Search results for ""author michael ende""
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Neverending Story
Read the book that inspired the classic coming-of-age film! From award-winning German author Michael Ende, The Neverending Story is a classic tale of one boy and the book that magically comes to life. When Bastian happens upon an old book called The Neverending Story, he's swept into the magical world of Fantastica--so much that he finds he has actually become a character in the story! And when he realizes that this mysteriously enchanted world is in great danger, he also discovers that he is the one chosen to save it. Can Bastian overcome the barrier between reality and his imagination in order to save Fantastica?"An instantaneous leap into the magical . . . Energetic, innovative, and perceptive"—The Washington Post"A trumpet blast for the imagination."—Sunday Times
Spaß am Lesen Verlag Momo in Einfacher Sprache
Thienemann Momo
Thienemann Jim Knopf Jim Knopf auf dem Dach der Welt
Thienemann Die Zauberschule
Thienemann Das Schnurpsenbuch
Esslinger Verlag Das Vorlesebuch zur guten Nacht
Klett Sprachen GmbH Lenchens Geheimnis
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Neverending Story
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child. Only the right name gives beings and things their reality. A wrong name makes everything unreal. That's what lies do. Bastian is nobody's idea of a hero, least of all his own. Through the pages of an old book he discovers a mysterious magical world - a world of dragons, monsters, witches and giants. A world that is doomed unless a human can save it. Can Bastian succeed in battling terrible foes and find the strength he needs to give the Empress a new name? The epic and unforgettable classic fantasy adventure which has captured the hearts of readers of all ages and inspired the much-loved, immersive 1984 movie.'A rich, enjoyable read . . . drawing in the most potent elements of fairytale, myth, and invented fantasy' Observer
Noguer Ediciones Jim Botón y Lucas el maquinista
Colección: Noguer InfantilEn Lummerland la vida era tranquila, hasta que un día, qué raro!, llega un paquete misterioso. Sabéis qué contiene ese paquete? Algo (o alguien) sorprendente, muy sorprendente! Sí, y con esto, empieza nuestra historia... Imaginad, por ejemplo, la historia de una locomotora, llamada Emma, que puede navegar igual que un barco, o el misterio del gigante que vive en un desierto llamado El fin del mundo...
Penguin Books Ltd The Neverending Story
Unicorns, dragons, sprites, will-o’-the-wisps: the inhabitants of an enchanted world. And into this world – through the pages of an old book – ventures Bastian, a lonely boy of ten or twelve. But Fantastica is slowly decaying, its Childlike Empress dying. Only a real human being can set things right by giving the Empress a new name. Bastian takes up the challenge, and finds himself crossing the Swamps of Sadness and the Silver Mountains, meeting sorcerers and giants, bats and night-hobs, gnomes and racing snails, as he journeys bravely toward the Ivory Tower, Bastian’s quest is filled with all the wonders of myth and fairy tale. It is a fantasy adventure that will capture your heart – and recapture the magical dreams of childhood.
Thienemann Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Jim Knopf
Thienemann Jim Knopf Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13
Thienemann Ich kann lesen Die schnsten Geschichten zum Selberlesen Kinderbuchklassiker fr Erstleser ab 6 Jahren
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca Momo
Penguin Random House Children's UK Momo
At the edge of the city, in the ruins of an old amphitheatre, there lives a little homelss girl called Momo. Momo has a special talent which she uses to help all her friends who come to visit her. Then one day the sinister men in grey arrive and silently take over the city. Only Momo has the power to resist them, and with the help of Professor Hora and his strange tortoise, Cassiopeia, she travels beyond the boundaries of time to uncover their dark secrets.
Santillana Educación, S.L. Momo
Thienemann Das Traumfresserchen
Thienemann Jim Knopf Jim Knopf im Land der Pyramiden
Thienemann Die unendliche Geschichte
Esslinger Verlag Das extradicke SpielMalRätselBuch
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Kim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivfuhrer
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Die unendliche Geschichte: A1-B2
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Neverending Story
Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of The Neverending Story Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this highly anticipated 45th anniversary edition of The Neverending Story. Only the right name gives beings and things their reality. A wrong name makes everything unreal. That''s what lies do - Michael EndeBastian is nobody''s idea of a hero, least of all his own.Through the pages of an old book he discovers a mysterious magical world - a world of dragons, monsters, witches and GIANTS! A world that is doomed unless a human can save it...Can Bastian succeed in battling terrible foes and find the strength he needs to give the Empress a new name?Collect our Puffin Clothbound Classics: 9780241444313 The Little Prince 9780241663554 The Jungle Book 9780241568811 Charlotte''s Web 97802416882
Noguer Ediciones Jim Botn y los trece salvajes
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Noguer InfantilJim Botón y su fiel amigo Lucas el maquinista se embarcan en una extraordinaria aventura a bordo de la locomotora Emma, que les llevará a tierras maravillosas habitadas por sirenas, gigantes, dragones y princesas. Emocionante secuela de las aventuras de Jim Botón y Lucas el maquinista, escrita por Michael Ende.
Thiele Verlag Ein Mdchen aus Papier Traumlieder und Gedichte
Thienemann Jim Knopf und der fliegende Teppich
Thienemann Norbert Nackendick oder Das nackte Nashorn
Thienemann Die schönsten Tierfabeln
Thienemann Rodrigo Raubein und Knirps sein Knappe
Thienemann Die Zauberschule und andere Geschichten
Esslinger Verlag Das Vorlesebuch für kleine starke Freunde
Esslinger Verlag Das Vorlesebuch für kleine starke Jungs
Ediciones Cátedra El espejo en el espejo un laberinto
Las treinta narraciones de " El espejo en el espejo " conforman un delicioso laberinto literario en el que resuenan ecos mitológicos, kafkianos y borgianos. Michael Ende ahonda en temas como la búsqueda de la identidad, la desolación de la guerra, el amor, el absurdo de una sociedad entregada al mercantilismo, la magia, la angustia, la falta de libertad y la imaginación, entre otros. Temas que se entretejen junto a un sinfín de historias, escenarios y personajes como, por ejemplo, Hor, que mora en un edificio gigantesco, completamente vacío, donde cada palabra pronunciada en voz alta genera un eco infinito. O el muchacho que, bajo la experta dirección de su padre y maestro, sueña con tener alas y va creándolas pluma a pluma, músculo a músculo. O la catedral de ferrocarriles que contiene el templo al dinero y flota sobre el espacio vacío y crepuscular, negando la salida a los viajeros. O la comitiva que baja de las Montañas del Cielo en busca de la palabra perdida. Ángeles que braman co
Juventud Tragasuenos
Thienemann Tranquilla Trampeltreu
Thienemann Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling
Thienemann Das kleine Lumpenkasperle