Search results for ""author stephanie ledu""
Ullmann Medien GmbH Mein KinderwissenComic Das Leben auf der Erde Planet Erde Pflanzen Tiere Der Mensch
Esslinger Verlag Meine groe Tierbibliothek Das Eichhrnchen
Esslinger Verlag Meine groe Tierbibliothek Die Katze
Treasure Bay We Both Read-The Horse Lover's Book (Pb)
Artbooks Encyclopedia of DOCs: History of transport. From a cart to a rocket: 2019
The history of transport began at the same time as the history of mankind. There were no cars, planes, or trains then. People walked, carried things with them or pulled them on sleds. Later, the domestication of animals, the invention of the wheel and the construction of roads pushed man in search for new ways of movement.