Search results for ""author the oatmeal""
Andrews McMeel Publishing 404 Not Found: A Coloring Book by The Oatmeal
Co-creator of the wildly popular Exploding Kittens card game and #1 New York Times best-selling author The Oatmeal, aka Matthew Inman, presents a coloring adventure book filled with mantis shrimp, angler fish, demon bunnies, bear-o-dactyls, and other fantastical creatures from the wonderland of The Oatmeal. Create your own Oatmeal masterpieces in 404 Not Found. In cozy Robot City, robots #403 and #405 are tucked in and accounted for, but #404 is missing. Is he searching for the city of Atlantis...or was he attacked by the shrimp known as mantis? Did he leave this worldy place...and find an evil race of cats from space? 404 Not Found is a magical story poem adventure to color and enjoy. Relax and let your mind float as you color your way through enchanted lands with wondrous creatures from the brilliant mind of The Oatmeal.
Astiberri Ediciones Por qué los osos deberían llevar calzoncillos
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Die schrecklichen und wundervollen Gründe, lange Strecken zu laufen
In "Die schrecklichen und wundervollen Gründe, lange Strecken zu laufen" geht es nicht nur um Laufen. Es geht um Cupcakes und es geht um Leiden. Dieses Buch handelt von Völlerei, Eitelkeit, Glückseligkeit, Gewitterstürmen und Godzilla. Es ist ein Buch über all die schrecklichen und wundervollen Gründe, die uns dazu bringen, jeden morgen aufzustehen und unsere Körper durch Sonnenschein, Regen, Himmel und Hölle zu quälen. Vom New-York-Times-Bestsellerautor Matthew Inman, alias "The Oatmeal", kommt diese urkomische, wunderschöne und ergreifende Kollektion an Comics und Geschichten über Joggen, Essen, Schlafen, und Gründe, warum man über Berge rennt, bis einem die Fußnägel abfallen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Warum meine Katze beeindruckender ist als dein Baby
Babys haben keine Superkräfte (außer die Fähigkeit, interessante, hoffnungsvolle Menschen in kahle, fahle, bedauernswerte Windel-Sklaven zu verwandeln). Katzen hingegen verfügen über eine Vielzahl von Superkräften: Sie haben eingebaute Nachtsichtgeräte, ihr Schnurren kann Blutdruck senken, sie können schneller rennen als der 100-Meter-Weltrekordler und sie können Käfer und Spinnen fressen. Jede Katze ist ein kleiner Batman. "Warum meine Katze beeindruckender ist als dein Baby" ist eine Sammlung von Comics über Katzen, Babys, Hunde, Laser, Selfies, Liebe und Tauben. Sie enthält eine Vielzahl von bislang nicht veröffentlichten Comics, wie - Wie du bequem neben deiner Katze schlafen kannst - Wie du mit einem Menschen Gassi gehst (ein Ratgeber für den Hund von heute) - 10 Wege, sich mit einer misanthropischen Katze anzufreunden - Wie man ein Baby hält, wenn man es nicht gewohnt ist, Babys zu halten - Wie du kuschelst, wenn du es ernst meinst
Andrews McMeel Publishing Why My Cat Is More Impressive Than Your Baby
Why My Cat Is More Impressive Than Your Baby is chockfull of comics about cats, babies, dogs, lasers, selfies, and pigeons! This book contains a vast wealth of never-before-seen comics, including informative guides, such as: How to comfortably sleep next to your cat 10 ways to befriend a misanthropic cat How to hold a baby when you are not used to holding babies A dog’s guide to walking a human being How to cuddle like you mean it. Includes a pull-out poster of: How to tell if your cat thinks you’re not that big of a deal.
Andrews McMeel Publishing My Dog: The Paradox: A Lovable Discourse about Man's Best Friend
When The posted his comic My Dog: The Paradox, which is a loving ode to his dog, Rambo, the comic took off in a blaze of retweets (15,000+) and Facebook likes (586,000+) and was shared over 25,000 times on Facebook within days. The now presents this endearing tribute as a very special hardcover gift book for fans to give and to keep for themselves.
Andrews McMeel Publishing How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
Brilliantly whimsical yet oddly informative, is an entertainment site full of comics, quizzes, and stories. Matthew Inman, creator of, is a king of all trades when it comes to the Web. He writes, draws, and codes everything on the site, and his viral marketing skills make the site a huge success. How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill Youis a very funny, creative selection of comics, facts, and instructional guides, which all stem from the creative wonderland at The book will be designed to create suspense/anticipation with page turns analogous to the experience of scrolling down through the panels on the website. For example, "Cat vs. Internet" will use page turns to draw out the reader's anticipation of what the crafty kitty might do next to get attention from his Internet-fixated owner. Other favourite cat comics include "How to Pet a Kitty," "The Bobcats," and "17 Things Worth Knowing About Your Cat." A pull-out poster will be included at the back of the book.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Woran du erkennst, dass deine Katze deinen Tod plant
Eine Katze hält sich für einen Puma und ihr Miauen für furchteinflößendes Brüllen. Sie übt im Katzenklo das Verscharren von Leichen. Wenn sie gähnt, ist sie nicht müde - sie zeigt Ihnen ihr Killergesicht. "Woran du erkennst, dass deine Katze deinen Tod plant" enthüllt in skurrilen Comics die wahre Natur der gemeinen Hauskatze. Zu Papier gebracht hat sie der Meister des entlarvenden Humors The Oatmeal - herausgekommen ist eine urkomische und geistreiche Comicsammlung, die uns darüber aufklärt, was Katzen wirklich wollen: die Weltherrschaft (und natürlich am Bauch gekrault werden). Wenn deine Katze auf dir sitzt und trampelt, ist das kein Zuneigungsbeweis. Sie überprüft deine inneren Organe auf Schwachstellen. Wenn deine Katze dir einen toten Vogel bringt, ist das kein Geschenk, sondern eine Warnung. "Woran du erkennst, dass deine Katze deinen Tod plant" ist eine urkomische und geistvolle Sammlung von Katzen-Comics, Fakten und Handlungsempfehlungen aus dem kreativen Wunderland von The Oatmeal.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Why Grizzly Bears Should Wear Underpants
In this third collection of over 60 comics, you'll be treated to the hilarity of "Dear Sriracha Rooster Sauce," "The Crap We Put Up with Getting On and Off an Airplane," "Why Captain Higgins Is My Favorite Parasitic Flatworm," "This Is How I Feel about Buying Apps," "What it Means When You Say Literally," "7 Things You Really Don't Need to Take a Photo of," and much more. Along with lambasting the latest culture crazes, Inman serves up recurrent themes such as foodstuffs, parasites, unicorns, as well as technological, news-of-the-day, and his snarky yet informative comics on grammar and usage. Online and in print, The Oatmeal delivers comic hilarity without any lumpy goo.
Andrews McMeel Publishing 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (And Other Useful Guides)
Cleverly whimsical yet oddly informative, The is an immensely popular site full of comics, quizzes and stories. This collection presents classic favourites as well as all-new hilarity with any never-before-seen comics, such as 8 Reasons to Keep a Canadian as a Pet, 6 Reasons Man Nipples Are Awesome & 5 Reasons to Have Rabies Instead of Babies. Inman creates these quirky scenes for, which launched in July 2009 and already has more than 82 million page views. In fact, every 15 to 30 seconds, someone Google's one of's creations. Now, 60 of Inman's comic illustrations and life-bending guides are presented in full-colour inside5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (And Other Useful Guides).
Andrews McMeel Publishing If My Dogs Were a Pair of Middle-Aged Men
From the Eisner Award-winning creator of The Oatmeal and #1 New York Times bestselling author of How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You comes this charmingly absurd gift book about man’s best friend. In If My Dogs Were a Pair of Middle-Aged Men, Matthew Inman imagines, to hilarious effect, what life would be like if his dogs were a couple of old men running around his house. The result is a pitch-perfect gift for any dog owner.
Andrews McMeel Publishing How to Be Perfectly Unhappy
Matthew Inman—Eisner Award-winning creator of The Oatmeal and #1 New York Times bestselling author of How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You—serves yet another helping of thoughtful hilarity in this charming, illustrated gift book for anyone who is irked by the question: "Are you happy?" In How To Be Perfectly Unhappy, Inman explores the surprising benefits of forgetting about “happiness,” and embracing instead the meaningful activities that keep us busy and interested and fascinated.