlag Theatre in Transformation – Artistic Processes and Cultural Policy in South Africa
Are artists seismographs during processes of transformation? Is theatre a mirror of society? And how does it influence society offstage? To address these questions, this collection brings together analyses of cultural policy in post-apartheid South Africa and actors of the performing arts discussing political theatre and cultural activism. Case studies grant inside views of the State Theatre in Pretoria, the Market Theatre in Johannesburg and the Baxter Theatre in Cape Town, followed by a documentation of panel discussions on the Soweto Theatre. The texts collected here bring to the surface new faces and voices who advance the performing arts with their images and lexicons revolving around topics such as patriarchy, femicide and xenophobia.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Horen, Lauschen, Lernen - Anleitung: Sprachspiele Fur Kinder Im Vorschulalter - Wurzburger Trainingsprogramm Zur Vorbereitung Auf Den Erwerb Der Schriftsprache. Anleitung
Peter Lang AG Filmfestivals in Deutschland: Zwischen Kulturpolitischen Idealen Und Wirtschaftspolitischen Realitaeten
Guilford Publications Metacognition
Showcasing exemplary research programs, this book explores how the latest theories and findings on cognitive development can be used to improve classroom instruction. The focus is on how children acquire knowledge about the processes involved in learning—such as remembering, thinking, and problem solving—as well as strategies for mastering new information. The contributors are leading experts who illustrate ways teachers can support the development of metacognition and goal-directed strategy use throughout the school years and in different academic domains. Teacher behaviors and instructional methods that promote these abilities are identified, and innovative assessment approaches and research designs are described.
Aurora Metro Books Theatre for Children and Young People
An exploration of the way "Theatre for Children and Young People" has responded to cultural diversity in a continually changing social and political context over the years. This title is a useful read for drama and theatre practitioners and for students of contemporary British theatre everywhere.
Dr Ludwig Reichert A VI 12 Levante. Hydrofauna: 1: 3 Mio. (Levant. Fresh Water Fauna)
Dr Ludwig Reichert A VI 11 Vorderer Orient. Terrestrische Zoogeographie: 1: 18 Mio. (Middle East. Terrestrial Zoogeography)
Transcript Verlag Vital Village – Development of Rural Areas as a Challenge for Cultural Policy
Due to global processes of transformation and the social challenges posed by demographic change, rural areas increasingly demand attention from politics and the public sphere. The contributions in this volume demonstrate how in different European countries it is mainly the cultural players who offer suggestions for an organization of the changing forms of communal life that is keeping with the times. The arts in particular have proven to be able of providing fresh impetus and new insights.This compendium of theory and practice combines outcomes of studies in cultural policy, introduces exemplary models and thus constitutes a first attempt at determining the position of innovative cultural work in rural areas. All essays both in English and German.Durch globale Transformationsprozesse und die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels rücken ländliche Räume immer mehr in den Fokus von Politik und Öffentlichkeit. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen für verschiedene europäische Länder, dass vor allem Kulturakteure relevante Anregungen für die zeitgemäße Gestaltung des sich verändernden Zusammenlebens geben. Insbesondere die Künste stellen dabei einen Nährboden für weiterführende Impulse dar.Dieses Handbuch für Theorie und Praxis führt Ergebnisse der Kulturpolitikforschung zusammen, stellt beispielhafte Modelle vor und wagt somit erstmals eine Positionsbestimmung innovativer Kulturarbeit in ländlichen Räumen. Alle Beiträge sind in Englisch und Deutsch enthalten.