Search results for ""author mary m cerullo""
Capstone Editions of Coughlan Companies Volcano: Where Fire and Water Meet
Tilbury House,U.S. Tiny Titans
Discover the enormous world of some of the planet's tiniest creaturesand the giant job they do in our ecosystem
Capstone Global Library Ltd Volcano
Tilbury House,U.S. Life Under Ice 2nd edition: Exploring Antarctic Seas
Enormous jellyfish and fish with blood like antifreeze are just a few of the creatures captured in their unique habitat by underwater photographer Bill Curtsinger. This new edition is fully updated and traces the impacts of climate change and ice-shelf melt on the abundant life in the waters beneath a frozen desert. F&P Level W
Tilbury House,U.S. Sea Soup: Zooplankton
What is the fastest animal in the world? What can dive as deep as a whale or make a submarine disappear in the ocean? The answer is zooplankton! The ocean is teeming with these small, drifting animals that come in all shapes ands sizes, from tiny zippy copepods to large, brilliantly colored jellyfish (that you don't want to bump into). There are some very strange zooplankton, like the arrow worm -- you can see what it had for lunch inside its stomach! Some zooplankton give off a ghostly underwater glow, and others are poisonous, like the sea wasp, a jellyfish that has killed more swimmers of Queensland in northern Australia than the great white shark. Some zooplankton are "temporary" zooplankton, drifting along on ocean currents when they are young, but turning into fish or crustaceans when they grow up and swim on their own. Other zooplankton and zooplankton all their lives -- or until they get eaten! Zooplankton are an important meal in the ocean food web. A single blue whale may devour up to eight tons of shrimp-like krill a day. That's a big serving of sea soup! Bill Curtsinger's extraordinary photography brings us right into the watery world of zooplankton, while Mary Cerullo's lively text answers our questions about these fascinating ocean creatures.
Coughlan Publishing Searching Great White Sharks
Tilbury House,U.S. City Fish Country Fish: How Fish Adapt to Tropical Seas and Cold Oceans
Through color, shape,size, and other adaptations, city fish and country fish have evolved to survive in their particular habitats.In City Fish, Country Fish, Mary Cerullo uses this powerful analogy and Jeffrey Rotman’s vibrant underwater photos to captivate young readers with the wild variety of ocean life. The second edition of this popular book includes new information about the effects of climate change on fish and their habitats and about great white sharks, who are among the few species who roam back and forth between cold and tropical waters. Fountas & Pinnell Level T
Taylor Trade Publishing Sea Secrets: Tiny Clues to a Big Mystery
Journey thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean and investigate a mystery connecting three distinctly different animals from the California Current down to the polar waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Become an ocean detective and discover the connection between a seabird, a whale, and a penguin; and maybe you’ll uncover the sea secret that links them all. Inspired by long-term scientific research, Sea Secrets invites young readers to explore two ocean ecosystems and their food webs. Field sketches, watercolor, and photographs combine to reveal the clues. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that turn out to be the most important! Published in cooperation with the Long-Term Ecological Research Network and funded by the National Science Foundation, this engaging and informative illustrated children’s book draws young readers into the fascinating world of science exploration, field work, and ocean discovery!
Capstone Global Library Ltd Volcano
Lava shoots in the air, then bubbles down mountains, flattening, burning and boiling everything in its path. The destructive forces of volcanoes are terrifying and well-known. But what about their other forces? Volcanoes can spur new growth of plants and trees. In the water, they create an environment where coral reefs and sea life can thrive. In fact, the meeting of volcanic fire and ocean water gave way to life on Earth. Award-winning children's science author Mary M. Cerullo brings her excellent research and signature storytelling style to the dynamic subject of volcanoes. Stitching together science, history and mythology, Cerullo explores these explosive wonders of nature and reveals the secrets they've been keeping since the beginning of the world.