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Duke University Press Psychoanalysis and Solidarity
Freud’s earliest hysterical analysands reported a shared grievance about psychoanalysis: while their individual suffering was conditioned by social circumstances, Freud could not “alter these in any way.” If psychic illness is tied to repressive external conditions that the psychoanalyst cannot change, how can a method circumscribed to the individual’s inner life offer liberation, even cure? Motivated by the hysteric’s desire for a better life and Freud’s commitment to our intersubjectivity in common, contributors to this special issue consider psychoanalysis as a political project that holds open the space of collective action—from the analyst’s couch to the picket line, from guerrilla psychoanalysis in revolutionary Algeria and Argentina to clinical treatment for the symptomatology of exile and homelessness. The contributors construct, critique, historicize, and reimagine psychoanalysis as grounds for universal solidarity. Contributors. Gila Ashtor, Ronjaunee Chatterjee, Alex Colston, Rachel Greenspan, Anna Kornbluh, Todd McGowan, Tracy McNulty, Ankhi Mukherjee, Fernanda Negrete, Michelle Rada, Samo Tomšič, Hannah Zeavin