Search results for ""author melusine draco""
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Divination: By Rod, Birds and Fingers
Divination is only a small part of a witch’s stock in trade, and although a basic introduction to the subject can be learned from books, proficiency will only come through vigorous practice. This proficiency comes through the discovery of certain secret matters by a great variety of means, correspondences, signs and occult techniques. Before a witch can perform any of these operations with any degree of success, we need to develop the `art of seeing’ and the ability to divine with rod, fingers and birds. Divination is what could be referred to as the practical element of Craft magic, and we don’t even have to be witches to be able to read the portents. But it helps! A companion volume to Pagan Portals: By Spellbook & Candle and Pagan Portals: By Wolfsbane & Mandrake Root, from popular Moon Books author Melusine Draco.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - The Inner-City Path: A Simple Pagan Guide to Well-Being and Awareness
Pagan Portals – The Inner-City Path: A Simple Pagan Guide to Well-Being and Awareness was inspired by Chet Raymo’s book of similar title that chronicled his own daily urban walk to work and his observing the seasonal changes with a scientist’s curiosity. The Inner-City Path is written from a pagan perspective, for those times when we take to our local urban paths as part of our daily fitness regime or dog walk. It is based on several urban walks that have merged together over the years to make up a book of the seasons and offers a glimpse into the pagan mind-set that can find mystery under every leaf and rock along the way. A simple guide to achieving a sense of well-being and awareness.
Collective Ink Witch's Book of Simples, The: The simple arte of domestic folk medicine
Keep it Simple A Simple is a philtre derived from a single herb and was an important element among the natural resources of the parish-pump witch, wise-women and cunning-folk. Simples are common kitchen ‘stuff’ that have been handed down through generations of country people in the form of family cures for everyday ailments. Or as William Fernie wrote in his Herbal Simples (1897) The art of Simpling is as old with us as our British hills. It aims at curing common ailments with simple remedies culled from the soil, or got from home resources near at hand. These were no fancy recipes with magical formulae, and, often given as a tisane, the woman of the household was able to use the remedies to treat common ailments suffered by her family. And, this elementary form of domestic plant medicine can be as simple as a cup of chamomile tea made from flowers picked fresh from our own garden to aid sleep. This was the most elementary way to use medicinal plants since no fancy recipes or scientific acumen was needed. But this element of traditional witchcraft has long been in the shadows …
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Sexual Dynamics in the Circle: Magic, Man & Woman
One of the most significant social changes in the 20th-century was the wedge driven between the males and females of Craft as a result of social media and political feminism. From a purely magical point of view the battle of the sexes has been one of the most negative crusades in the history of mankind since everything in the entire Universe is made up from a balance or harmony of opposite energies. Men and women are different as night and day but still part of the same homo sapiens coin, regardless of their individual sexuality.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – By Wolfsbane & Mandrake Root – The shadow world of plants and their poisons
A large number of poisonous plants have beneficial uses in both domestic medicine and magic. Needless to say, when utilising a toxic plant in magic, we are adding certain extra deadly or potent energies into the mix and it is inadvisable to start messing about with deadly poisons unless we've made a thorough study of the subject - and not just by glancing at a paragraph in a book on herbal preparations!
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Seeking the Primal Goddess
Using archaeology, archaeo-mythology and mitochondrial DNA we can chart the mass migrations of people throughout the ancient world and follow the footsteps of the beliefs of Old Europe. But if the concept of the Old Goddess is at odds with current popular thinking, how will we feel if we discover that the Great Mother of contemporary Paganism bears no similarity to the primal Great Goddess of the Old European world? Is there a `magico-spiritual’ gene that could be traced back to those distant ancestors who actually worshipped the forebears of the various deities to whom we claim allegiance today? Are there time-honoured things about us all as individuals that are bred deep in the bone? Are we what our roots (our DNA) claim us to be? Perhaps, even though we are now scattered all over the globe, we cannot escape those ancient racial memories of where we originally came from.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Breath of Spring: How to Survive (and Enjoy) the Spring Festival
Candlemas/Imbolc is the re-awakening of the Old Lass within Old Craft belief and also coincides with the Roman Candelaria and Fornicalia - a spring corn festival celebrated in honour of Fornax, goddess of ovens, and observed by each ward of the city. All this merging of primitive origins and rites, belonging to the European pre-urban agricultural culture, meant that it also commemorated the search for Persephone by her mother and the festival of candles symbolizing the return of the Light. So it continued to be performed until the Christian era, when it was transformed into Candalmas in AD494. In pre-Christian times, Imbolc observance began the night before 1st February, and celebrants prepared for a visit from Brigid into their homes by crafting an effigy of the goddess from bundles of oats and rushes. The clothed effigy was placed in a basket overnight, and the day was celebrated by burning lamps and lighting bonfires in tribute to her. Traditions from both the pagan celebration and the Christian observance of St. Brigid’s Day can be found in the modern Imbolc festivities - while celebrants sometimes make a Brigid’s Cross out of reeds, as well as a Brigid corn doll or effigy.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Sacred Landscape: Caves and Mountains: A Multi-Path Exploration of the World Around Us
Mountains form the most spectacular creations on the planet and cover such a large amount of Earth’s landmass that they can be seen clearly from outer space. Mountains are also a reminder that humans count for nothing in the greater scheme of things. They were formed by tectonic plate upheavals of such magnitude that the fossilised remains of prehistoric sea-creatures can be found on mountains tops; in fact, many Himalayan rocks were originally sediments on the primordial Tethys Ocean floor. In this first of the Sacred Landscape series Melusine Draco looks at ways of connecting with the genii locorum that inhabit the caves and mountains of our world. A companion volume to Sacred Landscape: Groves and Forests and Sacred Landscape: Lakes and Rivers.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Sumer Is Icumen In…: How to Survive (and Enjoy) the Mid-Summer Festival
In Sumer is Icumen In we discover new and exciting ways of surviving (and enjoying) the truly pagan excesses of the Midsummer Festival. Here we can establish and instigate a new smorgasbord of traditions of our own for the purpose of celebration and observance and, in time, even though we must never lose sight of our authentic history, they may even be integrated into future pagan revels.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Understanding the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
In the days of Egyptian antiquity, many of the gods were abstract concepts rather than the actual anthropomorphic god-pictures familiar to us today. Many of the later fully-morphed deities were originally theological concepts represented by a distinctive hieroglyph, very similar to the correspondences used in modern ritual magic. As the need for a controlling religion grew, so did the spiritual need for more tangible forms on which to focus the common people's devotions. The common man's mind dwelt on the concrete, not the abstract, and so the gods took on those strange but easily recognisable animal-human shapes to satisfy the religious-teaching-by-pictures demands of less scholarly folk. The images recorded in tomb paintings, bas-relief and statuary were intended to represent living forms of the gods themselves, or Pharaoh as a god. There was a simple reason behind this. Egyptian life, magic and religion were inextricably intertwined, one could not, and did not exist, without the oth
Collective Ink Traditional Witchcraft for the Woods and Forests – A Witch`s Guide to the woodland with guided meditations and pathworking
No matter where you live, there will always be a wide variety of trees in the immediate vicinity, whether open countryside, urban parkland or municipal gardens. Get to know them, learn to recognise the different species, and draw on the magical power of the Tree. Be humbled in the presence of the trees, by their great size and beauty - and learn to work with them as a witch.
Collective Ink Traditional Witchcraft for Fields and Hedgerows
Both FieldCraft and its companion title, WoodCraft, assume a certain degree of magical understanding on the part of the reader with regard to routine divination, spell and Circle casting. For this reason the text does not include the basic elements of rudimentary witchcraft that can be found in titles similar to Mean Streets Witchcraft and Sea Change. The books have been written in tandem to avoid any unnecessary repetition, and to provide cross-references where necessary.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Western Animism: Zen & the Art of Positive Paganism
A Zen approach to the World, the Universe and Everything. Many of today’s disenfranchised pagans in the West appear to be seeking a spiritual connection to life without feeling the need to become a witch, a Wiccan, a shaman, Heathen, or a Druid. Here the Shinto approach fulfils the basic need for a belief system based on what we would define as simple animism and ancestor worship in accord with the world’s other, authentic, animistic traditions such as the Australian Aboriginal and Native American way of life; while Zen provides the intellectual stimulation rising from the simplicity of basic folk-belief to elevate the soul to a higher level of mysticism.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - The Power of the Elements: The Magical Approach to Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit
How to find deeper meaning in magical workings with Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit and connect with the Old Ways. Many contemporary pagan books rarely go further than describing the use of the elemental energies as markers in casting the Circle. In The Power of the Elements we consider drawing on the energy from the deepest levels of the ocean, the highest peaks of the mountains, the limits of outer space and the path of the hurricane. And why it is so important to return to the Classic Elements of the Greeks if we really want our magic to work.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Pan – Dark Lord of the Forest and Horned God of the Witches
Those who have grown up with Pan as a playmate remember how, back in the day, it would be possible for a young child to disappear into the woods with only a dog for company for hours on end without there being a hue and cry raised in its absence; and it was on those woodland rides and pathways - summer or winter - that Melusine Draco often encountered Pan.
Collective Ink Secret People, The – Parish–pump witchcraft, Wise–women and Cunning Ways
Much of what passes for 'witchcraft' today was everyday knowledge to our forebears, especially those who lived and worked in the countryside. Here were to be found practical household hints, remedies and family recipes that had been handed down from generation to generation, some still existing in the form of treasured journals and notebooks. There is, however, nothing fanciful or far-fetched about this information - in fact, The Secret People is a remembrance of times past and a preservation of 'parish-pump witchcraft, wise-women and cunning ways' adapted for use in the 21st century. It may also go a long way in helping those present-generation pagans in search of an identity and answer the questions: Who ...what am I?
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Have a Cool Yule: How-To Survive (and Enjoy) the Mid-Winter Festival
For the entire Pagan community Christmas should be one of the most sacred times of the year, but the lack of any formal written liturgy has consigned the festival to a minor observance in the Pagan calendar. Have a Cool Yule demonstrates that history proves the festival to be a wholly Pagan event, worthy of being acknowledged as one of the Great Festivals along with Beltaine and Samhain. With all the different strands of Pagan custom brought to the hearth-fire of the Mid-Winter Festival, we all have something to celebrate in time-honoured fashion, whether our ancestors are Briton, Celt, Norse or Anglo-Saxon.