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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates
Invertebrates perform such vital roles in global ecosystems—and so strongly influence human wellbeing—that biologist E.O. Wilson was prompted to describe them as “little things that run the world.” As they are such powerful shapers of the world around us, their response to global climate change is also pivotal in meeting myriad challenges looming on the horizon—everything from food security and biodiversity to human disease control. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the latest scientific knowledge and contemporary theory relating to global climate change and terrestrial invertebrates. Featuring contributions from top international experts, this book explores how changes to invertebrate populations will affect human decision making processes across a number of crucial issues, including agriculture, disease control, conservation planning, and resource allocation. Topics covered include methodologies and approaches to predict invertebrate responses, outcomes for disease vectors and ecosystem service providers, underlying mechanisms for community level responses to global climate change, evolutionary consequences and likely effects on interactions among organisms, and many more. Timely and thought-provoking, Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates offers illuminating insights into the profound influence the simplest of organisms may have on the very future of our fragile world.
University of Wales Press Cristnogaeth a Gwyddoniaeth
Dyma'r unig ymdriniaeth ddiweddar yn y Gymraeg o rai o'r cwestiynau cymhleth a heriol a godir i ddiwinyddiaeth Gristnogol gan wyddoniaeth gyfoes: sut y gall diwinyddiaeth Gristnogol ymateb i'r ddealltwriaeth lawnach a dyfnach sydd gennym bellach am darddiad, datblygiad a phrosesau'r bydysawd? A all Cristnogion barhau i gyffesu yng ngeiriau'r Credo, 'Credwn yn Nuw, y Tad Hollalluog, Creawdwr nefoedd a daear'? Ac a fedrant goleddu'r Ffydd Apostolaidd a ddatguddiwyd drwy'r Ysgrythurau ac a gyffesir gan draddodiad Cristnogol y canrifoedd? Os gellir cyffesu'r ffydd hon o hyd, sut y mae ei dehongli heddiw, yn wyneb gwybodaeth gyfoes am darddiad y bydysawd, am siawns a chynllun, am Darwin a geneteg, am fiodechnoleg ac ecoleg? Mae deiliaid 'yr atheistiaeth newydd' yn honni nad yw cred mewn Duw yn bosibl - cred sicr awduron y gyfrol hon, fodd bynnag, yw nad oes gwrthdaro rhwng Cristnogaeth a gwyddoniaeth, a bod dealltwriaeth o'r naill yn cyfoethogi'n dirnadaeth o gyfoeth y llall. Dwy ffenestr wahanol sydd yma i'n galluogi i edrych ar ryfeddod Duw, ar y bydysawd sy'n tarddu yn ei fwriad a'i egni creadigol, ac ar wyrth pob bywyd sy'n ddibynnol ar y bydysawd hwnnw.