Search results for ""author ofelia garcia""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective
Bilingual Education in the 21st Century examines languages and bilingualism as individual and societal phenomena, presents program types, variables, and policies in bilingual education, and concludes by looking at practices, especially pedagogies and assessments. This thought-provoking work is an ideal textbook for future teachers as well as providing a fresh view of the subject for school administrators and policy makers. Provides an overview of bilingual education theories and practices throughout the world Extends traditional conceptions of bilingualism and bilingual education to include global and local concerns in the 21st century Questions assumptions regarding language, bilingualism and bilingual education, and proposes a new theoretical framework and alternative views of teaching and assessment practices Reviews international bilingual education policies, with separate chapters dedicated to US and EU language policy in education Gives reasons why bilingual education is good for all children throughout the world, and presents cases of how this is being carried out
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective
Bilingual Education in the 21st Century examines languages and bilingualism as individual and societal phenomena, presents program types, variables, and policies in bilingual education, and concludes by looking at practices, especially pedagogies and assessments. This thought-provoking work is an ideal textbook for future teachers as well as providing a fresh view of the subject for school administrators and policy makers. Provides an overview of bilingual education theories and practices throughout the world Extends traditional conceptions of bilingualism and bilingual education to include global and local concerns in the 21st century Questions assumptions regarding language, bilingualism and bilingual education, and proposes a new theoretical framework and alternative views of teaching and assessment practices Reviews international bilingual education policies, with separate chapters dedicated to US and EU language policy in education Gives reasons why bilingual education is good for all children throughout the world, and presents cases of how this is being carried out
Teachers' College Press Educating Emergent Bilinguals: Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners
Now available in a revised and expanded edition, this accessible guide introduces readers to the issues and controversies surrounding the education of language minority students in the United States. What makes this book a perennial favorite are the succinct descriptions of alternative practices for transforming our schools and students’ futures, such as building on students’ home languages and literacy practices, incorporating curricular and pedagogical innovations, using proven-effective approaches to parent engagement, and employing alternative assessment tools. The authors have updated their bestseller to reflect recent shifts in policies, programs, and practices due to globalization and the changing economy demographic trends and new research on EL pedagogy. A totally new chapter highlights multimedia and multimodal instructional possibilities for engaging EL students. This Second Edition is essential reading for all teachers of language-minority students, as well as principals, superintendents, and policymakers.
Channel View Publications Ltd Bilingual Education: An Introductory Reader
The book is designed as a comprehensive introduction to bilingual education for instructors, researchers and students and a companion to "Foundations of Bilingual Educationa nd Bilingualism". It will fulfil the needs of teacher education and the preparation and professional development of bilingual teachers. Bilingual education at classroom, school and community levels are explored from a contemporary and international perspective. The readings are divided into four sections: Section 1: Varieties of Bilingual Education Section 2: History, Policy and Politics of Bilingual Education Section 3: Languages and Literacies in Bilingual Education Section 4: Issues in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Bilingual Education Following each of the nineteen readings, there are questions and activities to create an interactive text for instructors and students. Such questions and activities will engage the reader in reflection, deepening understandings and critical appreciation of bilingual education policies, politics and practices.
Springer International Publishing AG Bilingual and Multilingual Education
In this third, fully revised edition, the 10 volume Encyclopedia of Language and Education offers the newest developments, including an entirely new volume of research and scholarly content, essential to the field of language teaching and learning in the age of globalization. In the selection of topics and contributors, the Encyclopedia reflects the depth of disciplinary knowledge, breadth of interdisciplinary perspective, and diversity of socio-geographic experience in the language and education field. Throughout, there is an inclusion of contributions from non-English speaking and non-western parts of the world, providing truly global coverage. Furthermore, the authors have sought to integrate these voices fully into the whole, rather than as special cases or international perspectives in separate sections. The Encyclopedia is a necessary reference set for every university and college library in the world that serves a faculty or school of education, as well as being highly relevant to the fields of applied and socio-linguistics. The publication of this work charts the further deepening and broadening of the field of language and education since the publication of the first edition of the Encyclopedia in 1997 and the second edition in 2008.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education
The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education presents the first comprehensive international reference work of the latest policies, practices, and theories related to the dynamic interdisciplinary field of bilingual and multilingual education. Represents the first comprehensive reference work that covers bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural educational policies and practices around the world Features contributions from 78 established and emerging international scholars Offers extensive coverage in sixteen chapters of language and education issues in specific and diverse regional/geographic contexts, including South Africa, Mexico, Latvia, Cambodia, Japan, and Texas Covers pedagogical issues such as language assessment as well as offering evolving perspectives on the needs of specific learner populations, such as ELLs, learners with language impairments, and bilingual education outside of the classroom