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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Court
This comprehensive Companion examines the achievements and challenges of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the world's first permanent international criminal tribunal. It provides an overview of the first two decades of the ICC's existence, investigating the dominant narratives and counter-narratives that have emerged about the institution and its work. In this timely work, an international team of scholars and experts evaluate the ICC's actual and potential role in the world by exploring some of the central issues related to its creation, mandate, and operations. Chapters address topics ranging from the negotiation dynamics surrounding the drafting of the Rome Statute, to the roles of the Office of the Prosecutor, judges, defence and victims, as well as key controversies around peace and justice, selectivity of cases and situations, and gender-sensitivity.This Companion is critical reading for scholars, students and practitioners of international criminal law. Its mixture of theoretical perspectives and case study analysis will also be of interest to those studying and working in global justice and international law more broadly, including in transitional justice, human rights law, public international law and international relations.
Oxford University Press Gender and International Criminal Law
The last few decades have seen remarkable developments in international criminal justice, especially in relation to the pursuit of individuals responsible for sexual violence and other gender-based crimes. Historically ignored, justified, or minimised, this category of crimes now has a heightened profile in the international political and judicial arena. Despite this, gender is poorly understood, and blind spots, biases, and stereotypes prevail. This book brings together leading feminist international criminal and humanitarian law academics and practitioners to examine the place of gender in international criminal law (ICL). It identifies and analyses past and current narrow understandings of gender, before considering how a limited conceptualization affects accountability efforts. The authors consider how best to implement a more nuanced understanding of gender in the practice of international criminal law by identifying possible responses, including embedding a sophisticated gender strategy into the practice of ICL, the gender-sensitive application of international human rights and humanitarian law, and encouraging a gender-competent approach to judging in ICL. The authors' aim is to strengthen efforts for accountability for all atrocity crimes-war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and aggression.