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Peeters Publishers Hout in Boeken, Houten Boeken en de "Fraaye Konst van Houtdraayen"
Dit wetenschappelijk, cultuurhistorisch en artistiek project van de Maurits Sabbebibliotheek van de Faculteit Godgeleerdheid - K.U.Leuven kwam tot stand dankzij de samenwerking van Belgische, Nederlandse, Luxemburgse, Duitse en Engelse wetenschappers, houtspecialisten en houtdraaiers. Ieder heeft vanuit zijn specifiek standpunt van dendro(chrono)loog, boekhistoricus, houtsnedendeskundige, boek- en houtrestaurateur, kunsthistoricus, theoloog, emblematicus, xylothekendeskundige, houtdraaier,...een originele bijdrage geschreven in een toegankelijke taal waarvan het geheel in dit bijzonder fraai geillustreerd boek samengebracht is. Bijzondere aandacht werd geschonken aan het technisch onderzoek van de berderen van boekbanden, het uit hout gesneden illustratiemateriaal van boeken, vanaf de eerste blokboeken (1450-1470) tot het begin van de 17de eeuw in de Officina Plantiniana te Antwerpen. Historische xylotheken en het xylarium van Tervuren komen ook aan bod. De samenwerking met de provinciale afdeling (Belgisch en Nederlands) Limburg en Vlaams-Brabant van de Vlaamse Gilde van Houtdraaiers leverde indrukwekkende resultaten op: de bouw van een 'engeltjesdraaibank' uit 1627, een schamel uit 1650, voorbeelden van gedraaide sterren ter illustratie van het boek L'art de tourner van Charles Plumier (1706), bewaard in de Maurits Sabbebibliotheek, en tenslotte een fotogalerie van 130 stukken draaiwerk van een 40-tal houtdraaiers. Een vroeg 19de-eeuwse ornamentdraaibank en enkele voorbeelden van ornamentdraaiwerk zullen zowel in het boek als op de tentoonstelling het naslagwerk van Plumier illustreren. Men zal kennismaken met een gedraaide lezenaar en bijhorende stoel uit Echternach, een gotische en gedraaide lezenaar (ca. 1500) uit de Sint-Gertrudiskerk van Leuven en met andere uitzonderlijke gedrukte documenten uit de 15de eeuw, nl. een blokdruk over de kruishoutlegende en het Boec van den houte (1483).
Leuven University Press The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850
How the Jesuits re-emerged after forty years of suppressionIn 1773, Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Society of Jesus. For the 823 Jesuits living in the Low Countries, it meant the end of their institutional religious life. In the Austrian Netherlands, the Jesuits were put under strict surveillance, but in the Dutch Republic they were able to continue their missionary work. It is this regional contrast and the opportunities it offered for the Order to survive that make the Low Countries an exceptional and interesting case in Jesuit history.Just as in White Russia, former Jesuits and new Jesuits in the Low Countries prepared for the restoration of the Order, with the help of other religious, priests, and lay benefactors. In 1814, eight days before the restoration of the Society by Pope Pius VII, the novitiate near Ghent opened with eleven candidates from all over the United Netherlands. Barely twenty years later, the Order in the Low Countries – by then counting one hundred members – formed an independent Belgian Province. A separate Dutch Province followed in 1850. Obviously, the reestablishment, with new churches and new colleges, carried a heavy survival burden: in the face of their old enemies and the black legends they revived, the Jesuits had to retrieve their true identity, which had been suppressed for forty years.Contributors: Peter van Dael, SJ (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Pontifical Gregorian University Rome), Pierre Antoine Fabre (École des hautes études en sciences sociales Paris), Joep van Gennip (Tilburg School of Catholic Theology), Michel Hermans, SJ (University of Namur), Marek Inglot, SJ (Pontifical Gregorian University Rome), Frank Judo (lawyer Brussels), Leo Kenis (KU Leuven) Marc Lindeijer, SJ (Bollandist Society Brussels), Jo Luyten (KADOC-KU Leuven), Kristien Suenens (KADOC-KU Leuven), Vincent Verbrugge (historian)This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
Peeters Publishers The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773): Proceedings of the International Congress at the Faculty of Theology, KU Leuven (3-5 December 2009)
From 3 until 5 December 2009 an international colloquium was organised at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (KU Leuven) which intended to highlight and discuss the impact of the Society of Jesus on the development of cultural, scientific and political life in the Low Countries. The colloquium not only aimed to bring together specialists in the various fields of Jesuitica research, but also organised a meeting between the people committed to scientific research, and those who disclose archives and other information sources enabling new research. Some of the finest scholars in Jesuit studies presented the results of their research in a number of lectures. The current volume contains a selection of these lectures, dealing with a broad spectrum of subjects, from Jesuit spirituality to the Jesuit contribution to the science of law, political thought and the visual arts, to education, mathematics and architecture. Attention is paid to the role of the Jesuits in the development of the printing press, their relation with Louvain's Faculty of Theology and their position in the Jansenist controversies, as well as to their expansion abroad, in the Missio Hollandica, in South Wales and in the mission to China. Furthermore, the book includes a number of presentations from the workshops, specifically concerning archives and databases related to the history of the Jesuits in the Low Countries.
Peeters Publishers Religious Modernism in the Low Countries
The collection of essays in Religious Modernism in the Low Countries aims at instigating a comparative analysis of Protestant and Roman Catholic modernisms. The contributions make abundantly clear that the modernist landscape in the Low Countries in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries offers an exceptional variety of views and perspectives that invite a comparative study. Where should we look for commonalities and where for inevitable differences? To what extent is there a simultaneity in the emergence of progressive thought in these religious traditions? What is the impact of ecclesiastical, geographical, and political structures? The essays show that the story of modernism is closely allied with that of a sometimes virulent anti-modernist reaction. A differentiated understanding of these intellectual developments and confrontations sheds further light on the 'shared history' of Roman Catholics and Protestants in their efforts to respond to the various challenges posed by the modern world.