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DC Comics Superman by Grant Morrison Omnibus
Collecting the entirety of Morrison s epic saga, this New 52 era Superman omnibus celebrates and explores new facets of the Superman mythos. The compelling and deliberate Superman stories in this collection showcase his quintessential character and determination in a world that doesn t know what to make of him. A milestone in The New 52, this omnibus is jam-packed with action, adventure, shocking secrets, parallel Earths, deadly encounters with the Anti-Superman Army, Brainiac, Metal-zero and so much more! Collects Action Comics #0-18 and Action Comics Annual #1.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Order And Outrage Volume 1
DC Comics JSA Omnibus Vol. 2
Known for his groundbreaking work on Green Lantern, over a decade ago Geoff Johns brought Justice Society of America characters rooted in the Golden Age of comics back to the forefront of comics. Mixing younger, edgier characters with the elder statesmen of superheroes, Johns brought the JSA back to the forefront of comics in what became the industry's best-selling comic series. Collected here is the second and concluding volume on Johns' now-legendary run on the original JSA. JSA OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC collects JSA #26-75, JSA ANNUAL #1, JSA SECRET FILES AND ORIGINS #2 and HAWKMAN #23-25