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Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd Imray Crossing the Thames Estuary: 2022: 3
But its waters are also fascinating, interesting and have a wide selection of destinations to enjoy. This book describes 60 safe, viable and feasible routes between the Kent, Essex and Suffolk rivers for safe passage and wholly new time-planning tables which are now simplified with significantly additional and readily available information. The third edition retains all the popular features describing and illustrating each sector of each route, with waypoints and 'rolling road' diagrams, providing information and advice about potential or permanent hazards, the implications for the tide and guidance about shipping routes and anchorages. New simplified passage planning tables It includes new and unique passage planning tables which are simple, accurate and quick to use. Readers can select the most appropriate start time and will instantly see predicted arrival time so as to have sufficient time to continue up river to an ultimate destination. Options are offered for every 30 minutes of the day, whatever the day. The tables not only provide the best predicted start time - for the quickest passage duration - for each route at 4, 5, 6 or 7 knots boat speed, but display alternative passage durations, whatever the tide. Tables provide easier access and a much broader basis of information than in earlier editions, presented alongside more detailed chartlets and a new portrait format book. Sailors benefit from swatchways in the Estuary which shorten time and distance for many passages. However, as they're liable to move or change as sands shift, the author endeavours to survey several critical swatchways, monitors and provides illustrated Notices to Mariners weekly and receives reports from readers. Any significant changes or downloads are reported by updates on the website or by email to readers on the 'Readers' Update' list.