Search results for ""author simon dubnow""
Metropol Verlag Jüdische Geschichte Kultur. Magazin des DubnowInstituts
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Buch des Lebens, Band 1-3: Erinnerungen und Gedanken; Materialien zur Geschichte meiner Zeit
Simon Dubnow (18601941) is one of the most important historians in Jewish history. His famous world history of the Jewish people has long been available in German translation, but not his memoirs, of which only a greatly abridged version appeared in 1937. This first complete German-language publication of his memoirs brings the personality and work of the great Russian-Jewish historian back to the German-speaking world. Here, in Berlin, Dubnow lived between 1922 and 1933; It was here that he completed his memories. In the first volume, Dubnow describes his persistently pursued educational path from the cheder to the schools of the Enlightenment. Coming from a respected family of timber merchants, he worked as a young journalist in the milieu of the Russian-Jewish Petersburg intelligentsia around the magazine "Voschod". The anti-Jewish policy of Alexander III. destroyed any hope of cultural integration. Dubnow finally went to Odessa, where he developed the foundations of his ideas on Jewish history and, as a "missionary of history," became the initiator and mentor of the Russian-Jewish history movement. The following volumes describe the 20th century from the perspective of a contemporary witness, its historical View from Eastern Europe reflects the intellectual and social upheavals in the centers of world affairs St. Petersburg (19061922) and Berlin (19221933). In 1941 in Riga, Simon Dubnow was the victim of the National Socialist annihilation of European Jewry, which was his life's work would have.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Buch des Lebens, Band 2: 1903--1922: Erinnerungen und Gedanken; Materialien zur Geschichte meiner Zeit
We live in a historical end-time which is erasing the legacy of the nineteenth century in all areas of social and individual life. Our epoch at the turn of two centuries has come to an end and there are many indications that the twentieth century will not be a continuation but the reversal of the nineteenth. ... So I want my memories to be understood as materials for the history of my time, a story of the intellectual struggles at the beginning of this era and the political struggles at its end. "Simon Dubnow 1934Simon Dubnow's book of life comprises three parts, which in three Volumes are published. Volume 2 is dedicated to Dubnow's academic and political work in the years 1903 to 1922 in Vilnius and Petersburg and gives an insight into the history of the political movements between the revolution of 1905 and the civil war.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Buch des Lebens, Band 3: 1922--1933: Erinnerungen und Gedanken; Materialien zur Geschichte meiner Zeit
Simon Dubnow (18601941) ist der bedeutendste jüdische Historiker seiner Zeit. Seine Memoiren erscheinen jetzt erstmals vollständig übersetzt und bringen Persönlichkeit und Werk des großen Gelehrten in den deutschen Sprachraum zurück.Im dritten und abschließenden Band der "Erinnerungen" lässt Simon Dubnow seine Zeit im Berlin der Weimarer Republik Revue passieren. Wie viele andere war er vor Unterdrückung und drohender Verfolgung im bolschewistischen Russland geflohen. In seinen "Erinnerungen" zeichnet Dubnow ein lebendiges Bild des russisch-jüdischen Emigrantenmilieus in Berlin und schildert aus jüdischer Perspektive sowohl den Glanz der Goldenen Zwanziger als auch die schwierigen Anfänge sowie den Niedergang der ersten deutschen Demokratie. Als Schlägertrupps der SA die Straßen Berlins eroberten und seine Hoffnung auf ein vereintes, friedliches Europa zerstörten, musste Dubnow fliehen. So enden seine "Erinnerungen" 1933, im Schlüsseljahr der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.Ergänzt wird der dritte Band durch die Erinnerungen Victor Erlichs, des Enkels Simon Dubnows, der längere Zeit bei seinen Großeltern in Berlin lebte.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Buch des Lebens Band 1: 1860-1903: Erinnerungen und Gedanken; Materialien zur Geschichte meiner Zeit
We live in a historical end-time that erases the legacy of the nineteenth century in all areas of social and individual life. Our epoch at the turn of two centuries has come to an end and there are many indications that the twentieth century will not be a continuation but the reversal of the nineteenth. ... So I want my memories to be understood as materials for the history of my time, a story of the intellectual struggles at the beginning of this era and the political struggles at its end. "Simon Dubnow 1934Simon Dubnow's book of life comprises three parts, which in three Volumes are published. Volume 1 brings to mind childhood and youth, the apprenticeship years and the beginning of journalistic work such as historical research in Petersburg and Odessa in the years 1860 to 1903. In it Dubnow describes traditional Jewish life in Eastern Europe and the dawn of modernity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Bibliothek jÃ"discher Geschichte und Kultur.: Bekenntnis eines von vielen
In his tale entitled "Geschichte eines jÃ"dischen Soldaten (The History of a Jewish Soldier)," written during World War I, Simon Dubnow effectively created the collective biography of Russian Judaism. Representing 35 years of repression, persecution and humiliation as well as the struggles and hopes of a whole generation of Russian Jews, the life of this nameless Jewish soldier is told with gripping words. The author concentrates the story on the years between 1881, which marks the beginning of the pogroms, and 1915, during the war. This work is available here for the first time in German and is complemented by an extensive commentary and previously unavailable documents.