Search results for ""author scott cunningham""
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Cunninghams Book of Shadows
Includes spells, rituals, and invocations and an herbal grimoire.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
A comprehensive guide to magical herbalism, detailing over 400 herbs and plants from all over the world.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Complete Book of Incense Oils and Brews
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Wicca
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Magical Herbalism
Yale University Press Causal Inference: The Mixtape
An accessible, contemporary introduction to the methods for determining cause and effect in the social sciences “Causation versus correlation has been the basis of arguments—economic and otherwise—since the beginning of time. Causal Inference: The Mixtape uses legit real-world examples that I found genuinely thought-provoking. It’s rare that a book prompts readers to expand their outlook; this one did for me.”—Marvin Young (Young MC) Causal inference encompasses the tools that allow social scientists to determine what causes what. In a messy world, causal inference is what helps establish the causes and effects of the actions being studied—for example, the impact (or lack thereof) of increases in the minimum wage on employment, the effects of early childhood education on incarceration later in life, or the influence on economic growth of introducing malaria nets in developing regions. Scott Cunningham introduces students and practitioners to the methods necessary to arrive at meaningful answers to the questions of causation, using a range of modeling techniques and coding instructions for both the R and the Stata programming languages.
Arkano Books Enciclopedia de las hierbas mgicas
La naturaleza nos ha regalado, por medios de las hierbas, la solución para una gran cantidad de afecciones físicas, emocionales y espirituales. Sus poderes mágicos y curativos ?ya utilizados en la antigüedad- residen en sus fragancias, colores y formas.Quiere atraer el amor? Lleve consigo una bolsa de pétalos de rosa o raíces de iris florentina. Necesita dinero extra? Queme clavo en forma de incienso. Quiere conocer el futuro? Prepare té con capullos de rosa, tómelo antes de ir adormir y luego recuerde sus sueños. Esta es la clase de magia que encontrará en estas páginas.La Enciclopedia de las hierbas mágicas es una obra que reúne la colección práctica más completa sobre los usos y propiedades mágicas de las hierbas, su aplicación, su preparación y los utensilios necesarios que le ayudarán a aprovechar al máximo los beneficios de más de quinientas plantas diferentes.Aplique estos simples procedimientos para mejorar sus problemas cotidianos y disfrute de mayor protección, amor,
Arkano Books Enciclopedia de cristales gemas y metales mágicos
Como todos los estudios han demostrado, los minerales poseen poderes mágicos y curativos capaces de realizar cambios positivos en la vida de las personas. Por ello, sus propiedades como generadores de energía se emplean cada vez más con fines curativos y psíquicos.Sabía usted, por ejemplo, que el zafiro desarrolla los poderes psíquicos y actúa como guardián del amor? O que la amatista representa la paz y contiene propiedades curativas, y que el cuarzo se emplea para la protección y estimula los estados de conciencia mágicos?Utilice las piedras, cristales y metales que tiene en casa y aprenda cómo puede realizar magia natural sin necesidad de rituales extensos ni costosos! También descubrirá cómo emplear sus poderes naturales para mejorar la salud, las situaciones financieras, los estudios, las relaciones personales y mucho más.Basado en una extensa investigación, Scott Cunningham nos revela secretos que han permanecido ocultos durante siglos, y le ayudará a aprender todo sobre
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Divination for Beginners: Discover the Techniques That Work for You
You can become your own diviner of things unseen with the many methods outlined in this guide. Here you will find descriptions of both common and unusual divinatory techniques, each grouped by the tools to perform them. Many use natural forces like water, clouds, smoke or the movement of birds.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Living Wicca
A further guide for the solitary practitioner.
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Wicca Praxis
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Cunninghams Magical Sampler
Contains essays, spells, and rituals. This book of magical writings penned in the early 1990s offers wisdom on perennially popular topics such as the sabbats, Hawaiian magic, magical gardening, protection magic, bird charms, moon spells, yule trees, herbal remedies, and ancient Greek oracles.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen
It is hoped that readers of this text will savour mushrooms like never before after experiencing their intuitive-raising effects, and treat celery with new meaning as it boosts sexual desire and psychic awareness. The book examines food in terms of its "magical energy".
Llewellyn Espanol Enciclopedia de Las Hierbas Mágicas
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Crystal Gem Metal Magic
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Earth Power
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Magical Aromatherapy
Explains the effects of fragrance, identifies useful flowers, spices, herbs, and oils, and suggests their magical properties.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Earth Air Fire Water
A treasure trove of practical magic for both novices and more experienced practitioners...beautifully crafted spells that invoke the alchemy of possibility.PanGaia A leaf from an oak tree...a wildflower...water from a sparkling stream...dirt from a cool dark cavethese are the age-old tools of natural magic. Born of the earth, possessing inherent power, they await only our touch and intention to bring their magical qualities to life. The four elements are powerful magical tools. Using their energies, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world. This much-loved, classic guide offers more than seventy-five spells, rites, and simple rituals you can perform using the marvelous powers of the natural world. Scott Cunningham was a greatly respected teacher and one of the most influential members of the modern Craft movement. A practitioner of elemental magic for twenty years, he wrote more than fifty books, including the seminal Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Truth About Witchcraft
Now available with an updated cover, The Truth About Witchcraft provides a wonderful introduction to Witchcraft and Wicca for those new to the craft.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Spell Crafts
A guide to magical craft, demonstrating how to make your own powerful tools for self-transformation, from shaman's arrows, Corn Mothers and flower garlands, to magic mirrors and protective hex signs. This new edition features a new preface by David Harrington and new illustrations.
Mango Media Magic of Crystals and Gems: Unlocking the Supernatural Power of Stones
Unlock Supernatural Power“This is definitely a fun read and shows small ways you can try and change your life for the better." ―Nerdy Girl Express#1 Best Seller in CrystalsPractice Practical Magic. Did you know that wearing an amulet of green jade during an interview will help you get the job? Have you heard that an amethyst ring can help break bad habits and even encourage sobriety? Anyone looking for love can place two pink quartz crystals in the bedroom; you’ll not be alone for long! These are just a few of the hundreds of secrets shared in The Magic of Crystals and Gems. Semi-precious stones and gems have long been known for their magic as well as their beauty. In this book of charms, readers learn everything there is to know about the powers of crystals from birthstone magic to gem divination to jewelry spells. This is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening book that will appeal to everyone who's ever worn a birthstone, kissed the ring of a lover for luck, or bought a crystal for good energy.Learn Amazing Things About Crystals. The Magic of Crystals and Gems is a treasure chest filled with the ancient wisdom of crystals. It is also a handy how-to filled with little-known lore along with the myth, meanings and specific magical qualities of hundreds of crystals, both common and very rare, including many meteorites. Author Cerridwen Greenleaf shares secrets to how and why crystal balls work, scrying with obsidian, crystal astrology, divination, healing, psychism and connections between the stars in the sky and gems of the earth. This one-of-a-kind work on the power of crystals belongs on the bookshelf of everyone interested in the magical gifts of Mother Nature.Learn: Which crystals are right for you How to unlock the mystery of sacred stones Ways to improve your life with changes as simple as putting new crystals in your room If you like The Crystal Bible or Crystals for Healing, you'll love The Magic of Crystals and Gems
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forecasting and Management of Technology
Published in 1991, the first edition of Forecasting and Management of Technology was one of the leading handful of books to deal with the topic of forecasting of technology and technology management as this discipline was emerging. The new, revised edition of this book will build on this knowledge in the context of business organizations that now place a greater emphasis on technology to stay on the cutting edge of development. The scope of this edition has broadened to include management of technology content that is relevant to now to executives in organizations while updating and strengthening the technology forecasting and analysis content that the first edition is reputed for. Updated by the original author team, plus new author Scott Cunningham, the book takes into account what the authors see as the innovations to technology management in the last 17 years: the Internet; the greater focus on group decision-making including process management and mechanism design; and desktop software that has transformed the analytical capabilities of technology managers. Included in this book will be 5 case studies from various industries that show how technology management is applied in the real world.