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Profile Books Ltd HypnoBirthing: For a safer, easier, more comfortable birth
A new cover edition of the original book on HypnoBirthing No one can truly understand what it's like to give birth until you experience it but HypnoBirthing gives you the tools and knowledge to approach labour with confidence. Pioneered by Marie Mongan, HypnoBirthing is about understanding the birthing body - what happens, why and when - and learning how to progress your labour using movement, breath and powerful visualisation techniques to manage pain. Based on decades of practice within The HypnoBirthing Institute, this complete guide: - Takes you through labour, step by step - Prepares you physically and mentally with exercises and birthing positions - Teaches hypnotism and visualisation techniques to manage pain and banish fear - Explains the medical jargon so you can understand and work with medical assistance if needed Whether you are having a natural, assisted or caesarean birth, HypnoBirthing will help every woman take control of their labour for a positive birth.