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Rowman & Littlefield Mobile Apps for Museums: The AAM Guide to Planning and Strategy
Mobile is changing the way museums do business-whether they are aware of it or not. As 'the people formerly known as the 'audience' increasingly expect information and experiences on demand, whenever and wherever they are, the market is growing for mobile products and services for and about museums. With today's new networked mobile devices—smartphones, tablet computers and Wi-Fi-enabled media players—two-way communication models are now easier and on the rise. And as the rise of mobile, and mobile apps specifically, reshapes the museum's thinking about its digital interfaces, it broadens access to the museum exponentially. Not only are more people able to connect with the museum through their mobile devices, but there is also the potential for them to personalize their museum experience, integrating collections, exhibitions, and other offerings into a much broader range of use-case scenarios than we have ever imagined. The museum can not only enter people's homes and classrooms, but can also be part of their daily commutes, their international travel, and their work and leisure activities as never before. How will museums understand and cater to this huge range of contexts and demands for cultural content?This collection of thoughtful essays and insightful case studies by leading practitioners is intended to help guide the museum in its planning and strategy as it explores this exciting new terrain. Mobile Apps for Museums examines the promise and potential of mobile apps in expanding exponentially the museum's audience outreach and engagement.