Search results for ""author samuel wells""
Church Publishing Hanging by a Thread The Questions of the Cross
Canterbury Press Norwich The Moment of Truth: Reflections on Incarnation and Resurrection
Christmas and Easter, Advent and Lent, each focus on the central beliefs of Christian faith – that in the Incarnation, God comes among us, and that in the Resurrection, death is defeated and creation is renewed. In this collection of seasonal reflections, Samuel Wells unpacks the substance of these key Christian doctrines, and explores their practical implications for living as Christians in the world: - Laid in a Manger: Reflections on the Nativity - The Word was Made Flesh: Reflections on Christmas - The Image of the Invisible God: Reflections on the Incarnation - Early on the First Day of the Week: Reflections on Easter Morning - I have Seen the Lord: Reflections on the Risen Christ An ideal resource for leading seasonal services or preaching at key festivals, this collection will keep giving from Advent Sunday to Easter Day.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader
CHRISTIAN ETHICS CHRISTIAN ETHICSAN INTRODUCTORY READER“The selection of readings is excellent and I’d happily have my students devour them.” Esther Reed, University of Exeter“Clear, sharply focused, and precisely what is needed. This book is enlightening and potentially transformative. It presents Christian ethics as an exciting theological enterprise and offers a rich, deep, and accessible way of practicing ethics.” John Swinton, University of Aberdeen“Wells and Quash have put together a wonderfully comprehensive survey of Christian ethics while at the same time offering a distinctive and fresh perspective … With the array of primary texts and judicious and very well-informed commentary that the two volumes represent, they have succeeded in constructing an extremely valuable resource for teachers and students of Christian ethics.” Michael S. Northcott, University of Edinburgh (of Introducing Christian Ethics and Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader)Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader provides a comprehensive anthology of primary documents and materials relating to the emergence and study of key approaches to Christian ethics.The volume seeks to encompass the entire canon of Christian ethics, including first-hand accounts from major figures in the theological and ecclesial tradition. Readers are introduced to foundational figures such as Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, and Barth, as well as contemporary voices including Rosemary Radford Ruether, James Cone, Jürgen Moltmann, Stanley Hauerwas, Oliver O’Donovan, Wendell Berry, and many others. Other notable figures not usually associated with the study of formal theoretical ethics, such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., are also represented.The significance of each extract is summarized through useful introductory sections, placing the author or text in the context of broader developments in Christian ethical theory. Whether it is used independently or alongside the accompanying textbook, Introducing Christian Ethics, this engaging and informative volume offers students a window into the fascinating evolution of Christian ethical thought.
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Nazareth Manifesto: Being with God
A Nazareth Manifesto is an eloquent and impassioned ecumenical proposal for re-envisioning Christianity's approach to social engagement away from working "for" the people to being "with" them. Questions the effectiveness of the current trend of intervention as a means of fixing the problems of people in distressed and disadvantaged circumstances Argues that Jesus spent 90% of his life simply being among the people of Nazareth, sharing their hopes and struggles, therefore Christians should place a similar emphasis on being alongside people in need rather than hastening to impose solutions Written by a respected priest and broadcaster and renowned Christian ethicist and preacher Supported by historical, contemporary, exegetical and anecdotal illustrations
Canterbury Press Norwich Incarnational Ministry: Being with the church
The bestselling writer and popular broadcaster Sam Wells reflects theologically and practically on the essence of discipleship and Christian ministry today. Those in ministry, like Jesus, are called to the task of ‘being with’: with God, with the church, with the created world and those who live in it. Incarnational Ministry explores the concept of ‘being with’ in eight dimensions: presence, attention, mystery, delight, participation, partnership, enjoyment and glory. It challenges readers to deeper discipleship and more vital ministry as they explore what it means to be with the troubled, the hurt, the afflicted and the dying – and all who are embraced by the Church’s incarnational ministry.
Canterbury Press Norwich The Heart Of It All: The Bible's Big Picture
As a collection of 66 books spanning thousands of years, the Bible can be daunting in size and scope. In The Heart of It All, Samuel Wells simplifies the Bible's complexity and presents the entire sweep of its narrative in eighteen key themes. Although its contents range from history to poetry, law, narrative, letters and even apocalyptic literature, at the Bible's heart are relationships between God, creation, Jesus, the Church, the Spirit and the Kingdom. Samuel Wells argues that this provides a lens through which the whole Bible can be understood. Rooted in the best of contemporary biblical theology and scholarship, The Heart of It All will deepen understanding of the Bible and increase confidence in reading it. It includes questions for reflection, making this an ideal resource for Lent groups as well as for individual reading.
Canterbury Press Norwich A Future That's Bigger Than The Past: Towards the renewal of the Church
A Future that’s Bigger than the Past sets out a vision for renewing the local church that is energising, realistic and practical for small and large congregations alike. In response to prevailing narratives of decline, it reimagines how the church can live its vocation of receiving God’s abundance and sharing it far and wide. It recognises the surprising, exuberant and plentiful things that the Holy Spirit is doing in the world and calls the church to celebrate creation, enjoy culture and share in its flourishing. With a rich theological foundation and borne out of the practical experience of growing local church communities, this ground-breaking book will help churches discover fresh ways to bless the communities they serve.
Canterbury Press Norwich Incarnational Mission: Being with the world
In this follow-up to Incarnational Ministry: Being with the Church, Samuel Wells explores what it means for Christians and churches to engage with the world. Drawing on the Gospels, Acts, and personal insights gleaned from more than two decades in ministry, he shows how ‘being with’ others includes experiences of presence, attention, mystery, delight, participation, partnership, enjoyment and glory. His vivid narratives and wise reflections will help Christian readers better understand how to be with all kinds of people outside the church, including: • Being with Seekers • Being with Those of Other Faiths • Being with the Hostile • Being with Neighbours • Being with Government • Being with the Excluded
Canterbury Press Norwich Walk Humbly: Encouragements for living, working and being
In the spirit of the popular poem 'Desiderata', world-renowned ethicist, theologian and preacher Samuel Wells offers eight exhortations in this extended meditation on being alive in the world and making our way through life. Each exhortation is simple and direct - be humble, be grateful, be your own size, be gentle, be a person of praise, be faithful, be one body, be a blessing - and accompanied by thought-provoking comments that speak to our deepest needs for meaning and for belonging. Grounded in perceptive observations of contemporary life and reflecting a deep knowledge of philosophical and religious wisdom, Walk Humbly will inspire you to stop, wonder, reflect, and understand more clearly your life in the world.
Canterbury Press Norwich How to Preach: Times, seasons, texts and contexts
In How to Preach, Samuel Wells goes beyond the arts and disciplines of preparing, crafting and delivering sermons, to explore preaching as an act of worship and prayer. Here, preachers will discover how being attentive to God, to Scripture, to the world, to their hearers, and to themselves can inform and shape their message. They will be renewed in joining the long tradition of witnessing to the revelation of God in every area of human experience. Preaching takes many forms and responds to many different needs and occasions. This broad-ranging volume considers: • the times in which we live: politics, society, freedom, disability and war • the seasons of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost • the variety of biblical texts: Old Testament narratives and poetry, Gospel miracles and parables, the writings of Paul • life’s key moments: baptisms, weddings and funerals. For each topic, there is reflection on the demands and opportunities presented, ways of approach, sermon examples, and memorably wise and uncompromising practical guidelines that will nourish and inspire all who long to embrace the call to preach more faithfully.
InterVarsity Press Living Without Enemies – Being Present in the Midst of Violence
Baker Publishing Group Esther & Daniel
The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible advances the assumption that the Nicene creedal tradition, in all its diversity, provides the proper basis for the interpretation of the Bible as Christian scripture. The series volumes, written by leading theologians, encourage Christians to extend the vital roots of the ancient Christian tradition to our day. In this addition to the acclaimed series, two respected scholars offer a theological exegesis of Esther and Daniel. As with other volumes in the series, this book is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics
The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics presents a comprehensive and systematic exposition of Christian ethics, seen through the lens of Christian worship. An innovative exposition of Christian ethics, seen through the lens of Christian worship Challenges conventional approaches to the subject Restores a sense of the integral connection between Christian ethics and theology Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most influential figures in Christian ethics around the world Embraces contributors from the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, Mennonite and Pentecostal traditions Designed to be accessible to introductory students Will have a major impact on the discipline of Christian ethics
Church Publishing Inc Behold What You Are: Becoming the Body of Christ
Behold What You Are is written to open the possibilities of liturgy and liturgical awareness, in the church and of the church, Sunday by Sunday, season by season.In a world increasingly and sharply divided, the image of the body of Christ can provide an alternate and life-giving narrative. We don’t just gather to worship God; we gather to worship God together, even when that gathering is online. And we go forth together to be the body of Christ, that the world might be repaired and restored to God. This body is not finite and exclusive; it is porous and open to all. Our traditions are a wonderful springboard for refreshed liturgical expressions in settings within and beyond our church buildings. These expressions can connect with people who would not otherwise enter a beautiful but somewhat austere structure. With some thoughtful reflection and intentionality, the public expression and formation of the body of Christ through liturgy can become more vital for all.
Canterbury Press Norwich The City is my Monastery: A contemporary rule of life
Richard Carter swapped a life of simplicity with an Anglican religious order in the Solomon Islands for parish ministry in one of London's busiest churches, St Martin-in-the-Fields. Seeing a need for monastic values in the centre of the city, he founded the Nazareth Community. Its members gather from everyday life to seek God in contemplation, to acknowledge their dependence on God’s grace and to learn to live openly and generously with all. Part story, part spiritual meditation, The City is My Monastery offers spiritual wisdom for daily life rooted in the Nazareth Community’s seven guiding principles: Silence, Service, Scripture, Sacrament, Sharing, Sabbath Time and Staying.
Baker Publishing Group Improvisation – The Drama of Christian Ethics
This introductory textbook establishes theatrical improvisation as a model for Christian ethics, helping Christians embody their faith in the practices of discipleship. Clearly, accessibly, and creatively written, it has been well received as a text for courses in Christian ethics. The repackaged edition has updated language and recent relevant resources, and it includes a new afterword by Wesley Vander Lugt and Benjamin D. Wayman that explores the reception and ongoing significance of the text.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd God's Companions: Reimagining Christian Ethics
We are pleased to annouce that God’s Companions by Samuel Wells has been shortlisted for the 2007 Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing. Grounded in Samuel Wells’ experience of ordinary lives in poorer neighborhoods, this book presents a striking and imaginative approach to Christian ethics. It argues that Christian ethics is founded on God, on the practices of human community, and on worship, and that ethics is fundamentally a reflection of God's abundance. Wells synthesizes dogmatic, liturgical, ethical, scriptural, and pastoral approaches to theology in order to make a bold claim for the centrality of the local church in theological reflection. He considers the abundance of gifts God gives through the practices of the Church, particularly the Eucharist. His central thesis, which governs his argument throughout, is that God gives his people everything they need to worship him, be his friends, and eat with him. Wells engages with serious scholarly material, yet sets out the issues lucidly for a student audience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader
CHRISTIAN ETHICS CHRISTIAN ETHICSAN INTRODUCTORY READER“The selection of readings is excellent and I’d happily have my students devour them.” Esther Reed, University of Exeter“Clear, sharply focused, and precisely what is needed. This book is enlightening and potentially transformative. It presents Christian ethics as an exciting theological enterprise and offers a rich, deep, and accessible way of practicing ethics.” John Swinton, University of Aberdeen“Wells and Quash have put together a wonderfully comprehensive survey of Christian ethics while at the same time offering a distinctive and fresh perspective … With the array of primary texts and judicious and very well-informed commentary that the two volumes represent, they have succeeded in constructing an extremely valuable resource for teachers and students of Christian ethics.” Michael S. Northcott, University of Edinburgh (of Introducing Christian Ethics and Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader)Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader provides a comprehensive anthology of primary documents and materials relating to the emergence and study of key approaches to Christian ethics.The volume seeks to encompass the entire canon of Christian ethics, including first-hand accounts from major figures in the theological and ecclesial tradition. Readers are introduced to foundational figures such as Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, and Barth, as well as contemporary voices including Rosemary Radford Ruether, James Cone, Jürgen Moltmann, Stanley Hauerwas, Oliver O’Donovan, Wendell Berry, and many others. Other notable figures not usually associated with the study of formal theoretical ethics, such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., are also represented.The significance of each extract is summarized through useful introductory sections, placing the author or text in the context of broader developments in Christian ethical theory. Whether it is used independently or alongside the accompanying textbook, Introducing Christian Ethics, this engaging and informative volume offers students a window into the fascinating evolution of Christian ethical thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd God's Companions: Reimagining Christian Ethics
We are pleased to annouce that God’s Companions by Samuel Wells has been shortlisted for the 2007 Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing. Grounded in Samuel Wells’ experience of ordinary lives in poorer neighborhoods, this book presents a striking and imaginative approach to Christian ethics. It argues that Christian ethics is founded on God, on the practices of human community, and on worship, and that ethics is fundamentally a reflection of God's abundance. Wells synthesizes dogmatic, liturgical, ethical, scriptural, and pastoral approaches to theology in order to make a bold claim for the centrality of the local church in theological reflection. He considers the abundance of gifts God gives through the practices of the Church, particularly the Eucharist. His central thesis, which governs his argument throughout, is that God gives his people everything they need to worship him, be his friends, and eat with him. Wells engages with serious scholarly material, yet sets out the issues lucidly for a student audience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics
Featuring updates, revisions, and new essays from various scholars within the Christian tradition, The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics, Second Edition reveals how Christian worship is the force that shapes the moral life of Christians. Features new essays on class, race, disability, gender, peace, and the virtues Includes a number of revised essays and a range of new authors The innovative and influential approach organizes ethical themes around the shape of Christian worship The original edition is the most successful to-date in the Companions to Religion series
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introducing Christian Ethics
Introducing Christian Ethics 2e, now thoroughly revised and updated, offers an unparalleled introduction to the study of Christian Ethics, mapping and exploring all the major ethical approaches, and offering thoughtful insights into the complex moral challenges facing people today. This highly successful text has been thoughtfully updated, based on considerable feedback, to include increased material on Catholic perspectives, further case studies and the augmented use of introductions and summaries Uniquely redefines the field of Christian ethics along three strands: universal (ethics for anyone), subversive (ethics for the excluded), and ecclesial (ethics for the church) Encompasses Christian ethics in its entirety, offering students a substantial overview by re-mapping the field and exploring the differences in various ethical approaches Provides a successful balance between description, analysis, and critique Structured so that it can be used alongside a companion volume, Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader, which further illustrates and amplifies the diversity of material and arguments explored here