Search results for ""author michael schwartz""
B&S Siebenhaar Verlag Eine Schmach verschwindet
Abrams Genuine Pizza: Better Pizza at Home
Throughout his acclaimed career, chef Michael Schwartz has been celebrated for his skilled use of quality ingredients, and with his pizzas, this talent is on full display. Genuine Pizza is Schwartz’s vibrantly illustrated guidebook for creating unforgettable pies at home. His cookbook makes the pizza process approachable and fun, giving the reader the tools they need to make better pizza and then run with them. First providing a clear and simple view of the fundamentals—with detailed step-by-step methods for making the best pizza doughs—Schwartz then empowers home cooks to mix and match ingredients, playing with different sauces, cheeses, meats, vegetables, and more, to build pies both classic and innovative. Pizza is just the beginning—it’s a jumping off point to colorful, delicious meals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
The purpose of the series is to explore the central and unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise economy. The primary goal of the research studies published here is to examine how profit seeking and not for profit organizations can be conceived and designed to satisfy legitimate human needs in an ethical and meaningful way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applied Ethics: Remembering Patrick Primeaux
The late Patrick Primeaux, a past editor of this series, was an outstanding teacher of business ethics and a longtime chair of the Theology Department at St John's University in New York City. Patrick, through his teachings, research articles and books, had a profound influence on how many contemporary business ethicists both teach and think about business ethics. Some contributions in this volume are from his colleagues and reflect his influence as both a business ethics teacher and as a scholar. Others are the result of a conference held in June, 2011 at the University of Tasmania by the Australian Association for Professional & Applied Ethics. Those contributions too reflect Patrick's influence and also argue themes which Patrick would have fully endorsed.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Contribution of Fiction to Organizational Ethics
Alasdair MacIntyre described humans as storytelling animals. Stories are essential to any organization. They help organizations define who they are, what they do, and how they do it. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, in explaining their well-known search for excellence in leading organizations, wrote how they "were struck by the dominant use of story, slogan, and legend as people tried to explain the characteristics of their own great institutions" and how those "convey(ed) the organization's shared values, or culture". Indeed there is the distinct possibility of those inherited stories, slogans and legends creating ethical organizations. Fiction incorporates not only literature but movies, television, poetry and plays. Friedrich Nietzsche who has been described, perhaps unfairly, as not a philosopher but a writer described fiction as a lie which enabled us to see the truth. Nina Rosenstand argued that such fiction can "be used to question moral rules and to examine morally ambiguous situations". In this issue we consider how fiction has questioned the moral rules, and examined such situations, and in doing so how it has contributed to our understanding of organizational ethics.
Emerald Publishing Limited War, Peace and Organizational Ethics
Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed series that publishes rigorous academic research into organizational ethics from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives including, but not limited to, business management, philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, accounting, and marketing. In this volume, War, Peace and Organizational Ethics, expert contributors draw upon philosophers such as Aristotle, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Emmanuel Levinas in order to explore how the ethics of war and peace resonate with organizational ethics. The topics covered include: the role of business in the “War on Terror”; the ethics of robot decision-making in military contexts; the use of force in UN peacekeeping missions; John Wooden’s conception of moral leadership; the implementation of meaningful change in relation to well-being in and outside of work; unethical pro-organizational behaviour; forsaking Aristotle’s Mean and pursuing the extreme. Ideally suited for researchers and professionals, this book poses questions that go to the very heart of the role organizations play in greater social conflicts, as well as the role that conflict plays in shaping organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Visual Ethics
This volume includes six varied contributions to the study of visual ethics in organizations. The implications of our visual world for organizational life and personal behaviour have received scant research attention. This volume sets out to address that lack of research. It includes contributions on empirical studies, film, personal portraits, social research using the photovoice method, bureaucracy and critical theory. Contributors show how the application of disciplines developed for the study of films can help us to understand how organizations are perceived, and how visual images can be used in empirical research about organizations, ethics and organizational citizenship behaviour. Some say philosophy has abandoned art, some that humans lack moral vision. A number of contributors show how a careful and informed study of art can enhance our understanding of organizational life. This volume seeks to put the visual back into ethics and organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Next Phase of Business Ethics: Celebrating 20 Years of REIO
The role of organizations in society, the international and multidisciplinary scope of business ethics, and the importance of narrative were concerns that were raised in early volumes of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO). That these topics remain of interest is perhaps sobering, and a cause for reflection in the business ethics community. What has the discipline of business ethics achieved over the last 20 years? Where is at in 2019? Where is it headed? Written to celebrate the founding of the series 20 years ago, the volume tackles the tendency to see business as something spawned in recent times. REIO's founders, even in 2001, were contemplating the next phase of business ethics, and saw it linked to both good corporate practice and a multidisciplinary heritage stretching back in time. This volume considers whether scholars, practitioners, and business professionals have been slow to act, or whether the problems are intractable. The role of film and narrative in the development of ethical standards and in business ethics education is addressed. Individual submissions also consider corporate responsibility, redemption, and the nature of boundaries in organizations and personal life. The volume will appeal to academics in the business ethics field and related disciplines.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Ende der Zuversicht?: Die siebziger Jahre als Geschichte
Verso Books Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It
It's no secret that the 1%-the business elite that commands the largest corporations and the connected network of public and private institutions-exercise enormous control over the US government. While this control is usually attributed to campaign donations and lobbying, Levers of Power argues that corporate power derives from control over the economic resources on which daily life depends. Government officials must constantly strive to keep capitalists happy, lest they go on "capital strike"-that is, refuse to invest in particular industries or locations, or move their holdings to other countries-and therefore impose material hardship on specific groups or the economy as a whole. For this reason, even politicians who are not dependent on corporations for their electoral success must fend off the interruption of corporate investment. Levers of Power documents the pervasive power of corporations and other institutions with decision-making control over large pools of capital, particularly the Pentagon. It also shows that the most successful reform movements in recent US history-for workers' rights, for civil rights, and against imperialist wars-succeeded by directly targeting the corporations and other institutional adversaries that initiated and benefitted from oppressive policies. Though most of today's social movements focus on elections and politicians, movements of the 99% are most effective when they inflict direct costs on corporations and their allied institutions. This strategy is also more conducive to building a revolutionary mass movement that can replace current institutions with democratic alternatives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Trump and the Deeper Crisis
While many analysts emphasize Trump’s uniqueness, he can also be viewed as a symptom of a deeper systemic crisis. This collection examines the roots, impacts, and future prospects of Trumpism as well as the possibilities for combatting it. Chapters analyze the role of racism and xenophobia, evangelical religion, and elite support in enabling Trump’s political ascent, demonstrating how both his demagogic style and his policies draw from the historic repertoire of the Right. The authors also trace the impacts of his presidency on inequality, health, ecological destruction, and U.S. empire. As far-right forces cement their hold on the Republican Party, and as the Democratic Party appears unable to stop them, what lies ahead? The authors argue that confronting Trumpism requires a frontal attack on the conditions that incubated the monster.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ethical Contribution of Organizations to Society
Organizations promote all sorts of activities. Indeed it is difficult to think of any activity today that is not reliant on an organization. This volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations contains two kinds of papers. First, papers that discuss what an organization provides to society, whether it be fast food, hypermarkets, education, training, supply chains or hamburgers, and an explanation of the ethical aspects of that particular contribution. Second, the ethics of the consumer's response in society to what an organization provides, be that the buying or boycotting of products, social approval or social condemnation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics, Values and Civil Society
This volume is a selection of papers from the 19th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered include journalism ethics, organ donation, as well as an essay drawn from Daniel Wueste's keynote address on the conditions and implications of trust for the professions. Other papers include research on the ethical perils of university researchers, a values based approach to ethical culture, the ethics of hospitality-tourism practice and pedagogy, and ethical decision making processes for research in Small and Medium Enterprises.
The University of Chicago Press Radical Protest and Social Structure: The Southern Farmers' Alliance and Cotton Tenancy, 1880-1890
"Michael Schwartz's book is really three books in one—an analysis of the structural changes that produced one of the most oppressive social systems the world has known (the one-crop cotton tenancy economy and the system of institutionalized racism and authoritarian one-party politics that was required to preserve the fragile economic arrangement); a theoretical analysis of the origins, mobilization, and outcome of insurgent challenges; and a meticulous application of that theory to the rise and collapse of the Populist movement."—Craig Jenkins, Theory and Society
The University of Chicago Press The Power Structure of American Business
Mintz and Schwartz offer a fascinating tour of the corporate world. Through an intensive study of interlocking corporate directorates, they show that for the first time in American history the loan making and stock purchasing and selling powers are concentrated in the same hands: the leadership of major financial firms. Their detailed descriptions of corporate case histories include the forced ouster of Howard Hughes from TWA in the late fifties as a result of lenders' pressure; the collapse of Chrysler in the late seventies owing to banks' refusal to provide further capital infusions; and the very different "rescues" of Pan American Airlines and Braniff Airlines by bank intervention in the seventies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Contribution of Love, and Hate, to Organizational Ethics
Ideally suited to researchers, postgraduates and professionals interested in key issues such as tax avoidance and corporate privacy, the latest volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations examines how profit seeking and not for profit organizations can be conceived and designed to satisfy legitimate human needs in an ethical and meaningful way. The volume addresses a range of contemporary issues in applied and professional ethics and explores the unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics in the Global South
The influence of the global South is increasing in the conduct and governance of multinationals, in the growing interest in the 'bottom of the pyramid', in the debates over the environment, trade and international law. There are questions aplenty. Complexities and tensions, differing ethical interpretations. The volume includes works by authors from the global South and contributions about ethical issues in the global South, including the responses to famine in East Africa, India and Indonesia, and the applicability of international guidelines and ethical frameworks in South Africa. Other contributions examine the roles of beliefs and philosophies in the establishment of ethical traditions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Policy and the Conservative Agenda
A comprehensive collection of original essays by leading experts on social and econmic policy including Frances Fox Piven, Harvey Molotch, Jill Quadagno, James Petras, and Judith Stacey. This volume challenges the conservative notion that the fundamental problem plaguing America is dependancy on government and further cuts only lead to a cycle of recision. Newly published articles by the leading experts in social and economic policy Explores conservative social policy of the late twentieth century Contains articles on welfare reform, health care, military spending and economic policy
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Policy and the Conservative Agenda
A comprehensive collection of original essays by leading experts on social and econmic policy including Frances Fox Piven, Harvey Molotch, Jill Quadagno, James Petras, and Judith Stacey. This volume challenges the conservative notion that the fundamental problem plaguing America is dependancy on government and further cuts only lead to a cycle of recision. Newly published articles by the leading experts in social and economic policy Explores conservative social policy of the late twentieth century Contains articles on welfare reform, health care, military spending and economic policy
Emerald Publishing Limited Educating For Ethical Survival
Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed series that publishes rigorous academic research into organizational ethics from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives. In this volume, Educating for Ethical Survival, a special section focuses on the challenges of teaching ethics to practically minded students, aiming to make the task of teaching applied ethics more tractable and constructive. Further contributions explore a range of aspects of ethical survival. Topics covered include: propensity to moral disengagement ability to survive ethically amid discord finding ethical survival globally ethical survival of students content of social ethics courses why reflection is important in personal learning as a global citizen. Suited for professionals, educators and researchers, this book poses questions about the nature of ethical survival in a rapidly changing world and about the role of ethics in organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conscience, Leadership and the Problem of 'Dirty Hands'
This volume contains a selection of papers from the 21st annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. It addresses the key theme of Political Leadership, Professional Ethics, and the Problem of Dirty Hands. 'Dirty hands' is a somewhat nebulous concept. It may refer to professions whose objectives are so consequential that some ethical violations are considered justifiable. In another sense it might suggest situations where professional obligations might require the performance of deeds that contradict one's own moral beliefs. The term is perhaps most synonymous with political leadership and raises the question: Should leaders ever get their hands dirty? For applied ethicists, recognizing that sometimes there are compelling arguments in favor of certain moral violations is a professional necessity. This volume contains papers on a broad range of issues including discussions of medical ethics, military ethics, domestic political matters, and the very nature of 'professions' themselves. It will be of interest to those interested in politics, as well as those involved in research or training in ethics and professional practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Achieving Ethical Excellence
This volume is a selection of papers from the 20th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered include athletes as role models, sports ethics and sports governance, the separation of powers as an integrity mechanism, and virtues in just war theory.