Search results for ""author luis martinez""
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Libyan Paradox
In 1992 United Nations sanctions were imposed on Libya after it refused to hand over for judgement in an international court two Libyan citizens suspected of involvement in the bombing of a passenger plane over Lockerbie in Scotland in 1988. The sanctions were not suspended until 2003, by which time Libya had undergone fundamental changes. After the sanctions were lifted, those changes accelerated rather than going into reverse. The newly militant attitude of the United States after the events of 9 September 2001, and the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, conveyed to the Libyan leadership that opposition to the West was potentially disastrous. Libya stepped back from the development of nuclear weapons and opened its economy to the West. Meanwhile Colonel Gaddafi, the leader of the Libyan Revolution, has found ways to consolidate his hold on the country. The author suggests that the future of Libya now lies in becoming what he calls-paradoxically-an authoritarian liberal state.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Violence of Petro-Dollar Regimes: Algeria, Iraq, Libya
During the 1970s, owing to their oil 'rents', Algeria, Iraq and Libya all seemed engaged in a swift modernization process. Oil was the godsend that would enable these states to catch up economically. Algeria was a Mediterranean dragon,A" Libya an emirateA" and Iraq the rising military powerA" of the Arab world. From a political perspective, progressive socialism suggested that profound changes were underway: women's liberation, urbanization, education for all, longer life expectancy and so on. A few decades later, the disillusion is a cruel one. The sense of wealth led these countries to undertake political, economic and military experiments that would lead to impasses with disastrous consequences that they are still trying to overcome. How did it all happen? Can these countries dispense with far-reaching reforms? Can the EU export its norms and values and protect its gas supply? The present work offers the first global approach to the subject.
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos Diccionario teológico del catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
En este práctico y sencillo libro sintetiza y ordena el autor el contenido de una obra de capital importancia para los creyentes católicos como es el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. También los no creyentes encontrarán en él una guía útil para comprender cómo perciben un buen número de cristianos su fe y la moral que de ella se desprende. El diccionario se ha centrado en la exposición de los temas teológicos más importantes, con algunos comentarios e indicaciones sobre ellos.Luis Martínez Fernández (San Pedro de Luna, León, 1929) es doctor en Teología. De 1968 a 1985 se encargó de la dirección del Secretariado de la Comisión Episcopal para la Doctrina de la Fe, con la que colabora actualmente como teólogo adjunto. Es autor de diversas obras de contenido teológico y catequético.
Pluto Press Religion Without Redemption: Social Contradictions and Awakened Dreams in Latin America
Latin America has been a place of radical political inspiration providing an alternative to the neoliberal model. Religion without Redemption looks at the sociology of religion, political philosophy and the history of ideas of the continent, in an attempt to show how Western understanding fails to come close to a correct analysis of how and why political and economic characteristics work as they do. It focuses on how the centrality of religion for the people of Latin America has influenced how they interact with the changes in the modern economic system. Capitalism has taken on religious characteristics: it has sacred places of worship, such as the shopping mall, as well as its own prophets. This book explains how this form of ‘cultural religion’ accompanies many aspects of life in a contradictory manner: not only does it fulfil the role of legitimating oppression, it also can be a powerful source of rebellion, unveiling thus a subversive side to the status quo. Religion Without Redemption advances the ideas of liberation theory into the 21st century, and challenges the provincialism to which many Latin American thinkers are usually consigned.
Editorial Fundamentos El espejismo de la economía análisis de una ciencia bajo sospecha
La ideología liberal ha venido sosteniéndose sobre unos cuantos mitos y falsedadesque necesitamos desenmascarar y arrumbar definitivamente. Aceptar como algo normal, por ejemplo, que la propiedad privada ha de imponerse a la propiedad pública en nombre de la sagrada libertad o que una minoría de individuos puede decidir si una mayoría trabaja o no, si puede alimentarse o no, si tiene acceso a bienes absolutamente básicos o no. equivale, en cuanto a irracionalidad, a creer en la brujería o en la posesión diabólica. Algún día veremos los bancos o los consejos de administración de una empresa como artefactos inútiles exactamente igual que un hacha de sílex, una pirámide o una ballesta medieval.Uno de los mitos más repetidos a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento económico liberal consiste en afirmar que el caos derivado de una búsqueda individualista de intereses particulares y contrapuestos acabará generando una espléndida armonía final. Este mito infantil, que se aferra a una
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos Las doce estrellas de la mujer del cielo
Editorial Fundamentos Un nuevo asalto a la razón perversión lingüística y cinismo moral en el pensamiento burgués contemporáneo
Pluto Press Religion Without Redemption: Social Contradictions and Awakened Dreams in Latin America
Latin America has been a place of radical political inspiration providing an alternative to the neoliberal model. Religion without Redemption looks at the sociology of religion, political philosophy and the history of ideas of the continent, in an attempt to show how Western understanding fails to come close to a correct analysis of how and why political and economic characteristics work as they do. It focuses on how the centrality of religion for the people of Latin America has influenced how they interact with the changes in the modern economic system. Capitalism has taken on religious characteristics: it has sacred places of worship, such as the shopping mall, as well as its own prophets. This book explains how this form of ‘cultural religion’ accompanies many aspects of life in a contradictory manner: not only does it fulfil the role of legitimating oppression, it also can be a powerful source of rebellion, unveiling thus a subversive side to the status quo. Religion Without Redemption advances the ideas of liberation theory into the 21st century, and challenges the provincialism to which many Latin American thinkers are usually consigned.
Editorial Fundamentos La razn recuperada
Encuadernación: Rústica.La expresión "razón recuperada" alberga dos sentidos: el de una razón liberada del secuestro al que, hasta hace muy poco, la venían sometiendo, cada uno a su manera, el relativismo epistemológico y el cinismo moral, y el de una razón que ha recobrado la salud tras una breve pero intensa enfermedad "posmoderna". Asumiendo sus propios logros, desaciertos y equivocaciones, así como las críticas ?no todas ellas injustas? que ha ido recibiendo a lo largo de estas décadas, la razón vuelve a recuperar ahora una naturaleza moral capaz, entre otras cosas, de paliar los efectos del fracaso al que nos han conducido los planteamientos "alternativos" irracionalistas.LUIS MARTÍNEZ DE VELASCO compagina su labor de profesor de Filosofía y Ética en el Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria "Silverio Lanza" de Getafe (Madrid) con la de profesor colaborador en el Departamento de Filosofía Moral y Política de la UNED, donde imparte cursos de doctorado desde 1992. Autor de más de u
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Algeria Modern: From Opacity to Complexity
Spared by the Arab revolts, Bouteflika's Algeria continues to intrigue observers. How does its political system function? Who really governs? Who are behind the protests? How strong are the Islamists? Are there alternatives to dependence on hydrocarbons? And how will the regime securitise its vast and unstable Sahara hinterland? Algeria has been depicted for many years as politically opaque, incomprehensible, and under the control of powerful, occult-like intelligence agencies. While these caricatures are all partly true, they understate how much the country has changed since the 1990s. Algeria today is com--plex, and challenging to comprehend; but it is no longer opaque. Algeria Modern analyses the complexity of state and society and the strategies that social and political actors employ. It demonstrates how interest groups that constitute the core of the regime are linked to both the security and busi-ness sectors, which while defending their turf and united by shared values are, however, in perennial competition.Embedded in a broader Maghreb and Sahel region that has been marked by civil war, rebellions, and foreign military intervention, many Algerians seem, albeit reluctantly, willing to endure the current hybrid form of authoritarian order as long as it provides a minimum of security and welfare.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The State in North Africa: After the Arab Uprisings
Ever since independence, revolts and riots in North Africa have structured relations between society and the state. While the state has always managed to restore order, the unexpected outbreak of the Arab Spring revolts has presented a real challenge to state stability. Taking a long-term historical perspective, this book analyses how public authorities have implemented policies to manage the Maghreb’s restive societies, viewed at first as 'retrograde' and then as 'radicalised'. National cohesion has been a major concern for post-colonial leaders who aim to build strong states capable of controlling the population. Historically, North African nations found colonial oppression to be the very bond that united them, but what continues to hold these communities and nation-states together after independence? If public interest is not at the heart of the state’s actions, how can national loyalties be maintained? Luis Martinez analyses how states approach these questions, showing that the fight against jihadist groups both helps to reconstruct essential ties of state belonging and also promotes the development of a border control policy. He highlights the challenges posed by fragile political communities and weak state instruments, and the response of leaders striving to build peaceful pluralistic nations in North Africa.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Groundwater Intensive Use: IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 7
Intensive use of groundwater has resolved the demand for drinking water and, through irrigation, has contributed to the eradication of malnourishment in many developing countries. The spectacular worldwide increase in groundwater use in the last decades, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, has been a silent revolution carried out by millions of small farmers. In some instances, groundwater abstraction has caused problems of quality degradation, excessive drawdown of groundwater levels, land subsidence, reduction of spring and baseflows or degradation of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Most of these problems could be anticipated, mitigated, or even avoided with more active water agencies, adequate regulations and users’ participation in management. Groundwater Intensive Use contains a selection of papers presented at a symposium held in December 2002 in Valencia, Spain. It constitutes a step forward in creating a greater worldwide awareness of the relevance of groundwater in water resources policy. The book presents new ideas and accounts of recent advances in technical, economic, legal, administrative and political issues. It addresses groundwater development to ecosystems sustainability, through different or complementary approaches. A wide series of case studies from North and South America, Europe, South Asia and North and Sub-Saharan Africa cover the various issues. These case studies represent countries with a wide diversity of social circumstances, from areas in which development is emerging, to communities with a long history of successful groundwater use.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Re-thinking Water and Food Security: Fourth Botin Foundation Water Workshop
This book provides an overview, by leading world experts, on key issues in global water and food security. The book is divided in a series of over-arching themes and sections. The first part of the book provides an overview of water and food security. The second and third sections look at global trade and virtual water trade, and provide some specific examples on the application of the water footprint at different scales. The fourth section sets the context into wider debates related to global sustainable production and consumption. The last section of the book addresses the role of the silent groundwater revolution to help address water and food security; the water/energy nexus, and the potential for generating ´new´ water.
Columbia University Press The Algerian Civil War, 1990–1998
The civil war in Algeria shows no sign of imminent resolution. Yet little has been written about the conflict, its various participants, and the opinions of Algerians-indeed, even about what exactly is being fought over. Restrictions on movement within Algeria have severely limited the ability of foreign journalists to analyze these issues, and there has been a paucity of firsthand accounts of how the conflict has played out across Algeria. Now, one of Europe's leading authorities on contemporary Algerian politics has gained the kind of access necessary to present a clear, evenhanded account. The author interviewed residents in places in which few journalists have set foot: the impoverished suburbs of the major cities and the infamous "Triangle of Death"-the stronghold of the Armed Islamic Group and the scene of some of the worst carnage. Rather than presenting a historical account, The Algerian Civil War focuses on the strategies employed by the war's main combatants, seeking to understand the significance of the conflict to all parties embroiled in it.