Search results for ""author stefan kühl""
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Organisationen: Eine sehr kurze Einführung
Von der Wiege bis zur Bahre wird unser Leben durch Organisationen bestimmt. Aber wir sind nicht dafür ausgebildet worden, wie wir als Mitglied mit Unternehmen, Verwaltungen, Universitäten, Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Gefängnissen, Parteien oder Armeen zurechtkommen können. Organisationen – was sind das für „Gebilde“, die unsere moderne Gesellschaft so stark bestimmen? Wie "ticken" sie? Welche Eingriffsmöglichkeiten gibt es? Anhand der drei zentralen Merkmale Zwecke, Hierarchie und Mitgliedschaften wird grundlegend erklärt, wie Organisationen funktionieren.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Ganz normale Organisationen Zur Soziologie des Holocaust
Hamburger Edition Beziehungsweisen. Von Freundschaften und Gruppen
Vahlen Franz GmbH Der ganz formale Wahnsinn
Campus Verlag GmbH Wenn die Affen den Zoo regieren Die Tcken der flachen Hierarchien
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ordinary Organisations: Why Normal Men Carried Out the Holocaust
During the Holocaust, 99 percent of all Jewish killings were carried out by members of state organizations. In this groundbreaking book, Stefan Kühl offers a new analysis of the integral role that membership in organizations played in facilitating the annihilation of European Jews under the Nazis. Drawing on the well-researched case of the mass killings of Jews by a Hamburg reserve police battalion, Kühl shows how ordinary men from ordinary professions were induced to carry out massacres. It may have been that coercion, money, identification with the end goal, the enjoyment of brutality, or the expectations of their comrades impelled the members of the police battalion to join the police units and participate in ghetto liquidations, deportations, and mass shootings. But ultimately, argues Kühl, the question of immediate motives, or indeed whether members carried out tasks with enthusiasm or reluctance, is of secondary importance. The crucial factor in explaining what they did was the integration of individuals into an organizational framework that prompted them to perform their roles. This book makes a major contribution to our understanding of the Holocaust by demonstrating the fundamental role played by organizations in persuading ordinary Germans to participate in the annihilation of the Jews. It will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of organizations, violence, and modern German history, as well as for anyone interested in genocide and the Holocaust.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Schlüsselwerke der Organisationsforschung
Der Band stellt über 100 zentrale Texte aus dem Bereich der Organisationsforschung vor. Jeder Beitrag ist nach einem einheitlichen Schema aufgebaut und geht den folgenden Fragen nach: In welchem Kontext ist der Text entstanden (wovon möchte er sich abgrenzen, an welche Arbeiten schließt er an)? Was sind die Hauptargumente der Arbeit?Was ist die These, wie wird die These begründet?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ordinary Organisations: Why Normal Men Carried Out the Holocaust
During the Holocaust, 99 percent of all Jewish killings were carried out by members of state organizations. In this groundbreaking book, Stefan Kühl offers a new analysis of the integral role that membership in organizations played in facilitating the annihilation of European Jews under the Nazis. Drawing on the well-researched case of the mass killings of Jews by a Hamburg reserve police battalion, Kühl shows how ordinary men from ordinary professions were induced to carry out massacres. It may have been that coercion, money, identification with the end goal, the enjoyment of brutality, or the expectations of their comrades impelled the members of the police battalion to join the police units and participate in ghetto liquidations, deportations, and mass shootings. But ultimately, argues Kühl, the question of immediate motives, or indeed whether members carried out tasks with enthusiasm or reluctance, is of secondary importance. The crucial factor in explaining what they did was the integration of individuals into an organizational framework that prompted them to perform their roles. This book makes a major contribution to our understanding of the Holocaust by demonstrating the fundamental role played by organizations in persuading ordinary Germans to participate in the annihilation of the Jews. It will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of organizations, violence, and modern German history, as well as for anyone interested in genocide and the Holocaust.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Methoden der Organisationsforschung: Quantitative und Qualitative Methoden
Das Handbuch verschafft einen umfassenden Überblick über die quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der Organisationsforschung. Die übergreifende Struktur, die durchgängige Herangehensweise und der hohe Praxisbezug versetzen Wissenschaftler, Studierende und insbesondere Praktiker in die Lage, das Methodeninstrumentarium der Organisationsforschung gezielt für eigene Zwecke zu nutzen.