Search results for ""author miguel tanco""
Pequeñas historias en un lugar muy lejano
En Pequeñas historias Miguel Tanco nos ofrece una ventanaabierta a la infancia, una serie de viñetas llenas de humor quenos ofrece una visión del mundo a través de la inocencia y laimaginación. Situaciones cotidianas se vuelven fascinantespasadas por la perspectiva del niño. Un libro para compartir enfamilia. Un disfrute para los más pequeños de la casa y unrefugio al que regresar para los más mayores, siempre quesintamos que la vida se ha vuelto demasiado complicado. Unapequeña joya para regalar, compartir y tener siempre a mano.
Chronicle Books Mom and Me Me and Mom
Tundra Book Group The Spark in Me
Tate Publishing Count on Me
A YOUNG GIRL SEES THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY IN THIS BEAUTIFUL BOOK CELEBRATING INDIVIDUALITY AND NUMBERS! * Encourages children to find their own passion. * Beautiful illustrations by Miguel Tanco * Lets children know that there is always more than one way to see the world, solve a problem and enjoy life. Some people see the beauty of the world through art. Some people see the beauty of the world through music. Our heroine sees the beauty of the world through... maths? Others don't understand her passion, but that's okay. There are infinite ways to see the world - and her way is through numbers.
Chronicle Books You and Me, Me and You: Brothers
The beauty of the brotherly bond is on display in this touching tribute to a special sibling relationship. Whimsical illustrations capture the highlights of brotherhood: building sandcastles, flying a kite, making mischief, and cherishing childhood moments together. Bright pops of Pantone orange bestow each illustrated spread with charm, and a cloth spine adds a delightful specialness. At once a sweet picture book for young children and a treasured gift for parents, this heartfelt testament to the inimitable brotherly bond goes straight to the heart.
Tundra Books Count on Me
Chronicle Books You and Me Me and You
Prentice Hall Press My Best Friend
Tate Publishing Mr Tiger
Meet Mr. Tiger, the bravest, the strongest and the greatest wrestler in the ring. With his tradesmark move, "The Leap of the Tiger", he has defeated his most formidable rivals: Black Claw, Boogeyman, Constrictor and Blob. But outside the ring, despite the muscles and the fierce mask, Mr. Tiger is painfully shy. Even speaking to the lady he secretly admires seems impossible - until a loyal friend helps him out. Enter the ring and find out what happens when a tough body houses a sweet heart!
Tundra Books Great Dog