Search results for ""author who regional office for the western pacific""
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Sanitation and Hygiene in East Asia
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Emergency Exercise Development
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youths in Korea: A Review of Literature and Projects 1990-2003
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Reaching the Poor: Challenges for Child Health in the Western Pacific Region
World Health Organization Health Policy Development: A Handbook for Pacific Islands Practitioners
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific The Continuum of Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Cambodia: Linkages and Strengthening in the Public Health System: Case Study
World Health Organization Field Manual for Capacity Assessment of Health Facilities in Responding to Emergencies
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Integrating Poverty and Gender Into Health Programmes: A Sourcebook for Health Professionals
World Health Organization Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youths in Laos: A Review of Literature and Projects 1994-2003
World Health Organization Research Guidelines for Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Herbal Medicines
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Epilepsy in the Western Pacific Region: A Call to Action, Global Campaign Against Epilepsy
World Health Organization Reaching the Poor: Challenge to the TB Programme in the Western Pacific Region
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Experiences of 100 Per Cent Condom Use Programme in Selected Countries of Asia
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Responding to Questions About the 100 Per Cent Condom Use Programme: An Aid to Programme Staff
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Health Promotion Financing Opportunities in the Western Pacific Region
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Improving Data Quality: A Guide for Developing Countries
World Health Organization Regional Framework for Community IMCI
WHO Regional Office for South East Asia Laboratory Diagnosis of Gonorrhoea
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Safe Hospitals in Emergencies and Disasters: Structural Non-Structural and Functional Indicators
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Western Pacific Regional Action Plan for Noncommunicable Diseases: A Region Free of Avoidable Ncd Deaths and Disability
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Responding to Questions About the 100% Condom Use Programme: A Job Aid for Programme Staff
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific People at the Centre of Health Care: Harmonizing Mind and Body, People and Systems
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Sanitation Hygiene and Drinking-water in the Pacific Island Countries: Converting Commitment into Action
World Health Organization Assessing Tuberculosis Prevalence Through Population-Based Surveys
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Integrating Poverty and Gender Into Health Programmes: A Sourcebook for Health Professionals
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Maternal Mortality in Vietnam: An In-Depth Analysis of Causes and Determinants: 2000-2001
World Health Organization Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youths in the Philippines: A Review of Literature and Projects 1995-2003
World Health Organization Integrating Poverty and Gender into Health Programmes: A Sourcebook for Health Professionals: Module on Gender-Based Violence
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific Region: 2003
World Health Organization Tuberculosis and HIV: A Framework to Address TB/HIV Co-Infection in the Western Pacific Region
World Health Organization The Regional Agenda for Capacity Building in Health Promotion 2002-2005
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Regional Strategy for Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Practical Guidelines on Pharmaceutical Procurement for Countries with Small Procurement Agencies
World Health Organization The Kingdom of Cambodia Health System Review
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Addressing the Harmful Use of Alcohol: A Guide to Developing Effective Alcohol Regulation
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Integrating Poverty and Gender Into Health Programmes: A Sourcebook for Health Professionals
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Health Financing Strategy for the Asia Pacific Region (2010-2015)
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Promoting Health and Equity: Evidence Policy and Action: Cases from the Western Pacific Region
World Health Organization Methods for Field Trials of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific A Revised Framework to Address TB-HIV Co-infection in the Western Pacific Region
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Integrating Poverty and Gender into Health Programmes: A Sourcebook for Health Professionals Module on Mental Health
World Health Organization Strategic Plan to Stop Tb in the Western Pacific 20062010
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific SARS: How a Global Epidemic Was Stopped
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific WHO Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Traditional Medicine Education in the Western Pacific Region
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Integrating Poverty and Gender into Health Programmes, a Sourcebook for Health Professionals, Module on Curricular Integration
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Giving Adolescents a Voice: Conducting a Rapid Assessment of Adolescent Health Needs: A Manual for Health Planners and Researchers
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Assessing New Vaccines for National Immunization Programmes: A Framework to Assist Decision-Makers
World Health Organization Development of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for the Western Pacific Region: The Shift from Nutrients and Food Groups to Food Availability, Traditional Cuisine and Modern Foods in Relation to Emerging Chronic Noncommuicable Diseases