Search results for ""author national association of emergency medical technicians (naemt)""
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Suporte De Vida Em Trauma Pré-Hospitalar, Nona Edição
No local, os segundos contam. PHTLS: Suporte de Vida em Trauma Pré-hospitalar ensina e reforça os princípios em avaliar rapidamente um paciente de trauma usando uma abordagem ordenada, tratando imediatamente os problemas com risco de vida, à medida que eles sejam identificados, e minimizando quaisquer atrasos em iniciar o transporte à uma destinação apropriada. Desenvolvido pela Associação Nacional de Técnicos de Emergência Médica (NAEMT) em colaboração com o Colégio Americano do Comitê dos Cirurgiões de Traumas (ASC-COT), o PHTLS, Nona Edição reflete os conhecimentos e práticas atuais com base em evidências, e promove o pensamento crítico como a base para fornecer cuidados de qualidade. Avaliar rapidamente um paciente de trauma para identificar os cuidados de salvamento constitui o centro da nona edição do PHTLS. Leva 2 minutos ou menos para um paciente exsanguinante. Nenhuma outra intervenção pré-hospitalar que os prestadores de cuidado realizam é mais importante do que parar esse nível de sangramento em pacientes de trauma. A fim de refletir isso, o PHTLS, Nona Edição utiliza a mnemônica XABCDE de avaliação do paciente para colocar a hemorragia exsanguinante à frente de cada encontro com o paciente. A importância de XABCDE (hemorragia grave exsanguinante, vias aéreas, respiração, circulação, incapacidade neurológica e exposição ao ambiente) é reforçada em cada capítulo clínico. Características do PHTLS, Nona Edição: Informações atuais sobre ressuscitação com fluidos e imobilização espinhal a partir de pesquisas com base em evidências e experientes provedores de cuidados pré-hospitalares que aplicam os princípios e as práticas do PHTLS no local Técnicas atualizadas de tratamento do paciente, incluindo colocação de torniquete, locais de descompressão com agulha, o uso de ligantes pélvicos, ressuscitação pediátrica com fluidos e manejo pediátrico das vias aéreas Ênfase em lesões evitáveis, desde dirigir distraído até quedas em adultos idosos, e violência entre parceiros íntimos Foco em ameaças e respostas tácticas civis, desde veículos como armas de destruição em massa até um novo fluxograma de metodologia de avaliação remota Componentes Dinâmicos do Programa O manual do PHTLS, Nona Edição é o recurso definitivo em cuidados de trauma que detalha as evidências médicas por trás dos princípios e práticas recomendados do curso do PHTLS. Como próximo passo na evolução do programa do PHTLS, o manual principal será acompanhado pelo novo manual do curso do PHTLS, que reforça e esclarece os conceitos-chave do curso; apresenta um design envolvente e interativo; e está escrito de modo que você sente estar participando de um bate-papo, versus ouvindo a uma aula expositiva.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Pediatric Education For Prehospital Professionals (PEPP), EPC Version
The EPC, Third Edition course is a comprehensive NAEMT education program for EMS practitioners on the care of sick and injured children, addressing the full spectrum of emergency illnesses, injuries and scenarios that an EMS practitioner might encounter. While there are few pediatric encounters in the field, there are even fewer critical pediatric encounters and having the ability to differentiate those children who are in need of quick treatment and transport and those who do not, is essential. Not currently teaching EPC? Learn more about the simple steps to become a EPC instructor here. To learn more about becoming an NAEMT Course site, visit this page.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AMLS Spanish: Soporte vital médico avanzado: Soporte vital médico avanzado
AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support (Soporte vital médico avanzado) es el mejor curso para profesionales prehospitalarios sobre evaluación médica avanzada y el tratamiento de afecciones médicas frecuentes. AMLS, que se enseña en todo el mundo desde 1999, fue el primer programa de educación de servicios médicos de urgencia (EMS) en abordar por complete cómo manejar mejor a los pacientes en crisis médicas. Creado por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Medicina de Emergencia (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT) y con el respaldo de la Asociación Nacional de Médicos de EMS (National Association of EMS Physicians, NAEMSP), AMLS hace hincapié en el uso de la Vía de evaluación del soporte vital médico avanzado. Este instrumento de evaluación esencial les brinda a los profesionales prehospitalarios las herramientas necesarias para diagnosticar rápidamente a los pacientes médicos e iniciar una gestión eficaz en el terreno. AMLS es el único libro de texto aprobado para usarse en el curso de Soporte Vital Médico Avanzado de la NAEMT. Su contenido médico se revisa y actualiza continuamente para reflejar los conocimientos y las prácticas actuales basados en pruebas. La filosofía del AMLS se centra en el uso del pensamiento crítico para evaluar a los pacientes y formular planes de manejo. Un enfoque claro para evaluar a los pacientes médicos En el terreno, cada segundo cuenta. La Vía de evaluación de AMLS proporciona un enfoque sistemático para la evaluación de pacientes médicos que permite a los profesionales prehospitalarios diagnosticarlos con precisión urgente. Soluciones de tecnología dinámica El contenido de primera categoría une un diseño instructivo sólido con una interfaz fácil de usar para ofrecer a los instructores y a los estudiantes una experiencia de aprendizaje verdaderamente interactiva y atractiva: El libro electrónico del Manual del Curso de AMLS refuerza los conceptos clave presentados en el curso El Conjunto de herramientas para instructores en línea de AMLS contiene clases interactivas basadas en casos
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc German PHTLS & Course Manual: PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Präklinisches Trauma-Lebenserhaltung) & PHTLS-Kurshandbuch
Auf dem Feld zählen die Sekunden. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, neunte Edition lehrt und bekräftigt die Prinzipien der raschen Beurteilung eines Traumapatienten unter Anwendung eines systematischen Vorgehens, der sofortigen Behandlung lebensbedrohlicher Probleme, sobald diese erkannt werden, und der Minimierung von Verzögerungen bei der Einleitung des Transports zu einem geeigneten Zielkrankenhaus. Entwickelt von der NAEMT (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) spiegelt die neunte Edition von PHTS aktuelle, evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisse und Praktiken wider und fördert kritisches Denken als Grundlage für eine qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung. Dynamische Programmkomponenten Das PHTLS-Hauptlehrbuch, neunte Edition, ist die maßgebliche Ressource für die Traumabehandlung, die die medizinische Evidenz hinter den empfohlenen Prinzipien und Praktiken des PHTLS-Kurses detailliert beschreibt. Als nächster Schritt in der Entwicklung des PHTLS-Programms wird das Hauptlehrbuch von diesem neuen PHTLS-Kurshandbuch begleitet, das die Schlüsselkonzepte des Kurses bekräftigt und verdeutlicht, ein ansprechendes, interaktives Design aufweist und so geschrieben ist, dass Sie das Gefühl haben, an einem Gespräch teilzunehmen, anstatt einem Vortrag zuzuhören. Das Kurshandbuch enthält die folgenden Hauptmerkmale: Progressive Fallstudien - Überwachen Sie einen Patienten von Alarmierung über die Untersuchung bis hin zum Management und Transport und legen Sie fest, wie Sie einen ähnlichen Fall vor Ort behandeln würden. Fragen, die zum kritischen Denken einladen - Wenden Sie das im Kapitel vorgestellte Wissen an und stärken Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Patienten. Weitere Informationen - Erweitern Sie Ihr Verständnis von Vitalkonzepten und erforschen Sie die Erkenntnisse, die hinter den besten Praktiken zur Behandlung von Traumapatienten stehen. Lernfragen - Bereiten Sie sich auf den Erfolg beim Nachtest des Kurses vor, indem Sie die Hauptkonzepte des Kapitels durch praxisbezogene Fragen untermauern.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS 9e Spanish: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, Novena Edición: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, Novena Edición
Hace más de tres décadas, PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario transformó la evaluación y manejo del trauma en el campo. A lo largo de los años y alrededor del mundo, el curso de PHTLS ha mejorado la calidad de la atención al paciente de trauma y ha salvado vidas. La novena edición de este confiable y fidedigno recurso continúa con la misión de PHTLS de promover la excelencia en el manejo de pacientes con trauma por parte de los proveedores involucrados en proporcionar la atención prehospitalaria mediante la educación global. Este legendario programa fue desarrollado por primera vez por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT), a principios de la década de los ochenta del siglo pasado con la cooperación del Comité para el Trauma del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, ACS-COT). Su contenido médico se revisa y actualiza en forma continua para reflejar lo último y más actualizado del conocimiento y la práctica con base en la evidencia. El PHTLS promueve el pensamiento crítico como fundamento para proporcionar una atención de calidad. Basándose en la creencia de que los profesionales de los servicios de emergencias médicas toman las mejores decisiones en beneficio de sus pacientes cuando se les proporciona una base sólida de conocimiento y principios clave para estimular sus habilidades de pensamiento crítico. Un enfoque claro para evaluar al paciente de trauma En el campo, los segundos cuentan. PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, novena edición enseña y refuerza los principios para evaluar con rapidez al paciente con trauma usando un enfoque ordenado, tratando de inmediato los problemas que ponen en riesgo la vida conforme se van identificando y minimizando cualquier retraso para iniciar transporte a un destino adecuado. Soluciones de tecnología dinámica El contenido de clase mundial se une al diseño instructivo con una interfaz en línea fácil de usar para proporcionar a los instructores y estudiantes una medio de realmente interactivo con una atractiva experiencia de aprendizaje con: • E-book del Manual del curso PHTLS que refuerza los conceptos clave presentados en el curso del PHTLS.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Print) with Course Manual (Print)
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients - An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time - Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim - The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue - New content on blast injuries - Clarification on the role of pelvic binders - Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Print) with Course Manual (eBook)
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients - An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time - Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim - The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue - New content on blast injuries - Clarification on the role of pelvic binders - Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Soins De Réanimation Préhospitaliers, Neuvième Édition
Sur le terrain, les secondes comptent. PHTLS: Soins de réanimation préhospitaliers enseigne et renforce les principes d'évaluation rapide d'un patient en état de traumatisme en utilisant une approche ordonnée, en traitant immédiatement les problèmes potentiellement mortels au fur et à mesure qu'ils sont identifiés, et en réduisant tout retard de transport vers la destination appropriée. Développé par la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT ou Association nationale des techniciens médicaux d'urgence) en coopération avec le American College of Surgeons Committee (ASC-COT ou Collège américain du Comité des chirurgiens), PHTLS, Neuvième édition reprend les connaissances et la pratique actuelles étayées par des données, et encourage la pensée critique en tant que fondement de la fourniture de soins de qualité. Évaluer rapidement un patient en état de traumatisme pour identifier les soins vitaux est au cœur de la neuvième édition de PHTLS. Il faut 2 minutes ou moins à un patient pour se vider de son sang. Aucune autre intervention des prestataires de soins préhospitaliers n’est plus importante que l’arrêt de l’hémorragie chez les patients en état de traumatisme. Pour refléter cela, PHTLS, Neuvième édition utilise le moyen mnémonique d’évaluation du patient XABCDE pour placer une hémorragie au premier plan de chaque contact avec un patient. L'importance de la méthode XABCDE (en français hémorragie, voies aériennes, respiration, circulation, handicap et exposition/environnement) est renforcée dans chaque chapitre clinique. PHTLS, Neuvième édition présente : Les informations actuelles sur la réanimation liquidienne et l'immobilisation de la colonne vertébrale provenant de la recherche factuelle et de prestataires de soins préhospitaliers expérimentés qui appliquent les principes et les pratiques de PHTLS sur le terrain Les dernières techniques de gestion des patients, y compris la mise en place d’un garrot, les sites de décompression par aiguille, l'utilisation de liants pelviens, la réanimation pédiatrique liquidienne et la gestion pédiatrique des voies respiratoires L'accent est mis sur les blessures évitables, de la distraction au volant aux chutes chez les personnes âgées, en passant par la violence conjugale L'accent est également mis sur les menaces et les interventions tactiques des civils, des véhicules utilisés comme armes de destruction massive à un nouvel organigramme de la méthodologie d'évaluation à distance Composants dynamiques du programme Le manuel principal de PHTLS, Neuvième édition est la ressource définitive en matière de traumatologie. Il présente en détail les preuves médicales sous-tendant les principes et pratiques recommandés dans le cours PHTLS. La prochaine étape de l'évolution du programme PHTLS sera un nouveau manuel de cours PHTLS qui accompagnera le manuel principal. Il renforce et clarifie les concepts clés du cours, a une présentation agréable et interactive et est rédigé de façon à ce que vous ayez l'impression de participer à une conversation, plutôt qu’à un cours magistral.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Edition
On the battlefield, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Ninth Edition teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASC-COT), PHTLS, the Military Ninth Edition reflects current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and promotes critical-thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. Since 1996, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) has improved the care rendered in combat prehospital environments. TCCC is the battlefield prehospital component of the Joint Trauma System, an organization within the Department of Defense that projects combat trauma care out to the point of injury and continues that care seamlessly while bringing the casualty home for recuperation and rehabilitation. TCCC guidelines are continuously revised and updated by the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Co-TCCC), an all-volunteer group of military medicine and trauma care specialists. The membership of Co-TECC includes combat medics, corpsmen, and pararescuemen as well as physicians and physician assistants. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Ninth Edition is the next step in the evolution of the premier global prehospital trauma education program, a partnership between PHTLS and TCCC that goes back to the fourth edition of this manual. Military Ninth Edition continues the shared mission to promote excellence in trauma care by all providers and in all environments. In addition to the PHTLS core content, it features thirteen chapters written by military prehospital trauma care experts for practitioners in the military environment. Military Ninth Edition includes: Scenario – An opening case study that presents the key concepts of the chapter in a realistic patient or casualty care situation that encourages the participant to ask, “What would I do?” Key Terms – All key terms that appear in the Glossary are highlighted within the chapters. Engaging Art Program – The Military Ninth Edition features photos and illustrations that depict the realities of battlefield prehospital care. Summary – A list of the key concepts of the chapter. Scenario Solution – A discussion on how the patient or casualty in the opening scenario is assessed and treated in the field or on the battlefield and during transport.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (eBook) with Course Manual (Print)
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients - An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time - Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim - The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue - New content on blast injuries - Clarification on the role of pelvic binders - Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Spanish TECC: Atención táctica a víctimas en emergencias, segunda edición, manual del curso: Atención táctica a víctimas en emergencias, segunda edición, manual del curso
En el ambiente táctico civil, cada segundo cuenta. TECC: Atención táctica a víctimas en emergencias, segunda edición enseña a los proveedores de atención prehospitalaria cómo responder y atender a pacientes durante una emergencia táctica civil, incluso en tiroteos activos. Este atractivo programa está diseñado para preparar a los proveedores de servicios médicos de emergencia (EMS) para atender pacientes en un entorno táctico. Desarrollada por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT) y aprobado por el Colegio Estadounidense de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons), TECC, segunda edición aborda los dominios actuales de los Servicios Tácticos de Emergencia Médica (Tactical Emergency Medical Services, TEMS) y es consistente con las pautas actuales del Comité sobre TECC. NAEMT es un socio educativo reconocido del Comité de TECC. Componentes del programa dinámico El manual del curso TECC, segunda edición refuerza y clarifica los conceptos clave del curso, tiene un diseño atractivo e interactivo, y está escrito de modo que sienta que está participando en una conversación, en lugar de escuchando una lección. El manual del curso incluye las siguientes características clave: • Compruebe sus conocimientos: aplique los conocimientos presentados en la lección y refuerce sus habilidades de tratamiento de pacientes. • Estaciones de habilidades: revisión paso a paso de cómo utilizar habilidades que salvan vidas en el entorno táctico.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS 9e United Kingdom: Print PHTLS Textbook with Digital Access to Course Manual eBook: Print PHTLS Textbook with Digital Access to Course Manual eBook
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field. Throughout the years and across the globe, the PHTLS course has improved the quality of trauma patient care and has saved lives. This UK localised edition continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all clinicians involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education. This legendary programme was first developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT). The UK edition of this trusted and reliable resource is endorsed by the College of Paramedics. The text has been revised and updated to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and brings the established course in line with national guidance to reflect the paramedic role within the UK. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that prehospital clinicians make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Dynamic Technology Solutions World-class content joins instructionally sound design with a user-friendly online interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with: • eBook of the PHTLS Course Manual that reinforces key concepts presented in the PHTLS course • Video demonstrations of critical skills in the PHTLS Online Instructor ToolKit
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc French AMLS: Support Avance De Vie Medicale with Course Manual eBook
AMLS : Advanced Medical Life Support est le cours de référence pour les praticiens préhospitaliers en matière d’évaluation médicale avancée et de traitement des affections médicales les plus courantes. Enseigné à travers le monde depuis 1999, l’AMLS a été le premier programme de formation des SMU à aborder de manière exhaustive la meilleure façon de gérer les patients en situation de détresse médicale. Créée par la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) et approuvée par la National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), l’AMLS met l’accent sur l’utilisation de la procédure d’évaluation AMLS. Cet outil d’évaluation essentiel permet aux praticiens préhospitaliers de diagnostiquer rapidement les patients malades et d’initier une gestion effi cace sur le terrain. Cette troisième édition de l’AMLS comprend un tout nouveau contenu sur la pharmacologie (chapitre 11), la septicémie (chapitre 12) et les urgences en matière de santé mentale (annexe C). L’AMLS est le seul manuel approuvé à être utilisé dans le cadre du cours de réanimation médicale avancée de la NAEMT. Son contenu médical est constamment révisé et mis à jour pour refl éter les connaissances et les pratiques actuelles, fondées sur des preuves. La philosophie de l’AMLS est centrée sur l’utilisation de la pensée critique pour évaluer les patients et établir des protocoles de prise en charge. Une approche précise de l’évaluation d’un patient Sur le terrain, chaque seconde compte. La méthode d’évaluation AMLS fournit une approche systématique de l’évaluation d’un patient malade qui permet aux praticiens préhospitaliers d’établir un diagnostic précis et rapide. Solutions technologiques dynamique Le contenu de référence associe une conception pédagogique solide à une interface conviviale pour offrir aux enseignants et aux étudiants une experience d’apprentissage réellement interactive et attrayante avec : • Le manuel AMLS du cours sous format eBook qui renforce les concepts clés présentés dans le cours
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support For First Responders Course Manual
Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders (PHTLS-FR) from the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) is the perfect course for emergency medical responders (EMR), firefighters, rescue personnel, and law enforcement officers. This course trains first responders to provide the most effective trauma treatment before emergency medical services (EMS) arrive on the scene. The PHTLS-FR course manual is the only approved student resource for the PHTLS-FR course and delivers concise, comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines obtained from the internationally renowned course for EMS practitioners, Prehospital Trauma Life Support . In the field, seconds count. PHTLS-FR teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Developed by NAEMT in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASC-COT), PHTLS-FR reflects current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and promotes critical-thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. Dynamic Learning Solutions The PHTLS-FR course manual reinforces and clarifies key concepts from the PHTLS-FR course, featuring an engaging, interactive design. The course manual is written so you feel like you are participating in a conversation, versus listening to a lecture. The course manual includes the following key features: Chapter Objectives and closing Summaries—Reinforce must-know information in a condensed format for easy understanding. Progressive Case Studies – Monitor a patient from dispatch to assessment to management to transport and determine how you would treat a similar case in the field. Critical-Thinking Questions – Apply the knowledge presented in the lesson and strengthen your patient management skills. Study Questions – Prepare for success on the course’s post-test by reinforcing the lesson’s main concepts through case-based questions.
John Wiley & Sons EVOS EMS Vehicle Operator Safety Includes eBook with Interactive Tools
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc EPC Edition Of PEPP Spanish: Programa De Educacion Pediatrica Prehospitalaria
Programa de Educacion Pediatrica Prehospitalaria (Versi�n EPC), Tercera Edicion representa una fuente completa de informacion medica prehospitalaria para la atencion de urgencias de los lactantes y los ninos. El PEPP se diseno para proporcionar a los profesionales prehospitalarios la educacion, las habilidades y la confianza que requieren para tratar de manera eficaz a los pacientes pediatricos. Desarrollado por la American Academy of Pediatrics, PEPP exxpresamente ensena a los profesionales prehospitalarios como evaluar y manejar mejor a los ninos enfermos o heridos. PEPP combina contenidos medicos integrales con caracteristicas dinamicas y un curso interactivo para terminar de preparar profesionales prehospitalarios para cuidar a lost ninos en el campo. Lo Nuevo en la Tercera Edicion: El contenido del libro texto se dirige a todas las declaraciones en competencias pedaitricas especificas con los Estandares Nacio.nales de Educacion de SMU. El contenido de shock y reanimacion se cubre en dos capitulos distintos haciendo mayor enfasis en estos temas criticos. Un equpo de autores primera categoria trabajando en conjunto con medicos revisores de la AAP garantizan el contenidomedico excepcional con un enfoque "de calle".