Search results for ""author oscar wilde""
Arcturus Publishing The Picture of Dorian Gray
Ediciones Cátedra El abanico de Lady Windermere La importancia de llamarse Hernest
Oscar Wilde nació en Dublín en 1854. Se trasladó a Inglaterra a estudiar lenguas clásicas en la Universidad de Oxford, donde encontró un ambiente, el de los jóvenes de las clases acomodadas inglesas, en el que no lograba integrarse. Esa excentricidad le lleva a construirse una personalidad exhibicionista inspirada en el dandismo y en ciertas teorías que proclamaban el placer como único objetivo de la práctica artística. Con El abanico de Lady Windermere obtuvo Wilde su primer éxito teatral de público. La crítica fue más distante. Reconocía el ingenio de los diálogos, pero insistía en la poca originalidad de los motivos (el chantaje, el abanico comprometedor, la infidelidad conyugal). La importancia de llamarse Ernest pondría fin a la trivialidad de sus tramas. Empezando por el difícilmente traducible juego de palabras del título, Wilde consigue expresar en esta obra su visión del mundo en varios niveles: divirtiendo al público aristocrático y arreglándoselas para comunicar al espectado
Editorial Lumen El secreto de la vida ensayos reunidos
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Colección: Lumen.Además de dramaturgo, poeta y narrador, el mítico Oscar Wilde fue un excelente ensayista, dueño de una vasta cultura, un gusto exquisito y una honda sensibilidad. Este volumen recoge una amplia selección, ordenada cronológicamente, de sus mejores ensayos, un género que el autor subvirtió y enriqueció con recursos propios del teatro y la novela.A lo largo de estos espléndidos textos, Wilde indaga en sus obsesiones estéticas, desde los años de su juventud que lo mostraban ya como agudo observador, hasta su trágico final, resumido en el estremecedor De profundis.Los pintores prerrafaelitas, los sonetos de Shakespeare, la idea del arte por el arte, el ocio, la naturaleza, la necesidad de la crítica, la amistad o la pasión por Grecia son algunos de los asuntos que vertebran este libro, verdadera esencia de la obra de Oscar Wilde y del movimiento estético finisecular, uno de los últimos y más vibrantes cantos a la belleza que dio la cul
Alianza Editorial De profundis Balada de la cárcel de Reading
En 1895 Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) está en la cumbre de su fama y de su popularidad. Todo lo que hace parece tocado por la varita del triunfo. Sin embargo, el proceso que ese mismo año entabla por difamación contra el marqués de Queensberry a instancias del hijo de éste, Lord Alfred Douglas, Bosie ?su joven amante?, se volverá en pocas semanas en su contra, de forma que acabará condenado a prisión por homosexualidad, arruinado y repudiado por la misma sociedad que meses antes lo aclamaba. Poco antes de salir de la cárcel, en 1897, escribió ?De profundis? ?larga carta dirigida a Bosie en la que rememora su relación y, aunque desengañado, se reafirma en sus sentimientos y en sus actos? y poco después, ya en libertad, la ?Balada de la cárcel de Reading?, poema que sobrevuela la relación entre el amor y las convenciones sociales, entre la vida y la muerte. Traducción de Arturo Agüero Herranz
Editorial Alma El Fantasma de Canterville: Y Otros Relatos
Plutón Ediciones El retrato de Dorian Gray The picture of Dorian Gray
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Oscar Wilde. Cuentos completos / Complete Short Fiction: Oscar Wilde
Ediciones Larousse (MX) The Canterville Ghost
Simon & Schuster The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays
Enriched Classics offer readers accessible editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and commentary. Each book includes educational tools alongside the text, enabling students and readers alike to gain a deeper and more developed understanding of the writer and their work.Wilde’s classic comedy of manners, The Importance of Being Earnest, a satire of Victorian social hypocrisy and considered Wilde’s greatest dramatic achievement, and his other popular plays—Lady Windermere’s Fan, An Ideal Husband, and Salome—challenged contemporary notions of sex and sensibility, class and cultural identity.Enriched Classics enhance your engagement by introducing and explaining the historical and cultural significance of the work, the author’s personal history, and what impact this book had on subsequent scholarship. Each book includes discussion questions that help clarify and reinforce major themes and reading recommendations for further research.Read with confidence.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Picture Of Dorian Gray: And Three Stories
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. The Canterville Ghost Das Gespenst von Canterville Buch AudioCD FrankLesemethode Kommentierte zweisprachige Ausgabe EnglischDeutsch
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray mit Illustrationen von Aubrey Beardsley
FISCHER Taschenbuch Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray Roman
Insel Verlag GmbH Mrchen und Erzhlungen
Insel Verlag GmbH Der glckliche Prinz und andere Erzhlungen
Insel Verlag GmbH Salome Tragdie in einem Akt
Reclam Philipp Jun. Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray
Reclam Philipp Jun. Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray
Klett Sprachen GmbH The Picture of Dorian Gray
NBM Publishing Company Fairy Tales Of Oscar Wilde Vol.2: The Young King and Remarkable Rocket
Union Square & Co. The Picture of Dorian Gray
When handsome young Dorian Gray sees a painter's stunning portrait of him, he is transfixed by its reflection of his own beauty. He is also troubled by the knowledge that the image in the painting will remain forever youthful and handsome while he himself will grow older and less desirable.
HarperCollins Publishers The Picture of Dorian Gray: A-level set text student edition (Collins Classroom Classics)
Exam board: EdexcelLevel & Subject: AS and A Level English LiteratureFirst teaching: September 2015Next exams: 2024
Dover Publications Inc. The Picture of Dorian Gray
Union Square & Co. The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde's only novel is the dreamlike story of a young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Now, distinctively packaged with a beautifully designed jacket by noted illustrator Malika Favre. When handsome young Dorian Gray sees a painter's stunning portrait of him, he is transfixed by its reflection of his own beauty. He is also troubled by the knowledge that the image in the painting will remain forever youthful and handsome while he himself will grow older and less desirable. He wishes aloud that the roles were reversed, saying that he would give his soul if only the painting would suffer the ravages of time and he were to remain forever young. From that point on, Dorian lives a life of hedonistic indulgence, knowing that only the painting will show his moral corruption.
Penguin Putnam Inc Complete Fairy Tales Of Oscar Wilde
HarperCollins Publishers The Picture of Dorian Gray (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.’ When Basil Hallward paints the portrait of young, handsome Dorian Gray, he falls prey to his dazzling beauty. Afraid that his youth and looks will waste away, Dorian expresses a wish that his portrait, and not he, will age and fade over time. His wish is granted, and over the ensuing years, Dorian indulges in every kind of vice and pleasure, never ageing nor disfiguring. Only his portrait, hidden to the world, bears the marks of his actions, and as his soul grows ever more wasted and corrupted, devastatingconsequences lie in wait. The Picture of Dorian Gray is an exploration of the purpose of art, the superficial nature of youth and beauty, and the conflict between morality and intemperance. First published in its complete, uncensored form in 1891, it is Oscar Wilde’s only novel.
HarperCollins Publishers The Picture of Dorian Gray (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.’ When Basil Hallward paints the portrait of young, handsome Dorian Gray, he falls prey to his dazzling beauty. Afraid that his youth and looks will waste away, Dorian expresses a wish that his portrait, and not he, will age and fade over time. His wish is granted, and over the ensuing years, Dorian indulges in every kind of vice and pleasure, never ageing nor disfiguring. Only his portrait, hidden to the world, bears the marks of his actions, and as his soul grows ever more wasted and corrupted, devastatingconsequences lie in wait. The Picture of Dorian Gray is an exploration of the purpose of art, the superficial nature of youth and beauty, and the conflict between morality and intemperance. First published in its complete, uncensored form in 1891, it is Oscar Wilde’s only novel.
Alma Books Ltd The Portrait of Mr W.H.: Annotated Edition
During a conversation about literary forgeries, Erskine tells his young guest that he has received – as a legacy from a friend, the Cambridge scholar Cyril Graham – what is purported to be an Elizabethan portrait. The painting depicts a beautiful young man in late-sixteenth-century costume, whom Graham claimed to be Willie Hughes, a boy-actor serving in Shakespeare’s company. This prompts Erskine’s guest to delve deeper into the mystery surrounding the real identity of the dedicatee and the inspiration of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, with unforeseen consequences. Far from being a dry exposition of a literary theory, The Portrait of Mr W.H. – which the author himself described as one of his “early masterpieces” – is an engaging and entertaining narrative exploring the intricate facets of trust and betrayal, historical truth and fiction, written with Wilde’s trademark dialogical sharpness and stylistic perfection.
Alma Books Ltd The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories
When the Americans Mr and Mrs Otis and their four children move into Canterville Chase, its previous occupant Lord Canterville warns them that the ghost of his ancestor still haunts the house. Their disbelief is soon shattered by the nightly sound of rattling chains in the hallways and the appearance of mysterious bloodstains in the living room. However, the ghost struggles to intimidate his new victims, as they counter his ghoulish behaviour with typically transatlantic pragmatism, offering lubricator for his chains and cleaning up the stains with detergent. As the spirit is deserted by his capacity to scare, Virginia, the Otises’ daughter, gets to know him and learns the tragic tale behind his sad fate. Sparkling with his trademark wit, this classic tale is one of Oscar Wilde’s finest stories and is presented here with three other comic mystery stories, ‘Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime’, ‘The Sphinx without a Secret’ and ‘The Model Millionaire’, all of which were first published together in 1891.
Pearson Education Limited Level 3: An Ideal Husband
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves. Find out more at
Penguin Books Ltd The Decay of Lying
'Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life'The two works brought together here, 'The Decay of Lying' and 'The Critic as Artist', are Oscar Wilde's wittiest and most profound writings on aesthetics, in which he proposes that criticism is the highest form of creation and that lying, the telling of a beautiful untruth, is the ultimate aim of art.One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series. This new selection showcases a diverse list of thinkers who have helped shape our world today, from anarchists to stoics, feminists to prophets, satirists to Zen Buddhists.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Penguin Readers Level 1: The Canterville Ghost (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.An American family buy Canterville Hall - a house with a ghost. But the ghost is not happy because it cannot frighten the family.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Happy Prince & Other Stories
In these delightful tales, Oscar Wilde employs all his grace, artistry and wit. The Happy Prince tells of the statue of a once pleasure-loving Prince which, with the help of a selfless Swallow helps people in distress. As well as The Nightingale and the Rose, The Devoted Friend and The Remarkable Rocket, this collection contains The Selfish Giant, a remarkable story of the redemptive power of love.
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) The Importance of Being Earnest
Confluencias En Prisin De profundis La balada de la crcel de Reading Dos cartas al Daily Chronicle De Excntricos y Heterodoxos Spanish Edition
De Oscar Wilde se recuerdan infinidad de frases ingeniosas, punzantes e irónicas, escritas para sus obras de teatro o pronunciadas en los elegantes salones de Londres a finales del siglo XIX, pero el escritor irlandés también supo escribir de las penurias de la prisión y del desasosiego, del abandono y la ruina. Este libro reúne tres títulos íntimamente relacionados con el paso de Wilde por la cárcel: 'De profundis', 'La balada de la cárcel de Reading' y 'Dos cartas al Daily Chronicle'. Con nueva traducción, prólogo de Alfredo Taján e ilustraciones de Cintia Gutiérrez, estas páginas exponen al Wilde más íntimo.
Editorial Edaf, S.L. La importancia de llamarse Ernesto The Importance of Being Earnest El abanico de lady Windermere Biblioteca Edaf
Editorial Edaf S.A. Un marido ideal / Una mujer sin importancia
Alianza Editorial El retrato de Dorian Gray
Editorial Alma El Fantasma de Canterville
Siruela El fantasma de Canterville y otros relatos
De Oscar Wilde se dijo que no conversaba, sino que contaba cuentos. Este volumen recoge sus relatos más conocidos, y podemos imaginárnoslo perfectamente, encantador, irónico, contándolos a un reducido círculo de devotos oyentes, con una taza de té en la mano. Un público que se reiría con El fantasma de Canterville; se sentiría intrigado con la resolución del caso de El crimen de lord Arthur Savile, y se conmovería hasta las lágrimas con El Príncipe Feliz, El ruiseñor y la rosa y El gigante egoísta, cuentos de hadas protagonizados por seres frágiles y vulnerables. Son por tanto, como Alejandro Palomas explica en su prólogo, cuentos cercanos, vivos, que nos interpelan, como los memorables personajes de sus obras de teatro. Cuentos, cuya lectura a pesar del paso del tiempo no se agota nunca, pues nos hablan de emociones cercanas y reconocibles, en resumen, nos hablan de nosotros mismos. Este libro incluye actividades recomendadas para profundizar en la lectura de los cuentos.
Legend Press Ltd The Picture of Dorian Gray (Legend Classics)
Valdemar TELENY
Anaconda Verlag Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray
Anaconda Verlag WildeOGesammelte Werke
Marix Verlag Zeit ist Geldverschwendung Khle Sprche
Outlook Verlag Selected Poems
Anaconda Verlag Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray. English Edition
Anaconda Verlag Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray The Picture of Dorian Gray Anaconda Paperback Zweisprachige Ausgabe