Search results for ""author penelope o'sullivan""
Workman Publishing The Homeowner's Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook: The Essential Guide to Choosing, Planting, and Maintaining Perfect Landscape Plants
Trees and shrubs can bring regal silhouettes, delightful shade, and spectacular foliage to any home landscape. With detailed profiles of hundreds of tree and shrub varieties that include information on availability, size, hardiness, and special characteristics, Penelope O’Sullivan shows you how to use these plants to add structure and texture to your outdoor space. Create a vibrant landscape full of springtime blossoms, summer shade and fruits, autumn foliage, and winter evergreens.
Workman Publishing The Pruning Answer Book: Solutions to Every Problem You'll Ever Face; Answers to Every Question You'll Ever Ask
When should you prune a blackberry bush? How much should you remove? What’s the difference between pinching and heading back? And how can you be sure that you aren’t harming your fragile blossoms? The Pruning Answer Book offers fresh insights to these relevant questions and scores of others. With clear instructions, detailed illustrations, and expert advice, you’ll have all the information you need to successfully prune flowering plants, fruit and nut trees, shrubs, brambles, evergreens, vines, groundcovers, and more.