Search results for ""author patrick white""
Currency Press Pty Ltd The Season at Sarsaparilla: A charade of suburbia
Goose Lane Editions Seventeen Odes
A collection of 17 Horatian odes, the beautifully crafted and eloquent chapbook Seventeen Odes testifies to Patrick White's development as a poet.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Developing Research Questions
This no fuss, compact guide steers social science students of all levels through the complex process of conducting a research project. It explains how to break down initial ideas and broad topics into manageable questions and gives detailed guidance on how to refine these as the project progresses. With a wide range of international examples and reflective exercises, it is packed with handy tips and examples that show how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls, and ensure that hypotheses and questions are linked with research design, methods and answers at every step. Taking readers from the start through to the final stage of answering their questions and drawing conclusions, this is an indispensable resource for research methods courses. In addition, it is highly recommended for all students undertaking an independent research project or thesis at undergraduate, postgraduate or PhD level and beyond. New to this Edition: - Includes a wider range of international examples to appeal to a global audience - More visual devices are used to summarise and illustrate the processes involved in developing research questions - Reflective exercises help students apply their knowledge and consider the issues - Increased coverage of the role of the literature review in generating and refining research questions
Vintage Publishing The Vivisector
Hurtle Duffield is incapable of loving anything except what he paints. The men and women who court him during his long life are, above all, the victims of his art. He is the vivisector, dissecting their weaknesses with cruel precision: his sister's deformity, a grocer's moonlight indiscretion and the passionate illusions of his mistress, Hero Pavloussi. It is only when Hurtle meets an egocentric adolescent whom he sees as his spiritual child does he experience a deeper, more treacherous emotion.
Text Publishing The Cockatoos
Impedimenta Voss
Nunca nadie se ha adentrado en el interior de Australia; según dicen, no es más que un páramo lleno de bestias y tribus sanguinarias. Pero todo cambia cuando Voss, un explorador alemán (inspirado en Ludwig Leichhardt, un naturalista prusiano que realizó varias incursiones por esa zona a mediados del XIX), llega a la colonia con la intención de llevar a cabo una expedición histórica: atravesar el desconocido y brutal desierto australiano. Cuenta para ello con un mecenas, el señor Bonner, que, además de proporcionarle víveres y un grupo de compañeros para su viaje, le presenta a su sobrina, Laura Trevelyan, con quien Voss establece una intensa relación que trasciende el amor para internarse en la obsesión metafísica. Su vínculo tendrá que resistir un larguísimo periodo de separación, en el que Voss se enfrenta a la desolación y al aislamiento mientras ella espera su regreso sometida a una vida que siempre detestó y que ahora le pesa más que nunca.Una apasionante historia de amor y av
Vintage Publishing Voss
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ROBERT MACFARLANESet in nineteenth-century Australia, Voss is the story of the secret passion between an explorer and a naïve young woman. Although they have met only a few times, Voss and Laura are joined by overwhelming, obsessive feelings for each other. Voss sets out to cross the continent, and as hardships, mutiny and betrayal whittle away his power to endure and to lead, his attachment to Laura gradually increases. Laura, waiting in Sydney, moves through the months of separation as if they were a dream and Voss the only reality.
Bristol University Press Straightforward Statistics
Are you struggling with introductory statistics? Are you trying to get ahead in your course, but feel like you're going around in circles? This short and down-to-earth textbook will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to get acquainted with the fundamentals of statistical concepts and techniques. Assuming no prior knowledge, and avoiding jargon and dense equations, it will ease your anxiety and demonstrate the value of good descriptive analysis. With a focus on practical use and outcomes, the book: • provides an accessible grounding in the key elements of descriptive statistical analysis; • has a clear focus on techniques to describe patterns and relationships in your data; • provides helpful summaries and exercises, and a glossary of terms to reinforce understanding. With over 20 years’ experience in teaching statistics at all levels and to students from many different subject areas, Patrick White has written an invaluable guide to key concepts and basic statistical techniques. Regardless of your background, this is the book that will help you interpret and use numbers to make the breakthrough that you need to achieve success in your university course.
Vintage Publishing The Tree of Man
Stan Parker, with only a horse and a dog for company journeys to a remote patch of land he has inherited in the Australian hills. Once the land is cleared and a rudimentary house built, he brings his wife Amy to the wilderness. Together they face lives of joy and sorrow as they struggle against the environment.
Text Publishing Memoirs Of Many In One
Bristol University Press Straightforward Statistics
Are you struggling with introductory statistics? Are you trying to get ahead in your course, but feel like you're going around in circles? This short and down-to-earth textbook will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to get acquainted with the fundamentals of statistical concepts and techniques. Assuming no prior knowledge, and avoiding jargon and dense equations, it will ease your anxiety and demonstrate the value of good descriptive analysis. With a focus on practical use and outcomes, the book: • provides an accessible grounding in the key elements of descriptive statistical analysis; • has a clear focus on techniques to describe patterns and relationships in your data; • provides helpful summaries and exercises, and a glossary of terms to reinforce understanding. With over 20 years’ experience in teaching statistics at all levels and to students from many different subject areas, Patrick White has written an invaluable guide to key concepts and basic statistical techniques. Regardless of your background, this is the book that will help you interpret and use numbers to make the breakthrough that you need to achieve success in your university course.
Everyman Voss
Voss describes an epic journey, both physical and spiritual. The eponymous hero, Johann Voss, is based on Ludwig Leichhardt, the nineteenth-century German explorer and naturalist who had already conducted several major expeditions into the Australian outback before making an ambitious attempt to cross the entire continent from east to west in 1848. He never returned.White re-imagines his story with visionary intensity. Voss’s last journey across the desert and the waterlogged plains of central Australia is a true ‘venture to the interior’. But Voss is also a love story, for the explorer has become inextricably bound up with Laura Trevellyn, whose inner life, like his own, is at odds with the world. In language poetic and passionate, yet at the same time grounded by shrewd, often comic, social observations and naturalistic portrayals of a wide variety of characters – farmers, convicts, aborigines, the colonial middle class and their servants.
Currency Press Pty Ltd The Ham Funeral
The New York Review of Books, Inc Riders in the Chariot
Bolinda Publishing The Tree of Man
Bolinda Publishing Voss
Vintage Publishing Riders in the Chariot
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID MALOUFThrough the crumbling ruins of the once splendid Xanadu, Miss Hare wanders, half-mad. In the wilderness she stumbles upon an Aborigine artist and a Jewish refugee. They place themselves in the care of a local washerwoman. In a world of pervasive evil, all four have been independently damaged and discarded. Now in one shared vision they find themselves bound together, understanding the possibility of redemption.
Bolinda Publishing Riders in the Chariot