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Wolters Kluwer Health Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application
Build the foundation of scientific knowledge and practical decision-making skills needed to excel in an exercise training career Master the core concepts of exercise physiology and learn how to apply them to the real-world challenges of exercise training with Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application, Third Edition. Designed to connect theory to practice, this engaging, accessible text gives students a thorough understanding of how the body adapts to exercise and environmental stresses and how basic physiology informs practical decisions. This new edition expands the coverage of practical applications, extends on our growing scientific knowledge of exercise physiology, explores the topic of “Exercise is Medicine”, and offers more guidance on finding reliable research-based answers to real-life questions. New content, as well as updated coverage of the endocrine system, applying research, nutritional support, and environmental effects make this the perfect resource to support the diverse case scenarios seen by personal trainers, strength coaches, fitness instructors, athletic trainers, and other exercise professionals. Chapter Objectives, Quick Review boxes, Did You Know? boxes, More to Explore boxes, and full-color illustrations help readers digest and retain key concepts. Case Studies, Expert View boxes, and Applying Research boxes offer firsthand opinions from experts on specific real-world issues, explain how to apply research findings in practice, and hone decision-making skills. Practical Questions from Students boxes answer frequently asked questions on topics that readers may find challenging and of interest. Review Questions at the end of each chapter give students a chance to assess and apply their knowledge through short-answer and critical thinking questions.
Ovid Technologies Fisiología del ejercicio. Teoría y aplicación práctica
Fisiología del ejercicio. Teoría y aplicación práctica tiene el objetivo de ofrecer los conceptos básicos de la fisiología del ejercicio para aplicarlos a los retos del mundo real relacionados con el entrenamiento y ejercicio físicos. Diseñado para integrar teoría y práctica, este atractivo y accesible texto ofrece a los estudiantes una comprensión profunda de cómo el cuerpo se adapta al ejercicio y a las tensiones ambientales y cómo la fisiología básica ayuda a las decisiones prácticas.La 3.ª edición amplía la cobertura de las aplicaciones prácticas, se extiende en el creciente conocimiento científico de la fisiología del ejercicio, explora el actual tema de El ejercicio es medicina con base en la prevención y ofrece orientación para encontrar respuestas fiables, basadas en la evidencia, a las preguntas de la vida real. En lugar de ahondar mucho en cuestiones teóricas, esta obra hace hincapié en la comprensión fundamental de la fisiología del ejercicio que rodea cuestiones prácticas con las que deberán enfrentarse tanto los estudiantes como los profesionales. El objetivo, por lo tanto, es integrar la fisiología básica del ejercicio como elementos clave para ayudar a entender cuáles pueden ser las respuestas a varias preguntas y entender cómo encontrar estas respuestas por medio de una perspectiva basada en la evidencia.
Wolters Kluwer Health Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application
Build the foundation of scientific knowledge and practical decision-making skills needed to excel in an exercise training career Master the core concepts of exercise physiology and learn how to apply them to the real-world challenges of exercise training with Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application, Third Edition. Designed to connect theory to practice, this engaging, accessible text gives students a thorough understanding of how the body adapts to exercise and environmental stresses and how basic physiology informs practical decisions. This new edition expands the coverage of practical applications, extends on our growing scientific knowledge of exercise physiology, explores the topic of “Exercise is Medicine”, and offers more guidance on finding reliable research-based answers to real-life questions. New content, as well as updated coverage of the endocrine system, applying research, nutritional support, and environmental effects make this the perfect resource to support the diverse case scenarios seen by personal trainers, strength coaches, fitness instructors, athletic trainers, and other exercise professionals. Chapter Objectives, Quick Review boxes, Did You Know? boxes, More to Explore boxes, and full-color illustrations help readers digest and retain key concepts. Case Studies, Expert View boxes, and Applying Research boxes offer firsthand opinions from experts on specific real-world issues, explain how to apply research findings in practice, and hone decision-making skills. Practical Questions from Students boxes answer frequently asked questions on topics that readers may find challenging and of interest. Review Questions at the end of each chapter give students a chance to assess and apply their knowledge through short-answer and critical thinking questions.