Search results for ""author mar pavón""
Tramuntana Editorial Rula Busca su Lugar
Rula busca su lugar en el mundo. Su familia, sin embargo, se encarga de recordarle que su lugar está en casa para hacer la cama, preparar el almuerzo, cuidar de sus hermanos, hacer la compra. Pero un día, por casualidad, los libros se cruzan en su vida. Gracias a ellos, Rula comprenderá que su lugar está allí donde sus pasos la lleven.Un relato impactante, pulcramente ilustrado, para concienciar sobre la marginación a la que todavía hoy en muchos rincones del planeta se sigue sometiendo a la mujer desde que nace por el mero hecho de serlo.
Cuento de Luz SL Ser Filiberta (I Want to be Philberta)
Todos los adultos en la vida de Maria parecen estar obsesionados con hacer deseos. El papa de Maria quiere ser rico, y su mama quiere vivir en una casa mas grande. El director del colegio de Maria se quiere jubilar, y su maestra quiere ser la nueva directora. Pasan tanto tiempo deseando cosas que piensan los dejaran completamente felices, pero estan confundidos cada vez que Maria expresa el unico deseo que ella tiene: ser Filiberta. Un misterioso libro de cuentos puede ayudar a acabar con todos sus deseos inutiles. Lexile Level 1040L
Cuento de Luz SL ¿Puede pasarle a cualquiera? (Could it Happen to Anyone?)
Finalist at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. Balzo, a very restless boy, goes shopping with his mom and accidentally breaks some figurines. There is no reason to be angry ... couldn’t it happen to anyone?Balzo goes shopping with his mother and they stop by a store where boys and girls can’t touch anything. To stop himself from getting bored, he pretends to be a silkworm. But while he’s playing, he accidentally knocks some figurines off a shelf, and worst of all, he bumps his head. Neither his mother nor the storekeeper seem to notice the lump; instead, they tell off Balzo as if he’d smashed the figurines (and caused the lump) on purpose…. On purpose? He was just playing around with his imaginary friends! Unfortunately, no one is interested in knowing his part of the story… And mom is so angry she sounds like an ogre! Once they get home, Balzo goes straight to bed when suddenly he hears this powerful sound: «CRASH!». Could it happen to anyone?Finalista en los International Latino Book Awards 2012. Balzo, un niño muy juguetón, acompaña a su mamá a una tienda y rompe unas figuritas sin querer. No hay por qué enfadarse… ¿acaso no puede pasarle a cualquiera?Balzo acompaña a su mamá a comprar y pasan por una tienda donde los niños y niñas no pueden tocar nada. Para no aburrirse, Balzo juega a ser un gusano de seda. Pero sin querer tira algunas figuritas de un estante y, encima, se golpea la cabeza y le sale un chichón. Ni su madre ni la dependienta parecen notar el bulto que le empieza a crecer, ¡todo lo contrario! Las dos regañan a Balzo porque no sabe estarse quieto… ¡como si hubiera roto las figurillas a propósito…! «¿Acaso me haría un chichón ¿a propósito?», pensó. ¡Estaba jugando con sus amigos imaginarios! Desafortunadamente, nadie parece interesado en conocer su parte de la historia… ¡Y mamá está tan enfadada que parece un ogro!Cuando llegan a casa, Balzo se va directo a la cama, cuando de repente escucha un fuerte sonido: «¡CRASH!». ¿Acaso no puede pasarle a cualquiera?
Tramuntana Editorial Inseparables
Eran inseparables hasta que un día sucedió algo terrible...Narrada en primera persona y con un zapato como protagonista,esta original historia nos hace partícipes de un viaje tan inciertocomo traumático, que acaba de la forma más insospechada.Un álbum que acerca a nuestros pequeños a otra realidad; esadonde los auténticos ?superhéroes? no solo existen sino queconsiguen que los niños, a pesar de todo, vuelvan a sonreír
Tramuntana Editorial La petita intolerància
La Petita Intolerància és un ésser diminut però molt, molt poderós. Es cola a les nostres cases i, si no estem atents, crea a un ésser encara més poderós: l?Odi. Per culpa seva rebutgem qui és diferent, riem dels altres? Però no hem de perdre l?esperança. Si estem atents, veurem el Gran Respecte preparat per imposar-se sobre aquests dos malignes éssers.
NubeOcho ¡Eso no es normal!
Cuento de Luz SL La noche de los ruidos / Los ruidos de la noche (The Night of the Noises / The Noises of the Night)
Luke is a very brave little boy, but when night falls he pulls his sheets up over his eyes with fear. He can't get to sleep; he's scared of the darkness that makes his imagination run wild, and he suspects the shadows conceal terrifying creatures who are sneaking up on his bed, or hiding behind the drapes in his room. Every sound in the dark is a new peril. But what is actually making the noises in the night? One of the most common phobias experienced by children is fear of the dark. La noche de los ruidos and Los ruidos de la noche are two versions of the same story, brought together in an original, entertaining book that will help children to overcome their fear of the dark, relax and drift off to sleep. Lexile Level 900L
NubeOcho That's Not Normal
Cuento de Luz SL Cocorina y las estrellas Clucky and the Stars
Cosas de mayoresinfantil
Un día mi mamá me dijo que ya era mayor. Y muy contento empecé a hacer cosas de grandes. El problema vino cuando decidí ponerlas en práctica.Una crítica mordaz a como los adultos decidimos cuando nuestros hijos son suficientemente grandes para empezar a hacer las cosas por si solos.
Cuento de Luz SL Cocorina y el puchero mágico (Clucky and the Magic Kettle)
Clucky the Hen takes her baby chicks to the farmyard school every morning so they can learn, play, and make new friends. But the baby chicks soon learn how mean others can be when some of the other students tease, bully, and start rumors about a classmate and even about them and Clucky. When the chicks come home and tell Clucky about the mean things their classmates say, she tells them to ignore them and not to take any of their comments to heart. In the end, Clucky uses her magic kettle to collect bad feelings and turn them into good ones so that the farmyard school can become a positive and friendly place. Clucky's third tale addresses bullying and peer pressure and emphasizes the importance of a good attitude and open communication.
Cuento de Luz SL Un tractor muy, muy ruidoso (A Very, Very Noisy Tractor)
A woman drives a tractor through town and, thanks to the tractor's noisy engine, can't hear all the things people say about her as she drives by. They comment on her clothes and her hair, but mostly they seem confused as to why a woman is driving a tractor in the first place. A fun, original tale about turning a deaf ear to negativity and prejudice, this story will inspire children to embrace who they are and to believe they can grow up to be anything they want to be. Una mujer conduce un tractor por el pueblo y, gracias a lo ruidoso que es el motor del tractor, no logra escuchar lo que dice la gente sobre ella. Hacen comentarios sobre su ropa y su pelo, pero mas que nada parecen estar confundidos por el hecho de que una mujer este conduciendo un tractor. Un divertido y original cuento sobre hacer oidos sordos hacia la negatividad y los prejuicios, esta historia inspirara a los ninos a aceptarse como son y a creer que pueden ser lo que deseen cuando crezcan. Lexile Level 760L
Editorial el Pirata ¡Lo que faltaba!
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: ¡Lo que faltaba! es un cuento lleno de ternura que enseÑa a los mÁs pequeÑos que para irse a dormir solo necesitan los besos de buenas noches de sus papÁs. AdemÁs, es perfecto para explicar a los mÁs pequeÑos un tema tan complejo como la conciliaciÓn familiar. Es la primera noche que Tano va a dormir fuera de casa de sus papÁs, que se han ido por trabajo. Cuando llega a casa de la abuela, Tano se da cuenta de que le falta algo, pero no sabe quÉ es. Suerte de la sabidurÍa de la abuela, que enseguida se da cuenta de que lo que le falta son los besos de buenas noches de sus papÁs. AsÍ que se inventan una tÁctica: dejar caer un montÓn de besos dentro de la mochilita de Tano, para que los tenga cuando mÁs los necesite. Por la noche, Tano consigue dormirse al abrazar a su mochilita llena de besos.LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAÑOL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: ¡Lo que faltaba! is a story full of tenderness in Spanish that teaches little ones that all they need for sleeping safe is a goodnight kiss from their parents. Furthermore, it's perfect for explaining kids a subject as complex as family conciliation. It's the first night that Tano is going to sleep away from her parents, who have left for work. When he arrives at Grandma's house, Tano realizes that something is missing, but he doesn't know what it is. Thanks to Grandma's wisdom, he soon realizes that what he lacks are his parents' goodnight kisses . So they come up with an idea: to drop a bunch of kisses inside Tano's backpack, so he'll have them when he needs them most. At night, Tano manages to fall asleep by hugging his backpack full of kisses.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Editorial el Pirata Querido Maxi
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Maxi es un niñ o afortunado: su mamá escribe cuentos y su papá los ilustra. Un dí a, es é l quien inventa su propia historia. Pero Maxi aú n es muy joven y, como no sabe escribirlo, decide ilustrarlo. Su mamá decide contarle la historia, así que, con un poco de imaginació n, descifra el dibujo y le cuenta una historia maravillosa. Pero al dí a siguiente... ¡ su papá decide contarle la historia sin saber có mo la habí a contado su mamá ! Por supuesto, Maxi le dice que la historia no va así y, esta vez, decide contarles a sus padres có mo se habí a imaginado la historia. Juntos descubren que realmente es una historia má gica, porque cada vez que alguien la lee, cuentan una historia diferente. Querido Maxi es un libro má gico en españ ol que, con mucha originalidad y ternura, ilustra la experiencia í ntima y emocionante del tiempo dedicado a compartir historias con los má s pequeñ os. Un libro que fomenta la creatividad, ya que los niñ os querrá n crear su propia historia despué s de escuchar o leer la de Maxi. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Maxi is a lucky kid: his mum writes stories and his dad illustrates them. One day, he is the one who invents his own story. But Maxi is still very young so, since he can’ t write, he decides to illustrate it. His mum decides to tell him the story, so, with a little bit of imagination, she deciphers the drawing and tells him a wonderful story. But the next day... his dad decides to tell him the story without knowing how his mum had told it! Of course, Maxi tells him the story doesn’ t go like that and, this time, he decides to tell his parents how he had imagined the story. Together they discover that it is really a magical story, because each time someone reads it, they tell a different story... Querido Maxi is a magical book in Spanish that, with a lot of originality and tenderness, illustrates the intimate and thrilling experience of the time spent sharing stories with little ones. It's a book that encourages creativity, since children will want to create their own story after listening or reading Maxi’ s.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Cuento de Luz SL La gallina Cocorina (Clucky the Hen)
Finalist at the 2011 and 2014 International Latino Book Awards. Cocorina has a big heart, but she’s a bit clumsy and forgetful… A delightful tale told in rhyme, ideal for learning to accept the faults of those around us and to ignore gossip.Cocorina had a big heart, but she was clumsy and forgetful too. She always had a thousand things in mind, so imagine when she gave birth to three chicks!Sometimes, her children ended up finding themselves in complicated situations due to the occasional distractions from their mother. In the farmyard, the other hens gossiped and insinuated Cocorina wasn’t a good mother to her children, and the rumor started to spread… Suddenly the rumor had already arrived to the city and soon to the most remote part of the world. Everyone said that Cocorina did not treat her children well.Although not everything was going as Cocorina would have liked, she did not stop striving for the welfare of her three beloved children. But being a good mother was not an easy task: more than once did Cocorina mess up, but she never gave up and, right after apologizing to her three little ones, she hugged them and showed them that she loved them very much.And the rumors didn’t matter, because the three chicks were clear that their mother was unique and that they would not change her for anything in the world.Finalista en los International Latino Book Awards 2011 y 2014. La gallina Cocorina tiene un gran corazón, pero es un poco torpe y olvidadiza... Un cuento lleno de emoción escrito en verso que nos enseña que nadie es perfecto.Cocorina era una gallina muy simpática y cariñosa, pero también algo despistada y torpe. El hecho de ser mamá de tres pollitos no ayudaba demasiado: ¡Cocorina andaba de aquí para allá con mil cosas a la cabeza!Sus pollitos en más de una ocasión acababan encontrándose en situaciones complicadas debido a algún que otro despiste de su mamá. Las gallinas empezaron a criticar a Cocorina por no ser una buena madre, y, de pronto, el rumor ya había circulado por la ciudad hasta llegar al lugar más remoto del mundo: todos decían que Cocorina no trataba bien a sus hijos.Si bien no todo iba como a Cocorina le hubiese gustado, ella no dejaba de esforzarse por el bienestar de sus tres queridos hijos. Pero ser una buena mamá no era tarea fácil: más de una vez Cocorina metió la pata, pero ella no se rendía nunca y, pidiendo perdón a sus tres pequeños, los abrazaba y les demostraba que los quería muchísimo.Y nada importaron los rumores, porque los tres pollitos tenían claro que su mamá era única y que no la cambiarían por nada en el mundo.
Cuento de Luz SL A Very, Very Noisy Tractor
Winner of: Best Illustrator Silver (tie)-- Nivola Uya, 2013 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards A woman drives a tractor through town and, thanks to the tractor's noisy engine, can't hear all the things people say about her as she drives by. They comment on her clothes and her hair, but mostly they seem confused as to why a woman is driving a tractor in the first place. A fun, original tale about turning a deaf ear to negativity and prejudice, this story will inspire children to embrace who they are and to believe they can grow up to be anything they want to be. Guided Reading Level L Lexile Level 1040L
Cuento de Luz SL I Want to Be Philberta
All of the adults in Mary's life seem to be obsessed with wishing. Mary's dad wants to be rich, and her mom wants to live in a bigger and better house. The principal of Mary's school wants to retire, and her teacher wants to be the new principal. They spend so much of their time wishing for things that they believe will leave them feeling completely satisfied and happy, but they are perplexed every time Mary expresses the one wish she has: to be Philberta. Maybe the mysterious storybook that Mary's always carrying around can help put an end to all of their useless wishing and remind them that there's nothing more gratifying than letting themselves get carried away by a good book. Guided Reading Level P Lexile Level 1070L
Cuento de Luz SL Could It Happen to Anyone?
Finalist at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. Balzo, a very restless boy, goes shopping with his mom and accidentally breaks some figurines. There is no reason to be angry ... couldn’t it happen to anyone?Balzo goes shopping with his mother and they stop by a store where boys and girls can’t touch anything. To stop himself from getting bored, he pretends to be a silkworm. But while he’s playing, he accidentally knocks some figurines off a shelf, and worst of all, he bumps his head. Neither his mother nor the storekeeper seem to notice the lump; instead, they tell off Balzo as if he’d smashed the figurines (and caused the lump) on purpose…. On purpose? He was just playing around with his imaginary friends! Unfortunately, no one is interested in knowing his part of the story… And mom is so angry she sounds like an ogre! Once they get home, Balzo goes straight to bed when suddenly he hears this powerful sound: «CRASH!». Could it happen to anyone?
Cuento de Luz SL The Night of the Noises / The Noises of the Night
Luke is a very brave little boy, but when night falls he pulls his sheets up over his eyes with fear. He can't get to sleep; he's scared of the darkness that makes his imagination run wild, and he suspects the shadows conceal terrifying creatures who are sneaking up on his bed, or hiding behind the drapes in his room. Every sound in the dark is a new peril. But what is actually making the noises in the night? One of the most common phobias experienced by children is fear of the dark. The Night of the Noises and The Noises of the Night are two versions of the same story, brought together in an original, entertaining book that will help children to overcome their fear of the dark, relax and drift off to sleep. Lexile Level 830L Guided Reading Level M