Search results for ""author robert thornton""
Austin Macauley Publishers Sleep with the Holy Ghost
Wits University Press Healing the Exposed Being: The Ngoma healing tradition in South Africa
This ethnography explores the Ngoma healing tradition as practised in eastern Mpumalanga, South Africa. ‘Bungoma’ is an active philosophical system and healing practice consisting of multiple strands that is basedon the notion that humans are intrinsically exposed to each other; while this is the cause of illness, it is also the condition for the possibility of healing. This healing seeks to protect the ‘exposed being’ from harm through augmenting the self. Unlike Western medicine, it does not seek to cure physical ailments but aims to prevent suffering by allowing patients to transform their personal narratives of self. Like Western medicine, it is empirical and is presented as ‘local knowledge’ that amounts to a practical anthropology of human conflict and the environment. The book examines this anthropology through political, economic, interpretive and environmental lenses and seeks to bring its therapeutic applications into relation with global academic anthropology.
The Crowood Press Ltd The Architecture and Legacy of British Railway Buildings: 1825 to present day
Railway buildings have always had a fascinating character all of their own, despite many no longer being in operational railway service. This book tells the story of how these buildings evolved alongside the development of the railway in Great Britain and examines how architects over the years have responded to the operational, social and cultural influences that define their work. Written for those with a keen interest in architecture and the railway, as well as those new to the subject, The Architecture and Legacy of British Railway Buildings provides an unique insight into the production of railway architecture, both in the context of railway management and the significant periods of ownership, and the swings in national mood for railway-based transportation. As well as tracing its history, the authors take time to consider the legacy these buildings have left behind and the impact of heritage on a continually forward-looking industry. Topics covered include: the context of railway architecture today; the history of how it came into existence; the evolution of different railway building types; the unique aspects of railway building design, and finally, the key railway development periods and their architectural influences.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Emerging Financial Markets
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 has highlighted the resilience of the financial markets and broader economies from the developing world. This outcome owes much to the bitter experience and economic strategies developed and implemented at both a national and international level following the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-1998. The objective of this volume is to investigate and assess the impact and response to the crisis from an emerging markets perspective including asset pricing, contagion, financial intermediation, market structure and regulation. Our hope is that the assembled papers will offer clear insights into the complex financial arrangements that now link emerging and developed financial markets in the current economic environment. The volume spans four dimensions: first, a series of background studies offer explanations of the causes and impacts of the crisis on emerging markets more generally; then, implications are considered. The third and final sections provide insights from regional and country-specific perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Bank Financial Management
Contemporary Issues in Financial Services special edition includes studies by the University of Malta, MSc Banking and Finance graduates and the respective lecturers, on financial services within particular countries or regions and studies of particular themes such as credit risk management, fund management and evaluation, forex hedging using derivatives and sovereign fixed income portfolios.
Emerald Publishing Limited Derivatives Pricing and Modeling
This edited volume will highlight recent research in derivatives modelling and markets in a post-crisis world across a number of dimensions or themes. The book addresses the following main areas: derivatives models and pricing, model application and performance backtesting, new products and market features. Particular themes encompass: - continuous and discrete time modeling, - statistical arbitrage models, - arbitrage-free pricing, risk-neutral implied densities, - equilibrium pricing approaches (including e.g. co-integration), - applications of methods in computational statistics including simulation, - computationally intense techniques for pricing, estimation and backtesting, - complex derivative products, - credit and counterparty risk, - innovative market and product structures.
Pearson Education India Organic Chemistry