Search results for ""author leslie davenport""
John Wiley & Sons What to Do When Climate Change Scares You A Kids Guide to Dealing With Climate Change Stress
American Psychological Association All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal With Climate Change
KIDS' BOOK CHOICE AWARDS finalist!All the Feelings Under the Sun is a timely, thoughtful book that will help kids work through your feelings of anxiety and stress relating to climate change. Kids will get an expert understanding of the science behind climate crisis, plus engage with lots of do-able self-guided activities, journaling prompts, and useful resources. Readers will also hear about other kids around the world who have made a difference that just may inspire them to practice eco-justice and combat global climate injustice themselves, by putting their own eco-values into action.All the Feelings Under the Sun is bound to help kids find just want they need to manage stress, anxiety, and all those big emotions about climate, the environment, and ecosystems, and become better equipped to take an eco-wise approach to life and make their own part of the world a little healthier and happier, too. Kids will discover all the ways that nature is beautiful, powerful, delicate, fierce, mysterious, and awesome, but also learn how rising temperatures are affecting everything—plants, animals, people, and the environment—and what they can do about it.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change: A Clinician's Guide
Although the environmental and physical effects of climate change have long been recognised, little attention has been given to the profound negative impact on mental health. Leslie Davenport presents comprehensive theory, strategies and resources for addressing key clinical themes specific to the psychological impact of climate change.She explores the psychological underpinnings that have contributed to the current global crisis, and offers robust therapeutic interventions for dealing with anxiety, stress, depression, trauma and other clinical mental health conditions resulting from environmental damage and disaster. She emphasizes the importance of developing resilience and shows how to utilise the many benefits of guided imagery and mindful presence techniques, and carry out interventions that draw on expert research into ecopsychology, wisdom traditions, earth-based indigenous practices and positive psychology. The strategies in this book will cultivate transformative, person-centred ways of being, resulting in regenerative lifestyles that benefit both the individual and the planet.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Transformative Imagery: Cultivating the Imagination for Healing, Change, and Growth
Guided imagery is a transformative practice for reducing stress, healing mind and body, and improving performance. This definitive collection brings together leading pioneers in the field of guided imagery to share its theory, practice and history. Readers are introduced to the extensive uses of imagery, from its medical application for pain relief, cancer care and other physical healing, through its significant contribution to mental health and depth psychology, to its application within the arts and as a vehicle for social change. An exploration of the place of imagery within spiritual and religious traditions includes a never before published guide to the internal alchemy of Daoist imagery.Transformative Imagery will enable professionals to tailor guided imagery to their individual practice, demonstrating how to use it with people of all ages, from chronic pain patients to athletes to combat veterans and for both mental and physical health.