Search results for ""author norman cohn""
Yale University Press Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith
All over the world people look forward to a perfect future, when the forces of good will be finally victorious over the forces of evil. Once this was a radically new way of imagining the destiny of the world and of mankind. How did it originate, and what kind of world-view preceded it? In this engrossing book, the author of the classic work The Pursuit of the Millennium takes us on a journey of exploration, through the world-views of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India, through the innovations of Iranian and Jewish prophets and sages, to the earliest Christian imaginings of heaven on earth.Until around 1500 B.C., it was generally believed that once the world had been set in order by the gods, it was in essence immutable. However, it was always a troubled world. By means of flood and drought, famine and plague, defeat in war, and death itself, demonic forces threatened and impaired it. Various combat myths told how a divine warrior kept the forces of chaos at bay and enabled the world to survive. Sometime between 1500 and 1200 B.C., the Iranian prophet Zoroaster broke from that static yet anxious world-view, reinterpreting the Iranian version of the combat myth. For Zoroaster, the world was moving, through incessant conflict, toward a conflictless state—“cosmos without chaos.” The time would come when, in a prodigious battle, the supreme god would utterly defeat the forces of chaos and their human allies and eliminate them forever, and so bring an absolutely good world into being. Cohn reveals how this vision of the future was taken over by certain Jewish groups, notably the Jesus sect, with incalculable consequences. Deeply informed yet highly readable, this magisterial book illumines a major turning-point in the history of human consciousness. It will be mandatory reading for all who appreciated The Pursuit of the Millennium.
Vintage Europe's Inner Demons: The Demonization of Christians in Medieval Christendom
In this ground-breaking book, Professor Norman Cohn traces popular beliefs about witches to their origins. He examines the fantasies that inspired the great European witch-hunt of the 16th and 17th centuries when thousands of innocent people were tortured and burned alive. It is a fascinating history of the need to imagine antihuman conspiracies and an investigation of how those fantasies made the great European witch-hunt possible. In addition, Professor Cohn's discovery that some influential sources on witch trials were forgeries has revolutionized the field of witchcraft studies, making this one of the most essential books ever written on the subject.
Vintage The Pursuit Of The Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages inherited from Antiquity a tradition of prophesy and gave it fresh and exuberant life. This tradition foretold a Millennium in which humanity would enjoy a new Paradise on earth, free of suffering and sin - a Kingdom of the Saints. Generation after generation was intermittently seized by a tense expectation of some sudden, miraculous event in which the world would be utterly transformed. Often these expectations became enmeshed with social unrest and movements arose which sent tremors through the massive structure of medieval society. Drawing on a huge variety of contemporary sources, this unique and compelling book tells the story of those Millenarian fanaticisms of the Middle Ages and points to their persistence in the modern world.
Pepitas de calabaza En pos del milenio revolucionarios milenaristas y anarquistas místicos de la Edad Media
La Edad Media vio surgir en sus márgenes una compleja red de herejías y movimientos que intentaban traspasar los límites de la ortodoxia religiosa. Basándose principalmente en las tradiciones judías y en la escatología cristiana (sobre todo en el Apocalipsis de san Juan), e impulsados por su dramática situación material y la decadencia que observaban a su alrededor, estos grupos de hombres y mujeres encontraron en el milenarismo una tabla de salvación desesperada.Pero el milenarismo no fue solo una orientación religiosa. Según sus presupuestos el reino de los mil años que seguiría al juicio final debía ser un paraíso en la tierra en el que todas las penalidades de los justos se verían recompensadas y en el que todas las diferencias sociales serían abolidas. La perspectiva, al llegar a las capas más desfavorecidas de la sociedad, dio lugar una y otra vez a movimientos revolucionarios que lucharon con armas materiales para crear el reino de dios en la tierra; un reino que sería prece