Search results for ""author stephan m. mardyks""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Leading in English: How to Confidently Communicate and Inspire Others in the International Workplace
A Guide for English communication amongst international professionals Leading in English provides a valuable resource for more effective international business communication. Whether you're a non-native English speaker working in English every day, or a native speaker working with non-native speakers, this book levels the playing field with a host of insights and tips using real-time examples. Through shared experiences and an engaging narrative, you'll gain confidence as you build the skills you need to communicate more effectively in the workplace. Impart information, relate to coworkers, or just have a friendly chat—this book helps remove uncertainty and streamline interactions. Whether language is a small stumbling block or a large hurdle in your workplace, this book can help you overcome the issues and be happier, more confident, and more effective at your job. Communication is tremendously important in the workplace. When English presents a barrier, removing that obstacle must be priority number one. This book helps you do that, with expert insight, practical tips, and a bit of humor to help shift your perspective. Boost your confidence as a non-native English speaker Work more effectively with coworkers and clients Speak more confidently to an international audience Strengthen your communication skills in all areas In the course of a single work day, you have many one-to-one conversations, several group conversations, and maybe even a presentation or two–wouldn't it be nice to know that you've been heard, understood, and correctly interpreted? English is a tricky language, but there are ways around the issues that tend to trip up non-native speakers. Leading in English shows you how to clear the air and communicate more effectively at any level of English proficiency.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Die 7 Hürden des Erfolgs: Ihr Weg zu mehr Glück und Erfüllung im Leben
Das Buch von David M. R. Covey, Sohn von Bestseller-Autor Stephen R. Covey, und Stephan M. Mardyks ist Ihr Leitfaden zur Vermeidung der 7 Hindernisse, die Menschen jeden Tag ablenken und aufhalten. Wir alle tappen in diese Fallen und merken es oft nicht, oder erst, wenn es zu spät ist. Wie bei Treibsand kann man leicht hineingeraten, aber schwer wieder herauskommen - umso mehr man es versucht, umso tiefer versinkt man darin. Aber was wäre, wenn wir diese Fallen oder Hürden umgehen könnten? Wenn wir sie schon aus der Ferne erkennen könnten und einen großen Bogen um sie machen würden? Lernen Sie im vorliegenden Buch Alex und Victoria kennen, die mit Hindernissen zu kämpfen haben, die Sie sicher wiedererkennen. In ihren Geschichten erfahren Sie mehr über die 7 meistverbreiteten Fallen im Leben und Beruf und wie sogar die intelligentesten und gebildetsten Menschen in ihnen gefangen sein können - unfähig einen Weg herauszufinden. Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie gerade in eine Falle getappt sind, betrachten Sie dieses Buch als Rettungsleine - die Lektionen in diesem Buch lehren Sie, den Hürden in Zukunft auszuweichen. Dazu liefern Ihnen die Autoren unkonventionelle Strategien und Weisheiten, zum Beispiel: - Lernen Sie die 7 größten Fallen bzw. Hürden im Privatleben und im Beruf kennen, die Menschen unbemerkt erwischen können. - Identifizieren Sie die Hindernisse, die Sie ganz konkret jetzt, in diesem Moment aufhalten. - Entdecken Sie Ihren Ausweg und ziehen Sie sich aus dem Treibsand. - Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Hürden erkennen und zukünftig völlig umgehen können. Die Kernbotschaft des Buches ist Hoffnung - der Glaube, dass jeder jederzeit die Laufbahn und Entwicklung seines eigenen Lebens beeinflussen kann. Bewahren Sie sich davor, dass Hindernisse Ihnen Zeit, Geld, Energie und Glück stehlen. Lesen Sie dieses Survival-Training der besonderen Art und schreiben Sie Ihre eigene Erfolgsgeschichte!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantum Negotiation: The Art of Getting What You Need
Master the art of getting what you need with a more collaborative approach to negotiation Quantum Negotiation is a handbook for getting what you need using a mindset and behaviors based on a refreshingly expansive perspective on negotiation. Rather that viewing every negotiation as an antagonistic and combative relationship, this book shows you how to move beyond the traditional pseudo win-win to construct a deal in which all parties get what they need. By exploring who we are as negotiators in the context of social conditioning, this model examines the cognitive, psychological, social, physical, and spiritual aspects of negotiation to help you produce more sustainable, prosperous, and satisfying agreements. We often think of negotiation as taking place in a boardroom, a car dealership, or any other contract-centered situation; in reality, we are negotiating every time we ask for something we need or want. Building more robust negotiation behaviors that resonate beyond the boardroom requires a deep engagement with others and a clear mindset of interdependence. This book helps you shift your perspective and build these important skills through a journey of discovery, reflection, and action. Rethink your assumptions about negotiations, your self-perception, your counterpart, and the overall relationship Adopt new tools that clarify what you want, why you need it, and how your counterpart can also get what they want and need Challenge fundamental world views related to negotiation, and shift from adversarial to engaging and satisfying Understand the unseen forces at work in any negotiation, and prevent them from derailing your success In the interest of creating an environment that elevates everyone’s participation and assists them in reaching their full potential, Quantum Negotiation addresses the reality of hardball and coercion with a focus on engaging the human spirit to create new opportunities and resources.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success
Outsmart the traps that are holding you back from success! Trap Tales is your guide to avoiding the seven obstacles that ensnare people every day. We all fall into traps, and we often don’t even realize it until we’re deeply entrenched. Like quicksand, traps are easy to step into, but difficult to escape—it seems that the harder we try to climb out, the deeper we sink. But what if there were another way? What if we knew the right strategies to escape the traps we have fallen into? What if we could spot traps from a distance, and avoid them entirely? In this book, authors David M. R. Covey and Stephan M. Mardyks train you in the art of Trapology. You’ll meet Alex and Victoria, who have fallen into traps you’re sure to recognize. As you read their stories, you’ll learn about the seven most common traps in life and work, and how even the smartest and seemingly most accomplished people find themselves stuck and unable to see their way out. Traps are masters of disguise, but there are telltale signs that give them away every time. If you discover that you’re trapped right now, consider this book your lifeline—the lessons contained in Trap Tales will teach you how to escape these traps and how to sidestep them in the future. This book, unlike most books, offers counter-intuitive strategies and unconventional wisdom to: • Learn the seven biggest traps in life and work that catch people unaware • Identify the traps that are holding you back right now • Discover your escape route and climb out of the quicksand • Become a “Trapologist” and avoid traps altogether The core message of Trap Tales is hope—the belief that anybody can change the trajectory of their life, at any stage of their life. Stop letting traps steal your time, money, energy, and happiness—Trap Tales provides survival training of a different sort, allowing you to write your own tale of success.