Search results for ""author w h hudson""
Shree Publishers & Distributors An Introduction to the Study of Literature
Erasmus Ediciones El viajero de cercanías
Una selección de entrañables anécdotas ecológicas por el autor de la obra maestra de renombre mundial La Tierra Púrpura. Un clásico internacional y uno de los escritores predilectos del muy selectivo J. L. Borges. Joseph Conrad detectó su gran calidad literaria alabando su naturalísimo estilo que 'brotaba como la hierba'. Hudson pergeñó varias obras maestras de la novelística mundial como La tierra púrpura por las que es recordado primordialmente; pero, asimismo, escribió otras obras magníficas y de gran talla literaria como es la presente, en donde, sin el artificio novelístico ni la exigencia narrativa biográfica, manifiesta su categoría de gran escritor capaz de extraer interés y poesía de hechos en apariencia insignificantes: recuerdos nostálgicos de su juventud en la Pampa, conversaciones con simpáticas niñas, experiencias relativas a pájaros y anécdotas ocurridas en remotas aldeas o parajes salvajes ingleses.
Craven Street Books Shepherd's Life: Impressions of the South Wilshire Downs
Penguin Books Ltd A Shepherd's Life
Considered a classic at the time of its publication in 1910, A Shepherd's Life is a rare account of the lives of those who lived on and worked the land in nineteenth-century rural Britain. A masterful work of prose, W. H. Hudson focuses on the story of one man, a Wiltshire shepherd named Caleb Bawcombe, whose tales of sheep dogs, farmer's wives, poachers and local fairs become a sublime account of a way of life that has largely disappeared from these shores.
Createspace A Crystal Age
Little Toller Books A Shepherd's Life
Through the story of one man, Caleb Bawcombe, a shepherd whose flocks graze the Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset borders, we meet men and women of humble birth - poachers, gypsies, farmers and laborers - striving to survive on the land. As we read, the cumulative affect of their stories becomes much more than a record of rural life. It reads like a lost hymn, sung by people whose lives were disregarded and whose histories are now forgotten. W H Hudson's masterful book, merging fiction, reminiscence, memoir and oral history, was recognized as a classic when it was first published in 1910. It remains so today. First published by Methuen & Co.
Eland Publishing Ltd The Purple Land: An Adventure in Uruguay - the Banda Oriental
The Purple Land is a romantic novel set in the war torn borderlands of Uruguay, the Banda Oriental. The story of Richard Lamb, an idealistic young Englishman, it begins with his abduction of Paquita and their escape from the vengeance of her Argentine father. Finding refuge in Montevideo, he is catapulted into a series of picaresque adventures: horse-stealing, duelling, escaping prison, and fighting on the losing side of a civil war, all the while falling constantly and unsuitably in love. Rooted in Hudson s evocation of the simplicity and dignity of life on the pampas as well as his masterful depiction of its wildlife and landscape, The Purple Land is the first modern `road novel . It is also a narrative of transformation, the Creolisation of an Englishman, redeemed by the heightened exuberance, energy, warmth and innate humanity of South America.