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Faber & Faber Where the Wild Dads Went
UPDATED EDITION FOR 2021: THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HARDWORING DADS EVERYWHERE!BUYING THIS BOOK SUPPORTS THE BIG ISSUE FOUNDATIONIllustrated by the award-winning Sholto Walker, this is the hilarious sequel to Where the Wild Mums Are . . . because hardworking dads still have a wild side! The night Dad had a few cheeky ones after work, forgot the milk and tripped over the rubbish, Mum called him A Wild Thing and said "Don't mind me!" and spent the rest of the night on the phone . . .In this hilarious, touching homage to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are, a tired and emotional dad finds himself drifting off to the place where the Wild Dads went. 'Now PARTYYYYYYYYYY!' he said. In a riot of dad dancing and air guitar, he is at the centre of a great escape, but pretty soon he begins to miss the place he left behind . . .
Faber & Faber Where the Wild Moms Are
Faber & Faber 'Twas the Nightcap Before Christmas
Dad suggests a sherry 'To keep us both going', in the cosy front room with the firelight glowing ...Then out comes the Baileys. And mum hits the rum. Hours of merriment and a stocking-clad tango later, they drift off to sleep - the living room in disarray, the presents unwrapped and their careful Christmas preparations in ruins. But come morning it seems a mysterious visitor has saved the day . This tipsy twist on the nation's favourite festive poem is the perfect gift for harassed parents everywhere.
BookBaby Playing Together in the Sandbox
Sellers Publishing Ned Dreads Bed
HarperCollins Publishers Blood: Band 11/Lime (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level What is blood? How does it help us? How does it travel around the body? Find answers to all these questions, learn what the heart and lungs do and see what the difference is between veins, arteries and capillaries in this fun non-fiction information book. Useful diagrams and fun cartoons make these difficult concepts accessible and interesting. Lime/Band 11 books have longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language. Text type: An information book. A diagram of what blood is and how it travels around the body on pages 30 and 31 help children to recap what they've read. Additional retrieval devices such as a glossary and index can be evaluated for their usefulness as children develop critical reading skills. Curriculum links: Science: Ourselves; Keeping healthy. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
HarperCollins Publishers Blood: Level 13 (Collins Big Cat Arabic Reading Programme)
Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 13 books feature longer and more complex sentence structures. Sentences make use of a wide range of stylistic features which reflect progression in the teaching of Arabic grammar. Stories may also contain more literary, metaphorical language, including similes and other figurative language to help the reader create mental images, plus exaggeration for dramatic or humorous effect. Non-fiction titles contain longer, more formal sentences and a broader range of unfamiliar terms. What is blood? How does it help us? How does it travel around the body? Find answers to all these questions, learn what the heart and lungs do and see what the difference is between veins, arteries and capillaries in this fun non-fiction information book. Useful diagrams and fun cartoons make these difficult concepts accessible and interesting. A diagram of what blood is and how it travels around the body on pages 30 and 31 helps children to recap what they've read.
HarperCollins Publishers Buzz and Bingo in the Starry Sky: Band 10/White (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level In this comical adventure, Buzz and Bingo find themselves in Outer Space trying to help a lost alien, XY5, find his parents. Along the way they meet a number of glittering constellations in the starry sky and a whole family of aliens. But after assisting XY5 they find themselves with the problem of trying to get back to earth. White/Band 10 books have more complex sentences and figurative language. Text type – A humorous fantasy story. Pages 30 and 31 show an illustration of the night sky and the star formations observed by Buzz and Bingo in space, providing lots of opportunities for speaking and listening. Curriculum links – Citizenship: Living in a diverse world, Taking part. This is the return of Buzz and Bingo for the third in their mini-series. This book is paired with an informatio book on the same theme: Is There Anyone Out There? This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
HarperCollins Publishers Buzz and Bingo in the Monster Maze: Band 08/Purple (Collins Big Cat)
Walking through the forest one moonlit night, Buzz and his dog Bingo find a sign pointing to a Monster Party. It sounds like fun – but first they have to find their way through the Monster Maze, meeting Count Dracula, a werewolf, a troll and a mummy along the way. Purple/ Band 8 books offer developing readers literary language, with some challenging vocabulary. Text type – A humorous story. The maze on pages 22 and 23 reminds readers of the mosters Buzz and Bingo have met on their way to the party. Curriculum links – Citizenship: Choices. Buzz and Bingo in the Monster Maze is one of two stories by Alan Durant about Buzz and Bingo in the Collins Big Cat reading programme. This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
HarperCollins Publishers Zara and the Fairy Godbrother: Band 05 Green/Band 14 Ruby (Collins Big Cat Progress)
When Zara wishes for a new dress for the school party she doesn’t expect to see a fairy godbrother land in her room, especially when he tries to “text-a-spell” with unpredictable results! Will Zara ever get her dream dress? Collins Big Cat Progress builds confidence, helping struggling pupils not only to read, but to love reading Dual-banded books provide age-appropriate interest level material matched with a lower reading ability level Every book is levelled by reading expert Cliff Moon to ensure precise, systematic, measurable progression to help close the ability gap The books use a range of reading strategies: phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual to build confident, accurate, fluent readers Designed to build speaking and listening skills, as well as reading skills, the books are highly visual and include incredible illustrations and photographs Every book has a Key Stage 2 look-and-feel to engage older pupils and avoid stigmatisation Topics are relevant for children in years 3-6 and connected to the curriculum and framework objectives for these years to support inclusion Progress titles contain a Reader Response page to encourage the pupil to respond to and recall what they have read. This offers an ideal opportunity to check comprehension Ideas for Reading, written by primary literacy expert Gill Howell are included in the back of every book to help you support the reading needs of each child This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader
HarperCollins Publishers Buzz and Bingo in the Fairytale Forest: Band 09/Gold (Collins Big Cat)
When Buzz and Bingo went down to the woods one day, they got a big surprise! They met a charming prince, a big bad wolf, seven little men and an old woman. But where was the beautiful girl that every one was looking for? Children will enjoy spotting the familiar characters and plot changes as the traditional stories are skillfully woven together. Gold/Band 9 fiction books offer developing readers literary language and stories with distinctive characters. Text type – A humorous story. A map on pages 22 and 23 tracks the trail that Buzz and Bingo follow through the forest so children can retell the story in their own words. Curriculum links – Citizenship: People who help us. This is the second title in the Buzz and Bingo series This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.