Search results for ""author paul levy""
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Quantum Revelation
Reveals quantum physics as a modern-day spiritual path for awakening and expanding consciousness
Worth Publishers Inc.,U.S. IndustrialOrganizational Psychology Understanding the Workplace
Written by a leading researcher in one of the nation's top I/O programs, Paul Levy's text has long been acclaimed for its concise, research-based approach, personable writing style.
Clairview Books Digital Inferno: Using Technology Consciously in Your Life and Work, 101 Ways to Survive and Thrive in a Hyperconnected World
How many times do you check something on the internet but find you are drifting aimlessly from one link to another? If you can't not answer the phone when it rings, and you spend hours a week on social media, and you read your texts instead of kissing your loved one goodnight, and you don't give your kids proper attention because you just have to prioritize new responses to your tweet...then this book is for you. The digital world is spreading like an inferno - a swirling, hot storm of change, possibility, addiction, passion, manipulation, creativity and abuse. It demands our attention and encourages us to be always on, with its constant updates and feedback. It is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. And it's developing faster than our ability to deal with it. To adherents of digital living and working, any criticism is uncool, a sign of being out of touch. Refreshingly, Digital Inferno is neither simple indictment nor unqualified endorsement. Rather, it's about holding your own in the digital realm - adapting in a healthy way to the new reality. It offers a conscious path that allows you to derive the benefits you need but also to manage the dangers. Packed with a wealth of practical advice, Digital Inferno describes numerous methods to enable you to step back from constant digital activity and virtual living, and to pay more attention to the real world. You'll find exercises to overcome tiredness from digital contact and to develop skills to enable you to remain awake and aware. Crucially, you will be master of the digital realm: to abstain from contact when you need to, but also freely to immerse yourself when you choose to. We don't need to shun new technology, but we do need to be armed with an understanding of its challenges, problems and limitations. This book provides the tools you will need to meet the future consciously.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus
The profound and radical Native American idea of “wetiko,” a virus of the mind, underlies the collective insanity and evil that is destructively playing out around the world. Yet, as Paul Levy reveals in depth, encoded within wetiko itself lies the very medicine needed to combat the mind-virus and heal both ourselves and our world. Levy begins by investigating how the process of becoming triggered, wounded, or falling into suffering can help us better understand the workings of wetiko in a way that transforms our struggles into opportunities for awakening. He reveals the source of wetiko: unhealed multi-generational ancestral trauma, which gets acted out, passed down, and propagated through the family lineage via our relationships. He highlights one of the primary archetypes currently activated in the collective unconscious of humanity--the wounded healer/shaman--and shows how recognizing this archetype can help us as we navigate a collective descent into the underworld of the unconscious, a true bardo realm between our past and future worlds. Drawing on the work of C. G. Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Henry Corbin, Wilhelm Reich, and Nicolas Berdyaev, the author introduces the inner guide--a daemon/angel that lives within us as an ally in our encounters with the daemonic energy of wetiko. He explores how to cultivate “symbolic awareness” (interpreting events in our lives symbolically--like a dream) as a path to creating meaning, which alchemically transmutes the poison of wetiko into medicine for healing the psyche. Examining the nature of synchronicity, Levy reveals how wetiko can only be seen when we recognize that--like a dream--our inner and outer worlds reflect each other. He also explores the quantum nature of wetiko, showing how this helps us comprehend the elusive trickster nature of this mind-virus and sheds light on the quantum nature of both the world and ourselves. Ultimately, the author reveals that the best protection and medicine for wetiko is to connect with the light of our true nature by becoming who we truly are.
Macmillan Learning Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Understanding the Workplace
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil