Search results for ""author prof. dr. norbert f. schneider""
Barbara Budrich Mobile Living Across Europe I: Relevance and Diversity of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Six European Countries
Verlag Barbara Budrich Demographics of Korea and Germany: Population Changes and Socioeconomic Impact of two Divided Nations in the Light of Reunification
Korea and Germany are commonly described as emblematic examples of divided nations. But while Korea is still divided Germany has gone through a peaceful unification. The book offers a unique comparative study on the demographic change in these divided countries. It also investigates the developments after Germany‘s unification. Based on this demographic insights of a merged society it asks about their use and limits for a possible Korean scenario of reunification.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Mobile Living Across Europe II: Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison
Job-related spatial mobility is a subject of great importance in Europe. But how mobile are the Europeans? What are the consequences of professional mobility for quality of life, family life and social relationships? For the first time these questions are analysed on the basis of the data of a large-scale European survey. This vo l - ume analyses the causes and determinants of job mobility and their individual and societal consequences in cross-national comparison.