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Birkhauser Basics Holzbau
Together with masonry construction, timber construction is usually one of the first building exercises encountered by the student in his or her training. This volume begins by presenting the building material timber in all of its facets and explaining the fundamental principles of timber construction. It then goes on to describe the most important building components and their constructive possibilities, specifically as they pertain to building with timber. Subjects: Timber as building material, Timber preservation, Systems for building with timber, Building components from foundation to roof.
Birkhauser Basics Holzbau
Holz ist einer der elementarsten und ältesten Baustoffe der Menschheit und hat bis heute nicht an Attraktivität und Aktualität verloren. In vielen Kultur- und Klimazonen sind neben Mauerwerksbauten Wohnhäuser aus Holz die dominierende Bauweise. Das lebendige, leichte und einfach zu verarbeitende Material unterliegt jedoch speziellen Eigenarten, die in ihrer Bauweise nicht mit anderen Baustoffen zu vergleichen sind. Um qualitative und materialgerechte Entwürfe zu entwickeln, benötigen Architekten spezifische Kenntnisse über diesen Baustoff und über die im Holzbau verwendeten Konstruktionsregeln. Die Neuauflage des erfolgreichen Bandes Basics Holzbau ergänzt die gebräuchlichsten Bausysteme um das Thema des Massivholzbaus mit massiven Wandbauelementen, deren Regeln und Anwendungen sowie die dazugehörigen Details.
MC - De Gruyter Basics Timber Construction Basics englisch
Birkhauser Basics Timber Construction
Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used by mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality. In many cultural spheres and climate zones, the primary construction methods of domestic architecture include both masonry construction and timber construction. However, this living, lightweight, and easy-to-work material has specific characteristics that impact on the way it is used in construction in different ways compared to other building materials. In order to develop high-quality designs that suit the material, architects need to be familiar with the specific characteristics of this building material and with the rules governing timber construction. The new edition of the successful Basics Timber Construction volume lists the most common solid timber construction systems, including that using solid timber wall elements, as well as the rules, applications, and the relevant details.
Birkhauser Basics Construire en bois
Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used by mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality. In many cultural spheres and climate zones, the primary construction methods of domestic architecture include both masonry construction and timber construction. However, this living, lightweight, and easy-to-work material has specific characteristics that impact on the way it is used in construction in different ways compared to other building materials. In order to develop high-quality designs that suit the material, architects need to be familiar with the specific characteristics of this building material and with the rules governing timber construction. The new edition of the successful Basics Timber Construction volume lists the most common solid timber construction systems, including that using solid timber wall elements, as well as the rules, applications, and the relevant details.
Birkhauser Dressed Stone: Types of Stone, Details, Examples
Handling this traditional but still captivating building material has its quirks, today perhaps more than ever. On the one hand it can no longer be taken for granted that stonemasonry skills will be readily available, while there are also new requirements and applications, not to mention damaging environmental influences, that create uncertainty for planners and implementers. This book is designed to provide assistance. - From cornice to curtain-walling: all details in words and sectional drawings - Are you looking for a particular stone? The most important domestic types of stone with supplier details - Various surface treatments and their visual effect - Documentation of 15 selected example applications