Search results for ""author rainer maria rilke""
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. Cartas del Vivir
Ediciones Cátedra Historias del buen Dios Los apuntes de Malte Laurids Bridge
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Cartas sobre Czanne
Rilke quiso publicar estas cartas dirigidas a su mujer, Clara Westhoff, donde deja de manifiesto el hondo influjo de su alma gemela, Cézanne. Rilke se empeña en pintar el mundo con palabras, y compartirá opiniones con Orlik, Paul Klee, Vogeler, Rodin o Pasternak. Hay también lugar en sus cartas para los deberes de todo artista: la sumisión a la naturaleza, la sinceridad, etc. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) nació en Praga y es considerado uno de los poetas más importantes del siglo XX. Trató a muchos artistas de su época (Tolstoi, Cézanne y Zuloaga, y fue secretario de Rodin). Sus obras fundamentales son las Elegías de Duino, los Sonetos a Orfeo y las Cartas a un joven poeta, publicadas también en esta Selección Doce Uvas.
Vitalis Verlag GmbH Larenopfer Frhe Gedichte
Insel Verlag GmbH Frhling
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Dichter und sein Astronom
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Walliser VierzeilerLes Quatrains Valaisans Deutsch und franzsisch
Insel Verlag GmbH Letters to a Young Poet
Insel Verlag GmbH Im ersten Augenblick Bildbetrachtungen
University Press of New England Two Stories of Prague King Bohush The Siblings
Alba Editorial Los cuadernos de Malte Laurids Brigge
Ediciones Cátedra Elegías de Duino los sonetos de Orfeo
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter Mit den Briefen von Franz Xaver Kappus
Suhrkamp Verlag Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
Steffen Verlag Oh hoher Baum des Schauns
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge Das Manuskript des Berner Taschenbuchs Faksimile und Textgenetische Edition
Insel Verlag GmbH In und nach Worpswede Verse fr meinen lieben Heinrich Vogeler
Reclam Philipp Jun. Schriften zur Literatur und Kunst
Reclam Philipp Jun. Dir zur Feier Eine Liebeserklrung
Dover Publications Inc. Letters to a Young Poet
Carcanet Press Ltd Turning-point: Miscellaneous Poems 1912-1926
First published under the title "An Unofficial Rilke", Hamburger's translations have been critically acclaimed for their contribution towards a more complete understanding of one of the major poets of the 20th century. While Rilke has been perhaps more widely translated into English than any other modern poet, the emphasis has always been on 'major works' - the "New Poems" volumes, "Duino Elegies" and "Sonnets to Orpheus". Yet Rilke produced many more poems which had little or no airing beyond the confines of his workshop. Michael Hamburger argues in his perceptive and entertaining introduction that these poems are not inferior to the poems in the collections that form the accepted corpus; rather that they merely failed to fit in with Rilke's wish to form a definitive statement.
Penguin Books Ltd The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
While his old furniture rots in storage, Malte Laurids Brigge lives in a cheap room in Paris, with little but a library reader's card to distinguish him from the city's untouchables. Every person he sees seems to carry their death with them, and he thinks of the deaths, and ghosts, of his aristocratic family, of which only he remains. The only novel by one of the greatest writers of poetry in German, the semi-autobiographical Notebooks is an uneasy, compelling and poetic book that anticipated Sartre and is full of passages of lyrical brilliance.Michael Hulse's new translation perfectly conveys the unsettling beauty of the original and is accompanied by an introduction on Rilke's life and the biographical and literary influences on the Notebooks. This edition also includes suggested further reading, a chronology and notes.
Ediciones Akal Cartas a un joven poeta elegías de Duino
New Directions Publishing Corporation Possibility of Being: A Selection of Poems
The eighty-four poems included in this small volume will serve as a sound and inviting introduction to Rilke's strategies in the pursuit of "being." And just as the unicorn in "This Is the Creature" has an eternal "possibility of being" but only becomes visible in the mirror held by a virgin, so can our own possibilities become manifest in the mirror held by the sensitive artist. The poems are chosen from The Book of Hours (1899-1903), The Book of Images (1902 and 1906), New Poems (1907 and 1908), Requiem (1909), Duino Elegies (1923), Sonnets to Orpheus (1923), and the posthumous Poems 1906-26. This selection was made by Professor Theodore Ziolkowski of Princeton University, who drew from the various New Directions volumes of Rilke's work translated by J. B. Leishman.
Ars Vivendi Rosen Les Roses
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Briefwechsel 19071919
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Sanft gehalten
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Buch der Bilder
Insel Verlag GmbH Meine geheimnisvolle Heimat Rilke und Russland
Insel Verlag GmbH Wie soll ich meine Seele halten Liebesgedichte
Herder Verlag GmbH Die schönste Zeit
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Hundert Gedichte
Everyman Rilke Poems
Though as yet little known in English-speaking countries, Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is the finest German poet of this century and one of the greatest lyrical writers in the history of Western literature. A major figure in the modernist movement, with some affinities to Yeats, Rilke had a profound influence on other 20th century poets such as Pasternak and Akhmatova. He is a master of vivid and breathtakingly original imagery in which difficult ideas are made directly apprehensible to the reader and new worlds of experience are opened up. This selection includes poems from all stages of his career, beginning with the delicate works of his early years, through the extraordinary poems he wrote in French (which he used like a first language) and concluding with his mature masterpieces: the SONNETS TO ORPHEUS and the DUINO ELEGIES. Also included are Rilke's prose LETTERS TO A YOUNG POET in which he counsels a younger colleague and expounds his own literary ideal. This is by far the most comprehensive selection from this poet in English and forms an ideal introduction to this work.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc Poetry of Rilke
Seagull Books London Ltd Letters around a Garden
An intimate glimpse into the life and letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, one of the most important poets of the twentieth century. In July 1921, displaced European poet Rainer Maria Rilke sequestered himself in the chateau of Muzot, a thirteenth-century medieval tower perched in the vineyards above the town of Sierre in the Canton Valais, Switzerland. In this sun-flooded landscape of the Rhone Valley, he found beguiling echoes of Spain and his beloved Provence. Here, the Duino Elegies were famously completed and the Sonnets to Orpheus followed. During this time, Rilke's correspondence also bloomed, and Letters around a Garden collects some of those letters together into English for the first time. One intriguing exchange from 1924 to 1926 was with a young aristocratic Swiss woman Antoinette de Bonstetten, a passionate horticulturist who had been recommended as a potential advisor for the redesign and upkeep of the Muzot rose garden. In twenty-two precious letters originally written
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Cartas a un joven poeta
Entre 1903 y 1908, Franz Xaver Kappus, un joven de menos de veinte años, envía a Rilke sus ensayos poéticos, confiando en su consejo. Este, que lo mismo escribía a una desconocida empleada de correos que a un cura de pueblo con quien había coincidido en el autobús, escribirá al joven diez magníficas cartas, que constituyen un manual para la vida y un canto a la propia vocación.Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) nació en Praga y es considerado uno de los poetas más importantes del siglo XX. Buscador incansable, trató a muchos artistas de su época (Tolstoi, Cézanne, Zuloaga, Rodin, etc.). Sus obras fundamentales son las Elegías de Duino y los Sonetos a Orfeo. De sensibilidad colosal, habla de la mujer, de la muerte y del amor, de la soledad y la belleza, con una originalidad que perdura.
?Es trágica la suerte de los jóvenes que presienten que les será imposible vivir si no logran ser poetas, pintores o escultores y no encuentran el consejo verdadero, hundidos en el abismo del desaliento; buscando un maestro poderoso, no son palabras ni indicaciones lo que buscan, sino un ejemplo, un corazón ardiente, manos que sepan hacer grandeza. Es a usted a quien buscan.?
Kindermann Verlag Der Panther
Marix Verlag Geschichten vom lieben Gott
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Suhrkamp Verlag Gluck
Insel Verlag GmbH Geschichten vom lieben Gott
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Erzhlungen