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Society for Human Resource Management HR’s Greatest Challenge: Driving the C-Suite to Improve Employee Engagement and Retention
Nothing HR does contributes more to productivity than improving engagement and retention. Employees stay or leave –and engage or disengage–primarily based on their relationship with their manager. And that means their direct supervisor, the one they connect with–or don’t connect with – every day. So we need our executives to manage engagement and retention instead of us. We can coach them and play critical roles, but if CFOs read the financial data and HR distributes the turnover report, retention is already second-tier.HR’s Greatest Challenge will help HR executives: Convince their CEOs that engagement and retention are top-tier metrics as important as sales and service. Replace those mysterious turnover percentages and engagement scores with dollar values that resonate with the CFO. Train managers to conduct stay interviews because they bring proven solutions. Ask leaders to forecast how long employees will stay and how many of their team will score high on the next engagement survey. And most importantly, this book will help you solve employee engagement and retention as a business issue.