Search results for ""author thomas bernhard""
Editorial Flâneur S.L. El nebot de Wittgenstein una amistat
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke 22 Journalistisches Reden Interviews Werke in 22 Bnden Band 22
Suhrkamp Verlag Stucke 2 Der Prsident Die Berhmten Minetti Immanuel Kant
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Korrektur
Suhrkamp Verlag Die Ausloschung
Penguin Books Ltd Old Masters: A Comedy
'Bernhard is one of the masters of contemporary European fiction'George SteinerOld Masters (1985) is Thomas Bernhard's devilishly funny story about the friendship between two old men.For over thirty years Reger, a music critic, has sat on the same bench in front of a Tintoretto painting in a Viennese museum, thinking and railing against contemporary society, his fellow men, artists, the weather, even the state of public lavatories. His friend Atzbacher has been summoned to meet him, and through his eyes we learn more about Reger - the tragic death of his wife, his thoughts of suicide and, eventually, the true purpose of their appointment. At once pessimistic and exuberant, rancorous and hilarious, Old Masters is a richly satirical portrait of culture, genius, nationhood, class, the value of art and the pretensions of humanity.
Vintage Publishing Correction
Roithamer, a character based on Wittgenstein, has committed suicide having been driven to madness by his own frightening powers of pure thought. We witness the gradual breakdown of a genius ceaselessly compelled to correct and refine his perceptions until the only logical conclusion is the negation of his own soul.
Suhrkamp Verlag Meine Preise
Residenz Verlag Ein Kind
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke 04 Korrektur Werke in 22 Bnden Band 4
Suhrkamp Verlag Erzahlungen 3
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen Drei Dramolette
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Stcke IV Der Theatermacher Ritter Dene Voss Einfach kompliziert Elisabeth II
Suhrkamp Verlag Stucke 1 Ein Fest fr Boris Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige Die Jagdgesellschaft Die Macht der Gewohnheit
Suhrkamp Verlag Der Theatermacher
Seagull Books London Ltd Victor Halfwit: A Winter's Tale
One night in the middle of winter, as deep snow covers the mountains and forests, a doctor is crossing the ridge in Austria from Traich to Föding to see a patient. He stumbles over a body in the darkness and fears it is a corpse. But it’s not a corpse at all. In fact, it’s wooden-legged Victor Halfwit, collapsed, but still very much alive. So begins this simultaneously absurd and tragic tale by celebrated Austrian playwright, novelist, and poet Thomas Bernhard. Combining the darkly comic voice and vision of Bernhard with the lush and beautiful collages of Indian designer Sunandini Banerjee, Victor Halfwit is a unique and collectible artist’s book. Illustrated in color throughout, this edition imaginatively presents Bernhard’s fable in a distinctive and unconventional style. It is the perfect gift book that will be cherished by fans of Bernhard’s other works and will inspire new interest among visual artists.
Ariadne Press World-Fixer
Suhrkamp Verlag Das Kalkwerk
Brandstätter Verlag In der Frittatensuppe feiert die Provinz ihre Triumphe
Residenz Verlag Die Kälte
Residenz Verlag Der Keller Eine Entziehung
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Alte Meister Komdie Gezeichnet von Mahler
Suhrkamp Verlag Erzahlungen. Kurzprosa
Suhrkamp Verlag Erzahlungen 2
Suhrkamp Verlag Erzahlungen 1
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke 07 Holzfllen Eine Erregung
Suhrkamp Verlag Der Untergeher
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die Macht der Gewohnheit
Insel Verlag GmbH Bernhard fr Boshafte
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Der Atem Eine Entscheidung
Random House USA Inc Wittgenstein's Nephew: A Novel
Faber & Faber Woodcutters
LRB BOOKSHOP'S AUTHOR OF THE MONTH ONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S BEST BOOKS OF 2019WITH A NEW AFTERWORD BY ANNE ENRIGHT, AUTHOR OF THE ACTRESS'If you haven't read Bernhard, you will not know of the most radical advance in fiction since Joyce ... My advice: dive in.' Lucy Ellmann'I absolutely love Bernhard: he is one of the darkest and funniest writers ... A must read for everybody.' Karl Ove KnausgaardAn unnamed writer arrives at an 'artistic dinner' hosted by a composer and his society wife: a couple he once admired, but has now come to detest. They have been brought together by their friend Joana's suicide, but the guest of honour, a famous actor from the Burgtheatre, is late. As the guests await his arrival, little do they know that they are being subjected to the narrator's merciless scrutiny from his wing-backed throne, the targets of a tirade of epic, frenzied proportions. When the star actor finally arrives, he ushers in an explosive end to the evening that is impossible to see coming. Originally banned in Thomas Bernhard's homeland, Woodcutters brutally exposes the hollow pretentiousness of the Austrian bourgeoisie in an unforgettable firework display of humour and horror - newly illuminated by Anne Enright's afterword.
Suhrkamp Verlag Alte Meister
Residenz Verlag Der Atem
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Stdtebeschimpfungen Dsseldorf oder Mnchen oder Hamburg lauter Provinzen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke 21 Gedichte Werke in 22 Bnden Band 21
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Verstrung
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. Ein Kind
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Der Keller Eine Entziehung
Random House USA Inc The Loser: A Novel
Seagull Books London Ltd Collected Poems
Bernhard’s Collected Poem is a key to understanding Bernhard’s irascible black comedy found in virtually all of his writings—even down to his last will and testament. Beloved Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard (1931–89) began his career in the early 1950s as a poet. Over the next decade, Bernhard wrote thousands of poems and published four volumes of intensely wrought and increasingly personal verse, with such titles as On Earth and in Hell, In Hora Mortis, and Under the Iron of the Moon. Bernhard’s early poetry, bearing the influence of Georg Trakl, begins with a deep connection to his Austrian homeland. As his poems saw publication and recognition, Bernhard seemed always on the verge of joining the ranks of Ingeborg Bachmann, Paul Celan, and other young post-war poets writing in German. During this time, however, his poems became increasingly more obsessive, filled with undulant self-pity, counterpointed by a defamatory, bardic voice utterly estranged from his country, all of which resulted in a magisterial work of anti-poetry—one that represents Bernhard’s own harrowing experience with his leitmotif of success and failure, which makes his fiction such a pleasure. There is much to be found in these pages for Bernhard fans of every stripe.
Seagull Books London Ltd Prose
“His manner of speaking, like that of all the subordinated, excluded, was awkward, like a body full of wounds, into which at any time anyone can strew salt, yet so insistent, that it is painful to listen to him,” from The CarpenterThe Austrian playwright, novelist, and poet Thomas Bernhard (1931–89) is acknowledged as among the major writers of our time. The seven stories in this collection capture Bernhard’s distinct darkly comic voice and vision—often compared to Kafka and Musil—commenting on a corrupted world. First published in German in 1967, these stories were written at the same time as Bernhard’s early novels Frost, Gargoyles, and The Lime Works, and they display the same obsessions, restlessness, and disarming mastery of language. Martin Chalmer’s outstanding translation, which renders the work in English for the first time, captures the essential personality of the work. The narrators of these stories lack the strength to do anything but listen and then write, the reader in turn becoming a captive listener, deciphering the traps laid by memory—and the mere words, the neverending words with which we try to pin it down. Words that are always close to driving the narrator crazy, but yet, as Bernhard writes “not completely crazy.” “Bernhard's glorious talent for bleak existential monologues is second only to Beckett's, and seems to have sprung up fully mature in his mesmerizing debut.”—From Publishers Weekly, on Frost “The feeling grows that Thomas Bernhard is the most original, concentrated novelist writing in German. His connections . . . with the great constellation of Kafka, Musil, and Broch become ever clearer.” —George Steiner, Times Literary Supplement, on Gargoyles
Seagull Books London Ltd The Rest Is Slander – Five Stories
A collection of previously untranslated stories from a master of twentieth-century Austrian literature, Thomas Bernhard. “The cold increases with the clarity,” said Thomas Bernhard while accepting a major literary prize in 1965. That clarity was the postwar realization that the West’s last remaining cultural reference points were being swept away by the ever-greater commodification of humankind. Collecting five stylistically transitional tales by Bernhard, all of which take place in sites of extreme cold, this volume extends that bleak vision of the master Austrian storyteller. In “Ungenach,” the reluctant heir of an enormous estate chooses to give away his legacy to an assortment of oddballs as he discovers the past of his older brother, who was murdered during a career in futile colonialist philanthropy. In “The Weatherproof Cape,” a lawyer tries to maintain a sense of familial solidarity with a now-dead client with the help of an unremarkable piece of clothing. “Midland in Stilfs” casts a jaundiced eye on the laughable efforts of a cosmopolitan foreigner to attain local authenticity on a moribund Alpine farmstead. In “At the Ortler,” two middle-aged brothers—one a scientist, the other an acrobat—meditate on their unusual career paths while they climb a mountain to reclaim a long-abandoned family property. And in “At the Timberline,” the unexpected arrival of a young couple in a mountain village leads to the discovery of a scandalous crime that casts a shadow on the personal life of the policeman investigating it.
Faber & Faber Extinction
LRB BOOKSHOP'S AUTHOR OF THE MONTH ONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S BEST BOOKS OF 2019WITH A NEW AFTERWORD BY GEOFF DYER'If you haven't read Bernhard, you will not know of the most radical advance in fiction since Joyce ... My advice: dive in.' Lucy Ellmann'I absolutely love Bernhard: he is one of the darkest and funniest writers ... A must read for everybody.' Karl Ove KnausgaardFranz-Josef Murau is the intellectual black sheep of a powerful Austrian land-owning family. He now lives in Rome in self-imposed exile, surrounded by a coterie of artistic and intellectual friends. On returning from his sister's wedding on the family estate of Wolfsegg, having resolved never to go home again, Murau receives a telegram informing him of the death of his parents and brother in a car crash. Not only must he now go back, he must do so as the master of Wolfsegg: and he must decide its fate.The summit of Thomas Bernhard's artistic genius - mesmerising, addictive, explosively tragicomic - Extinction is a landmark of post-war literature, newly illuminated by Geoff Dyer's afterword.
Seagull Books The Rest Is Slander
Random House USA Inc Extinction: A Novel