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Brookes Publishing Co Let's Talk: Navigating Communication Services and Supports for Your Young Child with Autism
This is a book for professionals to share with families of young children (0 - 5 years) who have been or are in the process of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The authors help families 1) navigate a child's ASD diagnosis and treatment options, 2) understand the range of early intervention professionals and their respective roles, and 3) learn that communication is a critical aspect of diagnosis and intervention.Communication is often a parent’s number-one concern when a young child is diagnosed with autism. With so many interventions available, how can families be sure they’re choosing the best option for their child? Share this accessible book with parents, and give them the practical knowledge they need to evaluate communication therapies and treatments—and make sound decisions rooted in evidence-based practice. A parent-friendly resource from trusted experts on autism and communication, this book covers everything from autism fundamentals to the specifics of developing an individualized treatment plan for children birth to 5. With the research-based knowledge and real-world guidance in these pages, parents will be well-informed advocates ready to provide the best support for their children on the spectrum.Help Parents: arm themselves with essential knowledge about autism and how it’s diagnosed understand the range of social communication behaviors they might see in their child learn the how and why of developmental assessments choose evidence-based treatments and interventions that address their child’s specific communication needs support their child’s development of key skills, such as motor imitation, joint attention, play, and spontaneous communication make the most of available educational services, including IEPs and IFSPs partner effectively with SLPs, OTs, special educators, and paraprofessionals navigate the complex emotions associated with a child’s autism diagnosis
Plural Publishing Inc Speech Sound Disorders in Children: in Honor of Lawrence D. Shiberg
Written in honor of Lawrence D. Shriberg, Speech Sound Disorders in Children covers a variety of perspectives and disciplines on the way in which children's speech sounds develop and the difficulties in both specific speech disorders and the speech of children with other primary disabilities.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Language Disorders from Infancy through Adolescence: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Spanning the entire childhood developmental period, Language Disorders from Infancy Through Adolescence, 5th Edition is the go-to text for learning how to properly assess childhood language disorders and provide appropriate treatment. The most comprehensive title available on childhood language disorders, it uses a descriptive-developmental approach to present basic concepts and vocabulary, an overview of key issues and controversies, the scope of communicative difficulties that make up child language disorders, and information on how language pathologists approach the assessment and intervention processes. This new edition also features significant updates in research, trends, social skills assessment, and instruction best practices. Clinical application focus featuring case studies, clinical vignettes, and suggested projects helps you apply concepts to professional practice. UNIQUE! Practice exercises with sample transcripts allow you to apply different methods of analysis. UNIQUE! Helpful study guides at the end of each chapter help you review and apply what you have learned. Highly regarded lead author who is an expert in language disorders in children provides authoritative guidance on the diagnosis and management of pediatric language disorders. More than 230 tables and boxes summarize important information such as dialogue examples, sample assessment plans, assessment and intervention principles, activities, and sample transcripts. Student/Professional Resources on Evolve include an image bank, video clips, and references linked to PubMed. NEW! Common core standards for language arts incorporated into the preschool and school-age chapters. NEW! Updated content features the latest research, theories, trends and techniques in the field. Information on preparing high-functioning students with autism for college Social skills training for students with autism The role of the speech-language pathologist on school literacy teams and in response to intervention Emerging theories of etiology and psychopathology added to Models of Child Language Disorders chapter Use of emerging technologies for assessment and intervention
Brookes Publishing Co Rapid Motor Imitation Antecedent (RMIA) Training Manual: Teaching Preverbal Children with ASD to Talk
When you're working with preverbal children on the autism spectrum, you need a complete toolbox of highly effective strategies to expand their communication skills. Add Rapid Motor Imitation Antecedent Training (RMIA) , and you'll have one of the most promising interventions for helping young children say their first words. A discrete trial intervention approach for preschoolers with autism who have severe language delays, RMIA is a crucial step on the path to improved communication function. It's an easy-to-use method: children imitate a rapid series of simple motor actions and are then asked to imitate a word. The momentum they build by performing the easy motor actions helps them comply with the more difficult task of word production. A must for SLPs and autism specialists, RMIA is an ideal addition to your current lineup of strategies and supports: Experimentally tested at the Yale Child Study Centre, one of the nation's top autism treatment centres. Originally developed since 2002 at Teachers College, Columbia University and proven effective for helping young children develop functional speech. Perfect to use in tandem with naturalistic interventions like Parent Responsiveness Training. Focused specifically on initial imitation of words—a critical step toward using language spontaneously. Quick and easy to implement—RMIA should be administered in short, frequent doses, making it an easy fit with your everyday practices. The only product available that shows SLPs and autism specialists how to conduct RMIA, this manual-and-CD set gives you everything you need for successful implementation. You'll get complete, practical guidance in the accessible how-to manual, and the CD-ROM gives you a full hour of explicit demonstration videos that show case studies of RMIA in action. You'll also get printable data collection forms to help organise RMIA sessions and assist in data keeping (both blank forms and completed samples). A key component of your comprehensive intervention program for social communication, RMIA will help young preverbal children overcome the hurdles to saying their first words—and start making real progress toward communicative competence.
Brookes Publishing Co Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders
NEW in the fourth edition!Fully updated and revised based on the 2020 ASHA standards and recent AAA standards, the new edition of this bestseller is the core textbook for all students in clinical methods courses—and a reliable reference for practicing SLPs and audiologists. Leading authority Rhea Paul and newly minted research scholar Elizabeth Schoen Simmons bring together more than 20 academics and clinicians for a state-of-the-art guide to contemporary evidence-based practice. Covering a broad range of disorders and developmental levels, this text sets emerging professionals on the path toward mastering all the fundamentals of practice, from conducting effective assessment and intervention to ensuring that practices are family-centered and culturally inclusive. Tomorrow’s clinicians will use this foundational textbook to guide their professional decision-making and provide the best possible services for people with communication disorders. What's new: New chapter on using principles of observation to gather accurate, valid data in clinical settings and more deeply understand clinical processes and procedures Expanded information on intervention principles, with case studies highlighting practical applications and an emphasis on evidence-based practice More on counseling in communication disorders, clinical documentation, relationships with supervisors, and single-case experimental design Updated information on technology in clinical practice New emphasis on automated analysis of communication samples Chapters on clinical competence and family-centered practice by renowned experts New student-friendly text features, such as learning objectives, study questions, and problem-solving questions Case studies and clinical examples throughout Reflects most recent ASHA and AAA standards With new faculty materials, including a test bank for each chapter and suggested projects that professors can assign students to practice the principles outlined in each chapter.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 1: Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanisms
The newest edition of the most comprehensive handbook on autism and related disorders Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter of a century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 1: Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanisms, has been the most influential reference work in the field of autism and related conditions. The new, updated Fourth Edition takes into account the changes in the disorders' definitions in the DSM-V and ICD-10 that may have profound implications for diagnosis and, by extension, access to services. Along with providing practical clinical advice--including the role of psychopharmacology in treatment—the handbook codifies the ever-expanding current body of research throughout both volumes , offering a wealth of information on the epidemiology of autism and the genetic, environmental, biochemical, social, and neuropathological aspects of the disorder. Volume 1 includes: Information on outcomes in adults with autism spectrum disorders A range of issues and interventions important from infancy, though adolescence and beyond for individuals with autism spectrum disorders Current information about play development, including skills, object play, and interventions Coverage of the state of genetic, biochemical, and neuropathological autism research Chapters on psychopharmacology and medical care in autism and related conditions The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2: Assessment, Interventions, and Policy
The latest and most comprehensive resource on autism and related disorders Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter-century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders has been the most influential reference work in the field. Volume 2 of this comprehensive work includes a wealth of information from the experts in their respective specialities within the larger field of autism studies: Assessment, Interventions, and Social Policy Perspectives. Within the three sections found in Volume 2, readers will find in-depth treatment of: Screening for autism in young children; diagnostic instruments in autism spectrum disorders (ASD); clinical evaluation in multidisciplinary settings; assessing communications in ASD; and behavioral assessment of individuals with autism, including current practice and future directions Interventions for infants and toddlers at risk; comprehensive treatment models for children and youth with ASD; targeted interventions for social communication symptoms in preschoolers with ASD; augmentative and alternative communication; interventions for challenging behaviors; supporting mainstream educational success; supporting inclusion education; promoting recreational engagement in children with ASD; social skills interventions; and employment and related services for adults with ASD Supporting adult independence in the community for individuals with high functioning ASD; supporting parents, siblings, and grandparents of people with ASD; and evidence-based psychosocial interventions for individuals with ASD Special topic coverage such as autism across cultures; autism in the courtroom; alternative treatments; teacher and professional training guidelines; economic aspects of autism; and consideration of alternative treatments The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.