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APress Tactical Wireshark: A Deep Dive into Intrusion Analysis, Malware Incidents, and Extraction of Forensic Evidence
Take a systematic approach at identifying intrusions that range from the most basic to the most sophisticated, using Wireshark, an open source protocol analyzer. This book will show you how to effectively manipulate and monitor different conversations and perform statistical analysis of these conversations to identify the IP and TCP information of interest. Next, you'll be walked through a review of the different methods malware uses, from inception through the spread across and compromise of a network of machines. The process from the initial “click” through intrusion, the characteristics of Command and Control (C2), and the different types of lateral movement will be detailed at the packet level. In the final part of the book, you'll explore the network capture file and identification of data for a potential forensics extraction, including inherent capabilities for the extraction of objects such as file data and other corresponding components in support of a forensics investigation. After completing this book, you will have a complete understanding of the process of carving files from raw PCAP data within the Wireshark tool.What You Will Learn Use Wireshark to identify intrusions into a network Exercise methods to uncover network data even when it is in encrypted form Analyze malware Command and Control (C2) communications and identify IOCs Extract data in a forensically sound manner to support investigations Leverage capture file statistics to reconstruct network events Who This Book Is ForNetwork analysts, Wireshark analysts, and digital forensic analysts.
Syngress Media,U.S. Essential Skills for Hackers
Essential Skills for Hackers is about the skills you need to be in the elite hacker family. The book will mainly about two things: TCP/IP 101, and Protocol Analysis. The better the hacker, the more we will be able to master TCP/IP. Once the reader understands what TCP/IP is, what it looks like, the book will go into Protocol Analysis and how analyzing the protocol or, in a more general sense, looking at packets on the wire, we will be able to determine what exactly is taking place on a network. By doing this, readers can identify when something on the network doesn’t match what it should and, more importantly, can create any type of sequence of events or packets that they want on the network and see how the defenses or the machines that we send them to react.