Search results for ""author korky paul""
Art Blume, S.L. El libro de los colores de Bruno
Descubre un mundo de colores con Brunilda y Bruno. Una combinación de magia y travesuras para aprender mientras te diviertes.Un librito perfecto para las manos más pequeñas. Está lleno de imágenes llenas de vida, color, y sumamente divertidas, que consiguen enseñar los primeros conceptos con alegría. Con su hermosa sonrisa y un malicioso brillo en su mirada, el adorable Bruno lleva a los niños en un entretenido viaje de descubrimiento. Y para conseguir que el libro sea absolutamente especial, termina con el afectuoso mensaje de la propietaria de Bruno... nada más y nada menos que la bruja Brunilda!
Art Blume, S.L. Brunilda regula el tráfico
Qué puede salir mal, si Brunilda toma las riendas y asume el control? Pues que no parará de meterse en líos, tanto si se pone mandona como si se disfraza para poder participar en un maratón popular; los muebles se le rebelarán al buscar soluciones para ellos en casa o fuera de ella; conocerá a una señora entrometida que quiere saberlo todo sobre su vida privada, y se vestirá con un uniforme para regular el tráfico... donde se encontrará con una auténtica cebra cruzando la calle!
El petit drac
A la parella formada per la Brunilda i el seu gat Bru se'ls hi suma un tercer personatge: un petit drac d'ulls verds, amb una llarga cua i un perillós nas del que en surt fum. En Bru surt corrents esparverat al trobar-se'l i la Brunilda decideix desfer-se del drac per evitar que li cremi la casa. Quin final tindrà la història? Acabarà el drac provocant un incendi o aconseguirà finalment la Brunilda trobar la mare del drac?
La catifa voladora
La Brunilda sempre havia volgut tenir una catifa voladora. Però la catifa que li han regalat és molt entremaliada. Un dia, el Bru s'hi queda adormit i la catifa surt disparada per una finestra. Com s'ho farà la Brunilda per salvar el seu gatet? Doncs amb molt de valor i una mica de màgia!Una nova aventura de la simpàtica bruixa Brunilda i el seu inseparable gat Bru. Els més de 5 milions de llibres venuts confirmen l'indubtable èxit d'aquesta original bruixa entre el públic infantil.La bruixa Brunilda és un atractiu personatge que sempre es troba involucrat en situacions d' allò més còmiques i que en comptades ocasions els seus poders màgics li fan algun tipus de servei. Els encanteris normalment li comporten conseqüències inesperades, i justament aquest fet és el que fa que les seves històries resultin tant divertides per al públic infantil.
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Herzlichen Glckwunsch Zilly Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Der kleine Drache Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Art Blume, S.L. El libro de los contrarios de Bruno
Descubre un mundo de contrarios con Brunilda y Bruno. Una combinación de magia y travesuras para aprender mientras te diviertes.Un librito perfecto para las manos más pequeñas. Está lleno de imágenes llenas de vida, color, y sumamente divertidas, que consiguen enseñar los primeros conceptos con alegría. Con su hermosa sonrisa y un malicioso brillo en su mirada, el adorable Bruno lleva a los niños en un entretenido viaje de descubrimiento. Y para conseguir que el libro sea absolutamente especial, termina con el afectuoso mensaje de la propietaria de Bruno... nada más y nada menos que la bruja Brunilda!
La calabaza asombrosa
La bruja Brunilda come muchas verduras, pero su preferida es la calabaza. Adora el puré de calabaza, la tarta de calabaza y, sobre todo, la calabaza asada. Cuando Brunilda decide cultivar hortalizas en su huerto, obtiene mucho más de lo que esperaba: judías gigantes, coles colosales y una calabaza gigante sobre su tejado. Qué puede hacer Brunilda con esa calabaza cuando sólo queda la cáscara? La convertirá en una casa o quizás en una carroza? Prepárate para una gran sorpresa!Una nueva aventura de la simpática bruja Brunilda y su inseparable gato Bruno. Los más de 5 millones de libros vendidos confirman el indudable éxito entre el público infantil de esta original bruja.La bruja Brunilda es un atractivo personaje que siempre se ve envuelto en desternillantes situaciones y al que en pocas ocasiones le son de provecho sus poderes mágicos. Los hechizos suelen traerle consecuencias inesperadas, y justamente este hecho es el que hace que sus historias resulten tan divertidas para el pú
Safari de bichosbrunilda y bruno
* A Brunilda y Bruno les fascinan los bichos del jardín y deciden que sería divertido reducirse a su tamaño. Sin embargo, cuando eres más pequeño que una oruga, pueden producirse momentos muy peliagudos.* Y cuando una varita descomunal es demasiado grande para sujetarla, es posible volver a la normalidad?* Una aventura diminuta de Brunilda y Bruno!La colección de Brunilda y Bruno ha sido la delicia de los lectores, jóvenes y adultos, desde 1987. Ambos se han convertido en personajes preferidos en muchos hogares y escuelas de todo el mundo.
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly die Zauberin
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro. Das Sportfest der Zauberinnen
Art Blume, S.L. Brunilda sobre ruedas
La bruja Brunilda sabe cómo afrontar las crisis, ya sea cuando pierde a Bruno en el aparcamiento del supermercado, al rescatar a hadas y a superhéroes que vuelan por los aires, al intentar alimentar a una comensal quisquillosa cuando Brunilda le prepara una merienda de cumpleaños a la secretaria de la escuela o al detener a una escoba mágica sobre ruedas fuera de control en la gran carrera de coches que tiene lugar en el pueblo...
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Das Piratenabenteuer Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Im Weltraum Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Art Blume, S.L. La magnífica carbassa de la Brunilda
La bruixa Brunilda menja molta verdura, però la seva preferida és la carbassa. La torna boja tornar boja el puré de carbassa, el pastís de carbassa i, per damunt de tot, la carbassa al forn. Quan la Brunilda decideix conrear hortalisses al seu hort, en treu més profit del que s?esperava: unes mongetes gegants, unes cols monstruoses i una carbassa enorme sobre la teulada. Què en pot fer, la Brunilda, d?aquesta carbassa gegant, quan només li queda la pell? La convertirà en una casa o potser en una carrossa? Prepara?t per a una gran sorpresa!
Art Blume, S.L. Mini Brunilda
Con las aventuras de la bruja Brunilda es imposible aburrirse: descubrirás todos sus talentos (al volante, en el jardín, en la cocina o en la hípica); compartirás todas sus peripecias y sobre todo sus desventuras; ella es una bruja atrevida a la que nada ni nadie le asusta, y por encima de todo, a Brunilda le gusta vivir la vida a tope y se apunta a cualquier experiencia nueva. Quieres adentrarte en el espectacular mundo de esta bruja tan especial? Seguro que no te arrepentirás.
Bruja brunilda labrunilda y bruno
Desde que creó a Brunilda y a Bruno, Valerie Thomas ha llevado a estos dos personajes a vivir todo tipo de aventuras: a volar sobre el palo de una escoba o una alfombra, a vivir en una mansión encantada o a visitar un museo de dinosaurios, navegar a bordo de un barco pirata e, incluso, trasladarse hasta el espacio exterior! Valerie, que vive en Australia, no tiene un palo de escoba, pero ha conseguido viajar a la mayor parte de lugares del mundo.Korky Paul, nacido en Zimbabue, es un ilustrador bien conocido a nivel mundial. Sus dibujos aparecen en más de 35 títulos de Brunilda y Bruno, así como en numerosas antologías poéticas y libros ilustrados. Korky, que se autodefine como el mejor retratista del mundo, realiza visitas a las escuelas para promocionar su pasión por el dibujo. Vive en Oxford con su esposa, donde cocina, por lo general, a la barbacoa.
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Schne Bescherung Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro. Endlich Ferien
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Der Ritt auf dem Zauberstab Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Brunilda y Bruno La vuelta al mundo
* Brunilda y Bruno visitan en su hábitat a los animales salvajes de un libro que se llevan prestado de la biblioteca.* Resulta EMOCIONANTE viajar por todo el mundo gracias a la MAGIA, pero nuestros viajeros se enfrentan a algunos PROBLEMAS cuando ciertos animales tienen HAMBRE!* UNA AVENTURA MUNDIAL de Brunilda Y Bruno!La colección de Brunilda y Bruno ha sido la delicia de los lectores, jóvenes y adultos, desde 1987. Ambos se han convertido en personajes preferidos en muchos hogares y escuelas de todo el mundo.
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro Zilly die Zauberin Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Julius Beltz GmbH Zilly und Zingaro. So viel Abrakadabra
OUP Oxford Read with Oxford Stage 5 Winnie and Wilbur Tidy Up Winnie
Join Winnie and her cat Wilbur in two lively stories with short chapters. Read what happens when Winnie floats away in a magic bubble! This Read with Oxford Stage 5 book is for children who are beginning to read independently. Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence.
Oceano Travesia El Libro de Los Colores de Wilbur
Oxford University Press Professor Puffendorf's Secret Potions
Professor Puffendorf is a world-class inventor: where would any of us be without her Unburnable Toast or her Smell-o-Telephone? She shares her laboratory with her much-loved guinea pig, Chip, and Enzo, her rather lazy assistant. One day, when the professor goes out to address a conference, Enzo opens her 'top secret' cabinet. Inside he discovers an array of potions promising to deliver anything from curly, luxuriant hair to a beautiful singing voice. Enzo realizes the secret formulas for these potions could make him unbelievably rich but first he decides to test them on poor Chip. However his devious plan does not quite go as he imagined and it is the villainous Enzo who ends up as the guinea pig - quite literally - in this entertaining cautionary tale of role reversal.
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: Winnie Spells Trouble
Winnie and Wilbur are trouble magnets! In 'Winnie's After School Club' Winnie and Wilbur have to keep the peace in the playground; in 'Winnie the Naughty Niece' Winnie and Wilbur need to hide from the terrible Auntie Aggie; in 'Winnie's Double' Wilbur must work out who is the real Winnie and who is the imposter; and in 'Winnie Spells Trouble' Winnie and Wilbur must save some school children from slavery in ancient Egypt! Four hilarious stories featuring Winnie and Wilbur and a zany supporting cast. Korky Paul's exuberant black line illustrations complement the humour, slapstick, and moments of real drama in each story. 'Funny, mischievous, silly, and exciting. Great stuff.' Giles Andrea, author of Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship shared by Winnie and her cat, Wilbur. Since 1987 they have been delighting children and adults all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Winnie and Wilbur will be hitting TV screens worldwide in 2017, airing in the UK on Milkshake, Channel 5's popular pre-school slot. A Winnie and Wilbur stage show is set to run in Birmingham in 2017 followed by a national UK tour. A new look for the website, too!
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: Winnie's Best Friend PB & audio
This is the story of when Winnie met Wilbur. When Winnie moves in to her big house, it's much too quiet. Winnie invites her sisters to stay, then some unusual companions - and chaos ensues! Winnie wonders if she'll be alone forever - until she spots a scruffy black cat... A heart-warming and hilarious tale revealing the origins of a truly magical friendship. Korky Paul's intricate and spellbinding artwork is full of fun, mischief and mayhem! Scan the QR code in the book to hear the story with music and sound effects! The best-selling Winnie and Wilbur series has been bewitching readers both young and old since 1987 and Winnie and Wilbur have become favourite characters in homes and schools all over the world.
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: Gigantic Antics and other stories
In twelve fabulous young fiction stories Winnie and Wilbur meet aliens, ancient Greeks and even an abominable snowman. All illustrated in black line detail by Korky Paul. Perfect first chapter books for new readers. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship shared by Winnie and her cat, Wilbur. Since 1987 they have been delighting children and adults all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Winnie and Wilbur will be touring with Milkshake Live in 2017 and the Birmingham Rep in 2018.
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stage 6: Winnie and Wilbur: Go, Winnie, Go!
Join Winnie the witch and her cat Wilbur in two fast and furious stories with short chapters. In Whizz-Bang Winnie, Winnie and Wilbur join a motor race on their broomstick, and in Giddy-up, Winnie, Winnie brings her magic to a horse race! Books with short chapters are a great way for children who are reading independently to extend reading stamina and progress to the next step of their reading journey. This Read with Oxford Stage 6 book has two engaging stories with short chapters and humorous colour illustrations. Tips for parents and fun after-reading activities help you to get the most out of the stories. Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: Whizz Bang Winnie
Life is never dull for Winnie and Wilbur! In 'Hot Cross Winnie' a shopping trip turns into a desperate hunt for a missing Wilbur; in 'Winnie's Book Day' a problem with reading doesn't stop Winnie and Wilbur from bringing stories to life for a class full of children; in 'Winnie Gets Cracking' they create a 'chocodile' that lays chocolate eggs; and in 'Whizz-Bang Winnie' Winnie and Wilbur get their skates to win a hot-wheels race. Four hilarious stories featuring Winnie and Wilbur and a zany supporting cast. Korky Paul's exuberant black line illustrations complement the humour, slapstick, and moments of real drama in each story. 'Funny, mischievous, silly, and exciting. Great stuff.' Giles Andrea, author of Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship shared by Winnie and her cat, Wilbur. Since 1987 they have been delighting children and adults all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Winnie and Wilbur will be hitting TV screens worldwide in 2017, airing in the UK on Milkshake, Channel 5's popular pre-school slot. A Winnie and Wilbur stage show is set to run in Birmingham in 2017 followed by a national UK tour. A new look for the website, too!
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: The Magic Wand
Winnie and Wilbur are getting ready for the magic show but Winnie's wand has gone through the washing machine and now it just won't work. Kerplunk! Will Winnie and Wilbur be defeated by dodgy domestic appliances? Or will they be ready to step onto the stage and steal the show? It's a dazzling Winnie and Wilbur adventure! Korky Paul's artwork is full of quirky humour and intricate details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 10 million books have been sold. Check out the website:
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur at the Seaside
Zoom! Winnie and Wilbur are off to the seaside. Winnie is having a whale of a time but Wilbur hates getting wet. He'd much rather go home. So when Winnie's broomstick is swept out to sea, will they end up stranded on the beach? It's an action-packed Winnie and Wilbur adventure! Korky Paul's artwork is full of quirky humour and intricate details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 10 million books have been sold. Check out the website:
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur in Space
Three, two, one . . . whoosh! Winnie and Wilbur zoom into space! Dodging satellites and flying saucers, they find the perfect planet for a picnic. But when some naughty space rabbits munch their rocket, how will they get home again? This is a Winnie and Wilbur adventure for budding astronomers or anyone who likes their stories to be out of this world! Korky Paul's artwork is full of quirky humour and intricate details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 10 million books have been sold. Check out the website:
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: The Midnight Dragon
It's midnight when a baby dragon squeezes through Wilbur's cat flap. He's playful and cute but with smoke coming out of his nose, he's also a bit of a fire risk. Puff! Winnie and Wilbur need to find his mum so that he can fly away. This Winnie and Wilbur adventure is for anyone who likes their magic to be a little bit beastly. Korky Paul's artwork is full of quirky humour and intricate details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 10 million books have been sold. Check out the website:
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: The Dinosaur Day
Winnie and Wilbur are at the museum to look at dinosaur bones. But Winnie would love to see a real dinosaur so she waves her magic wand and zooms off with Wilbur to the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It's a prehistoric Winnie and Wilbur adventure! Korky Paul's artwork is full of quirky humour and intricate details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 10 million books have been sold. Check out the website:
Oxford University Press The Fish Who Could Wish
Deep in the ocean lives a fish whose wishes come true! He wishes for all sorts of crazy things - a castle, a car, and even fine clothes to wear. But he is a rather foolish fish and one day he wishes to be just like all the other fish . . . perhaps this will be the one wish he wishes he never wished! The rhythmical text is great to read aloud and Korky Paul's illustrations take to you to a crazy underwater world. With its neat punch line, this is a book that children will just love to hear (and join in with) over and over again.
Oceano Travesia El Libro de Las Primeras Palabras de Wilbur
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: The Witches' Sports Day
Winnie and Wilbur are taking part in the local witches' sports day. After training hard in their garden, finally the big day arrives. There is a high jump contest, an egg-and-spoon race, and even a cats' tree climb race - but the main event is the exciting broomstick obstacle race. Winnie and Wilbur are desperate to finally win it this year having lost out to Maryam and her cat Malak the last two years. But when the referee is about to read out the results, a gust of wind blows them away! Will the witches ever find out who won - or could they discover that perhaps it doesn't matter who won when you're having this much fun? A spellbindingly sporty story that will have readers rooting for Winnie and Wilbur as they loop the loop and soar high in the sky. Korky Paul's intricate and spellbinding artwork is full of fun, mischief and mayhem! The best-selling Winnie and Wilbur series has been delighting readers both young and old since 1987 and Winnie and Wilbur have become favourite characters in homes and schools all over the world.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Sir Scallywag and the Battle for Stinky Bottom
Sir Scallywag is back and mightier than ever! King Colin is in need of our 6-year-old-hero Sir Scallywag's help again. This time he has set his sights on a Golden Sausage that will make him live for ever. Unfortunately it is guarded by hundreds of angry trolls. There's only one boy for the job - enter Sir Scallywag! As hilarious as ever, this will have children and parents roaring with laughter!
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: Winnie the Witch 35th Anniversary Edition
This anniversary edition celebrates 35 years of the original Winnie and Wilbur adventure. Winnie shares her big black house with Wilbur her big black cat. So sometimes she accidentally trips over him. Ouch! After some spells that make Wilbur look very silly, Winnie finds just the right magic to make sure she can always see him. It's a colourful Winnie and Wilbur adventure! Korky Paul's intricate artwork is full of madcap humour and crazy details to pore over. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987, they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 9 million books have been sold. Celebrating the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie and Wilbur, this anniversary edition includes forewords by the author and illustrator, a gallery of Winnie and Wilbur's most magical memories, and sketches from Korky Paul's studio.
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: The Festival of Witches
Winnie and Wilbur are on their annual visit to the Worldwide Witches' Festival, meeting witches (and their cats) from all over the globe! They have a wonderful time partying, dancing and learning new spells. When the festival is over, Winnie and Wilbur hop on their broomstick and zoom off on a magical mystery tour to visit their new friends in a tropical treehouse, a castle by the sea and a house on top of a mountain! When they arrive back home, it's much too quiet-but then there's a knock at the door... A jubilant and joyful story celebrating diversity and friendship, as Winnie and Wilbur discover how magical it is to make new friends and be part of a global community of witches. Korky Paul's intricate and spellbinding artwork is full of fun, mischief and mayhem! The best-selling Winnie and Wilbur series has been delighting readers both young and old since 1987 and Winnie and Wilbur have become favourite characters in homes and schools all over the world.
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: Around the World
Winnie and Wilbur are visiting the wild animals from their library book in real life. It's exciting to journey by magic all around the world, but there is trouble for our travellers when the animals get hungry! A whistle-stop tour full of hilarious slapstick fun, with plenty of details to pore over in Korky Paul's intricate and spellbinding artwork. The best-selling Winnie and Wilbur series has been delighting readers both young and old since 1987 and Winnie and Wilbur have become favourite characters in homes and schools all over the world.
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stage 6: Winnie and Wilbur: Party Time, Winnie
Join Winnie the witch and her cat Wilbur in two fun-packed stories with short chapters. Find out what happens when Winnie has a treasure-hunt party with a real pirate in Winnie's Treasure Hunt, and join Winnie and Jerry the giant in a truly huge street party in Winnie's Giant Party. Books with short chapters are a great way for children who are reading independently to extend reading stamina and progress to the next step of their reading journey. This Read with Oxford Stage 6 book has two engaging stories with short chapters and humorous colour illustrations. Tips for parents and fun after-reading activities help you to get the most out of the stories. Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Oxford University Press Dragon Poems
Here is a collection of legendary poems put together by John Foster and illustrated with creative genius by Korky Paul. There are poems by a range of authors about all kinds of dragons from pet dragons to dragons in the classroom. Guaranteed to delight, this is a perfect introduction to poetry either at home or at school.
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stage 6: Winnie and Wilbur: Winnie's Outdoor Fun
Join Winnie the witch and her cat Wilbur in two lively stories with short chapters. In Blooming Winnie, Winnie tries to tidy up her garden with some magic, but her wand just won't work! In Winnie the Twit, Winnie thinks she's found a very rare kind of owl living in her garden. But who's the twit - Winnie or the owl? Books with short chapters are a great way for children who reading independently to extend reading stamina and progress to the next step of their reading journey. This Read with Oxford Stage 6 book has two engaging stories with short chapters and humorous colour illustrations. Tips for parents and fun after-reading activities help you to get the most out of the stories. Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stage 5: Winnie and Wilbur: It's Teatime, Winnie!
Join Winnie the witch and her cat Wilbur in two delicious stories with short chapters. In Winnie Goes Batty, Winnie gets some unexpected help from her bat friends when her bossy sister comes round for tea. In Winnie Grows Her Own, she finds out that growing all the food for a picnic isn't as easy as it sounds! Books with short chapters are a great way for children who are becoming independent readers to extend reading stamina and progress to the next step of their reading journey. This Read with Oxford Stage 5 book has two engaging stories with short chapters and humorous colour illustrations. Tips for parents and fun after-reading activities help you to get the most out of the stories. Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur: The Naughty Knight
When Winnie and Wilbur fly over a castle, they swoop down to take a closer look. When it turns out to be nothing more than a ruin, Winnie realizes that they are 'hundreds of years too late' and so makes a swoosh of her wand to take them back to medieval times. The ruin becomes a fully functioning fortress and it's a day of much archery, jousting and feasting. Winnie disguises herself as a medieval lady-in-waiting. Wilbur is a dashing knight in armour. But when they come across a naughty knight,making mincemeat of his rivals in the tournament and losing his temper in the banqueting hall, a little magic is required to put him in his place and give everyone else the entertaining day they've come to enjoy. Sir Wilbur is given pride of place at the banquet and everyone wants to know who the mysterious knight could be. Winnie realizes things could go badly if their true identities are revealed. They make a swift exit before out-staying their welcome, and the castle is restored to the ruin it was. With medieval magic and mayhem from the start, this story is a classic Winnie and Wilbur adventure. This edition comes with a wonderful soundtrack of the narrated story with alll kinds of music and effects.