Search results for ""author manfred berg""
Walter de Gruyter Geschichte Der USA
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Abenteuer Mensch sein 78 Schuljahr Praktische Philosophie NordrheinWestfalen Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Abenteuer Mensch sein EthikLER Werte und Normen 56 Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Abenteuer Mensch sein 3 EthikLERWerte und Normen 910 Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Abenteuer Mensch sein 3 Schlerbuch Erweiterte Ausgabe Ethik Werte und Normen Westliche Bundeslnder
Klett-Cotta Verlag Das gespaltene Haus
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Abenteuer Mensch sein EthikLERWerte und Normen 7 8 Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Praktische Philosophie 3 Schlerbuch NordrheinWestfalen
Universitatsverlag Winter John F. Kennedy and the 'thousand Days': New Perspectives on the Foreign and Domestic Policies of the Kennedy Administration
Transcript Verlag Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society – Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives
In the past two decades, a discourse of crisis has emerged about the democratic institutions and political culture of the US: many structures of authority which people had more or less taken for granted are facing a massive public loss of trust. This volume takes an interdisciplinary and historical look at the transformations of authority and trust in the United States. The contributors examine government institutions, political parties, urban neighborhoods, scientific experts, international leadership, religious communities, and literary production. Exploring the nexus between authority and trust is crucial to understand the loss of legitimacy experienced by political, social, and cultural institutions not only in the United States but in Western democracies at large.
Universitatsverlag Winter Criminal Justice in the United States and Germany / Strafrecht in Den Vereinigten Staaten Und Deutschland: History, Modernization and Reform / Geschichte Und Neuere Entwicklungen