Search results for ""author manuel forcano""
Adesiara Editorial El gólem i els fets miraculosos del Maharal de Praga
El rabí Judà Loew, més conegut com el Maharal de Praga, amb l?ajut del seu servicial assistent, afaiçona una figura de fang de forma humana, Yossele el gólem, que ha de protegir la comunitat hebrea dels antisemites més furibunds, encapçalats per l?avorrible capellà Tadeus. Pacífic, contingut i obedient, el gólem resulta absolutament indispensable per preservar els jueus de les arremeses, les falses acusacions i les persecucions que els amenacen tothora. I aquesta història increïble, juntament amb les grans dosis de fantasia, misteri, aventura, humor i tensió que recorren el llibre de cap a cap, farà les delícies del lector intrigat.
Proa Corint
Cafè LaieL'hivern són les paraules que em diussense cap fulla. I el fred de no saberquè contestar-te. És una aixeta oberta que no raja,el silenci. Un sol tebi il.lumina el fonsde les tasses ja begudes.
Adesiara Editorial Poemes de cos i dànima
Arc Publications Maps of Desire
Manuel Forcano, the outstanding Catalan poet, is a great traveller, and the poems in this, his first full-length book in English translation, embrace the cities, the landscapes and the people of the Middle East. Drawn from his four most recent collections, these poems use geographical and historical references to deepen and inform the narrative, and also to lay before the reader the idea of the continuity, over many centuries, of human love and desire. The beauty, joy, grief and tenderness in these poems are universal and belong to every kind of human affection – indeed Forcano has been described by the Catalan journalist and academic Pere Ballart as ‘our foremost love poet’.Anna Crowe’s beautiful translations demonstrate a remarkable understanding of, and sensitivity to, Forcano’s poetry, so much so that one might say that Maps of Desire represents the perfect union of poet and translator.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Catalogue Des Manuscrits Conserves Dans La Bibliotheque de l'Archeveche Grec-Catholique d'Alep (Syrie): Manuscrits Arabes-Chretiens de l'Archeveche Grec-Catholique d'Alep
Arc Publications Maps of Desire
Manuel Forcano, the outstanding Catalan poet, is a great traveller, and the poems in this, his first full-length book in English translation, embrace the cities, the landscapes and the people of the Middle East. Drawn from his four most recent collections, these poems use geographical and historical references to deepen and inform the narrative, and also to lay before the reader the idea of the continuity, over many centuries, of human love and desire. The beauty, joy, grief and tenderness in these poems are universal and belong to every kind of human affection – indeed Forcano has been described by the Catalan journalist and academic Pere Ballart as ‘our foremost love poet’.Anna Crowe’s beautiful translations demonstrate a remarkable understanding of, and sensitivity to, Forcano’s poetry, so much so that one might say that Maps of Desire represents the perfect union of poet and translator.