Search results for ""author richard britnell""
Surtees Society Durham Priory Manorial Accounts, 1277-1310
Edited accounts from the estates of Durham Priory provide a rich vein of information for the economic history of the time. This volume provides a closely edited text of all the manorial accounts surviving from Durham Priory estates before 1310. These include twelve accounts for individual manors (the two earliest being from 1277-8), together with enrolled manorial accounts for the years 1296-7, 1299-1306 and 1309-10. The accounts supply detailed evidence of farming activities on the twelve or so manors that were farmed directly by the priory: their number fluctuated during thecourse of the period. A couple of livestock inventories supply additional material relating to the priory's sheep flocks. The editor's introduction supplies a new study of the scale and operations of the priory estate as documented both by the edited accounts and by related material in the priory archive, particularly bursars' accounts and the granators' accounts. It includes a description of the priory's estate management and accounting and an economic analysis of the the monks' arable and pastoral activities.The introduction also calls attention to material in the accounts relating to disturbances that affected the priory in these years as a result of royal campaigns in Scotland and the monk's conflict with Bishop Anthony Bek. The volume is completed with a glossary of the Latin and Middle English words used in the accounts. Richard Britnell, who specialised in the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, was until his retirement professor of History at Durham University.
Surtees Society Records of the Borough of Crossgate, Durham, 1312-1531
All the available court records for an important part of medieval Durham, presented with notes and apparatus. The borough of Crossgate formed a large section of the medieval city of Durham. It corresponded to the chapelry, later the parish, of St Margaret, and was subject to the lordship of Durham Priory, in whose archives these documents have survived, dating chiefly from the 1390s and to the years 1498-1531. The records offer a sharp focus on the local administration of justice, as well as containing graphic detail concerning other aspects of urban society in the late middle ages. They are printed here with a detailed rental of the borough from the year 1500, which allows individual properties to be located and mapped, while the apparatus is designed both to illuminate the record and to serve as an introduction to historians needing to consult other urban records.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Markets, Trade and Economic Development in England and Europe, 1050-1550
England's economy between 1050 and 1550 mirrored that of much of continental Europe in its growing dependence upon trade over both short distances and long. The essays in this collection are the fruit of forty years of research into the complex and interrelated issues involved. Describing this change can be achieved in part through quantitative indices, such as the number and size of towns, markets and fairs, and the volume of monetary circulation. A full account also requires a discussion of widespread changes of work experience, customary practices and moral values as households became more dependent upon markets. In addition, the evidence of transformative commercial growth in the medieval period gives rise to numerous questions concerning its relationship to more modern times. Modern economic growth and modern capitalism have often been contrasted starkly with medieval economic stagnation and traditionalism, but recent research implies a more continuous process of economic development than that implied by these older stereotypes. Many of the items in this collection are also relevant to this more discursive aspect of medieval commercialisation.
University of Hertfordshire Press Land and Family Volume 8: Trends and Local Variations in the Peasant Land Market on the Winchester Bishopric Estates, 1263–1415
With a special emphasis on the exchange of land between medieval servile tenants—especially from the 13th century onward—this scholarly examination of the peasant land market of the Middle Ages explores the identification of peasant families with particular lands to which they had a hereditary right. Using this theme to explore village life and showing how peasants were affected by the changes over time and place, this study employs primary source material from the Winchester estates. Analyzing thousands of land exchanges and interactions from more than 50 different manors on Winchester, this volume reveals unparalleled opportunities for comparing regional and local differences of experience.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thirteenth Century England VII: Proceedings of the Durham Conference, 1997
An indispensable series for anyone who wishes to keep abreast of recent work in the field. WELSH HISTORY REVIEW The continued vitality and rich diversity of thirteenth-century studies is demonstrated in this latest volume in the series. Economic and social history is particular well-served, with a close examination of the concept of "bastard feudalism", while a detailed exploration of the cloth industry and trade, together with a paper on London wardrobes, with their implications of conspicuous consumption, add much to our knowledge of the commercial world during the period. There is also a particular focus on English relations with Wales and Scotland under Edward I, and on the early history and development of parliament. Other subjects treated include the nature of Englishness; the serjeants of the Common Pleas; English verse chronicles; and Henry III's marriage plans. Professor MICHAEL PRESTWICH, Professor ROBIN FRAME and the late Professor RICHARD BRITNELL taught at the Department of History at the University of Durham. Contributors: SUSAN REYNOLDS, J.R. MADDICOTT, SCOTT L. WAUGH, DEREK KEENE, PAUL BRAND, JOHN H. MUNRO, THEA SUMMERFIELD, REBECCA READER, MICHAEL PRESTWICH, BJÖRN WEILER, J. BEVERLEY SMITH, ALAN YOUNG, MICHAEL HASKELL, HUGO SCHWYZER
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thirteenth Century England VI: Proceedings of the Durham Conference, 1995
`An indispensable series for anyone who wishes to keep abreast of recent work in the field'. WELSH HISTORY REVIEW Volume VI of Thirteenth Century England sees a new impetus behind this biennial series. The conference which generates the studies - a generous thirteen in this volume - has now moved to Durham, where Professor MICHAEL PRESTWICH is Pro-Vice Chancellor and Professor ROBIN FRAME and Dr RICHARD BRITNELL are members of the History Department. It is the publishers' hope that, like Anglo-Norman Studies, the series will now be recognised as one which any library with a serious interest in medieval history will need to possess. This latest volume in the series takes a broad chronological approach, covering a wide range of topics over a period extending from the late twelfth to the early fourteenth century, the so-called `long thirteenth century'. Embracing different aspects of the economic, social and political history of the period, subjects include naval warfare under Richard I; England's relations with Wales and Scotland; the purchasing practices of great households, and the management of the Winchester estates; the expulsion of Jews in 1290; and the construction and political message of the Vita Edwardi Secundi. Two articles concern women, one looking at the role of queens in granting pardons, the other at the fate of widows in the aftermath of rebellion. Contributors: JOHN GILLINGHAM, BARBARA HARVEY, MARK PAGE, PETER COSS,JENS RÖHRKASTEN, ROBERT C. STACEY, SUSAN CRANE, J.J. CRUMP, FIONA WATSON, JOHN PARSONS, PAULA DOBROWOLSKI, CHRIS GIVEN-WILSON, WENDY CHILDS
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thirteenth Century England X: Proceedings of the Durham Conference, 2003
Aspects of the political, social, cultural, economic and ecclesiastical history of medieval England re-examined. This collection presents new and original research into the long thirteenth century, from c.1180-c.1330, with a particular focus on the reign of Edward II and its aftermath. Other topics examined include crown finances, markets and fairs, royal stewards, the aftermath of the Barons' War, Wace's Roman de Brut, and authority in Yorkshire nunneries; and the volume also follows the tradition of the series by looking beyond England, with contributions onthe role of Joan, wife of Llywelyn the Great in Anglo-Welsh relations, Dublin, and English landholding in Ireland, while the continental connection is represented by a comparison of aspects of English and French kingship. Contributors: David Carpenter, Nick Barratt, Emilia Jamroziak, Michael Ray, Susan Stewart, Louise J. Wilkinson, Sean Duffy, Beth Hartland, Francoise Le Saux, Henry Summerson, Janet Burton, H.S.A. Fox, David Crook, Margo Todd,Seymour Phillips
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thirteenth Century England IX: Proceedings of the Durham Conference, 2001
Studies on the cultural, social, political and economic history of the age. This collection presents new and original research on the long thirteenth century, from c.1180-c.1330, including England's relations with Wales and Ireland. The range of topics embraces royal authority and its assertion and limitation, the great royal inquests and judicial reform of the reign of Edward I, royal manipulation of noble families, weakening royal administration at the end of the century, sex and love in the upper levels of society, monastic/layrelations, and the administration of building projects. Contributors: RUTH BLAKELY, NICOLA COLDSTREAM, BETH HARTLAND, CHARLES INSLEY, ANDY KING, SAMANTHA LETTERS, JOHN MADDICOTT, MARC MORRIS, ANTHONY MUSSON, DAVIDA. POSTLES, MICHAEL PRESTWICH, SANDRA G. RABAN, BJORN WEILER, JOCELYN WOGAN-BROWNE, ROBERT WRIGHT. THE EDITORS are all in the Department of History, University of Durham.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thirteenth Century England VIII: Proceedings of the Durham Conference, 1999
This series is home to scholarship of the highest order covering a wide range of themes: from politics and warfare to administration, justice and society. The topics of the papers in this book range from the sublime to the macabre: romance, rape, money, politics and religion. Wide-ranging papers cover many themes: the role of knights in the civil war at the end of John's reign, the politics of Ireland at the time of Richard Marshal's rebellion, the crusading context of the de Montfort family, the Petition of the Barons of 1258, and the government of England during Edward I's absence on crusade form one group of papers which illuminate the politics of the period. The history of the Jews in their final days in England is examined, as are the techniques used to supply Edward I's armies. Legal matters are considered, with papers on manorial courts, capital punishment, and the offence of rape. Romance is treated in a historical context with Edward I's marriage plans of 1294. Also included is discussion of the dissemination of the Sarum rite, the building of Westminster Abbey, ecclesiastical mints, and Matthew Paris's maps. Contributors: MARTIN ALLEN, DAVID CARPENTER, DAVIDCROOK, KATHERINE FAULKNER, PETER EDBURY, PAUL HARVEY, RICHARD HUSCROFT, NIGEL MORGAN, MARK ORMROD, ZEFIRA ROKEAH, CORINNE SAUNDERS, BRENDAN SMITH, KATHERINE STOCKS, HENRY SUMMERSON, MARK VAUGHN.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd North-East England in the Later Middle Ages
The medieval development of the distinct region of north-east England explored through close examination of landscape, religion and history. The recent surge of interest in the political, ecclesiastical, social and economic history of north-eastern England is reflected in the essays in this volume. The topics covered range widely, including the development of both rural and urban life and institutions. There are contributions on the well-known richness of Durham cathedral muniments, its priory and bishopric, and there is also a particular focus on the institutions and practices which evolved to deal with Scottish border problems. A number of papers broach lesser-known subjects which accordingly offer new territory for exploration, among them the distinctive characteristics of local jurisdiction in the northern counties, the formation of north-eastern landscapes, the course of agrarian development in the region and the emergence of a northern gentry class alongside the better known ecclesiastical and lay magnates. CHRISTIAN D. LIDDY is Lecturer in History at the University of Durham, where R.H. BRITNELL is Emeritus Professor.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Closing of the Middle Ages?: England 1471 - 1529
This study looks at the period in its own right without treating it as an epilogue to the Middle Ages or a prelude to modern times.