Search results for ""author seymour b. sarason""
John Wiley & Sons Inc You Are Thinking of Teaching?: Opportunities, Problems, Realities
You Are Thinking of Teaching? is a lovely essay on theconsideration of teachin. It asks those who are thinking ofteaching to ask questions, to ponder their decision, and to pursuethe information they need to make a reasoned choice. There isnothing like it in the professional literature, which makes it allthe more valuable. ?Pat Walsey, senior researcher for change, Coalition of EssentialSchools
John Wiley & Sons Teaching as a Performing Art
This work probes the topic of teaching as a performing art, focusing on the role of teachers in galvanizing an audience - their students. It argues that teachers will better engage learners if they are prepared in the ""artistry"" of doing so.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Predictable Failure of Educational Reform: Can We Change Course Before It's Too Late?
Sarason challenges educators to understand that to continue tostruggle for 'power over' rather than 'power with' overlooks themutual interest of all parties that will stifle any real progressin education reform. In a classroom utilizing effective teachingpractices students would respond to the question, 'How do you ratethis book?' with all thumbs up. ?Choice
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Case for Change: Rethinking the Preparation of Educators
So many reformers talk about fundamental changes in schoolingwithout understanding what such deep changes entail for children,teachers, and administrators. Seymour Sarason does. In hisprovocative, mind-bAnding and passionate style, Sarason againargues against short-term repairs of schools. He seeks long-termprevention and he sees the lever, as John Goodlad did, in thepreparation of teachers. Add this to your small library of wisdomabout school reform. ?Larry Cuban, professor of education, Stanford University.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Crossing Boundaries: Collaboration, Coordination, and the Redefinition of Resources
Once again, Sarason leads the way, with a unique and provocative perspective on organizational collaboration. In this penetrating work, Sarason and Lorenz tackle the problem of decreased in schools and health and social service agencies. They show how collaboration between organizations can work, and how this pooling of resources can add up to more than the sum of parts. The authors the role of networks for maximizing the use of resources, the special role and characteristics of a network coordinator, and the energy and sense of community that will result.